laoxiao 发表于 2003-6-20 17:49:40

Beinig 6.18 reject (ME,THU)

发信人: windmill (风车*When Smile,Easy Comes*), 信区: Visa
标  题: Beinig 6.18 reject (ME,THU)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jun 19 21:13:13 2003), 转信

hehe, it's seems a little pitty now ,but I would like
to share my experience with you guys
探亲的过了不少,偶尔有几个check,window 10的多为商务

vo: (look at computer then at my DS)
    so you are a student?
me: yes,
vo: you 'are going to get your master degree this month?
me: yes
vo: so how many years have you studied in tsinghua?
me: nearly 7 year, major ME
vo: so why do you want phd?
me: 我的专业美国强,中国弱
vo: how many uniersity do y applied? is there any austria?
me: 7
vo: how many give y offer
me: 1
vo: give me your toefl and gre
me: here you are
vo: what's your plan?
me: (here I make a serious mistake).....
vo: so you want to be a researcher ?
me: nod, and .....
vo: I am sorry
me: give me reason
vo: you are not qualified, and you will find a job in US
cause you have not working experience , and you can find a
good position in Tsinghua ,good luck
me: thanks , good luck to you

my experiences:
1: you should pay attention to every word of the vo.
2: you shuuld think more about your future plan and if possilbe
try to talk your plan with others
3: although 100$ is really expensive, but I think it's worthy
if you can see the weekpoint of yourself and have a clear
idea of your self .
4: hope is really exist on your hand, believe yourself.

Good luck to heavenbaby, babyofgod, aguagua, growingpains, weilee.
God bless you guys.
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