彭彭和丁满 发表于 2011-6-6 14:54:43

社会工作/social work相关资料以及问题求解答

本帖最后由 彭彭和丁满 于 2011-6-6 15:00 编辑

请务必纠正我的错误{:3_75:}   +答疑啊!谢谢了{:3_67:}  


AASW Approved CoursesSocial Work courses in Australian universities giving eligibility for membership of the AASW


BA (ANU)-BSW, joint degree with ANU
MSW Qualifying -
Provisionally Accredited*

Back to topNSWCharles Sturt Universityon-site
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
University of New Englandon-siteBSW - Provisionally Accredited*

distanceBSW - Provisionally Accredited*
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
University of New South Waleson-siteBSWUniversity of Newcastleon-site

BSWUniversity of Sydneyon-site

MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*

University of Western Sydneyon-siteBSWAustralian Catholic Universityon-site

MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Back to topNTCharles Darwin Universityon-site or mixed modeBSW

Back to topQLDCentral Queensland UniversitydistanceBSWGriffith Universityon-siteBSWon-siteMSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*distanceMSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*James Cook Universityon-site
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Queensland University of Technologyon-siteBSW - Provisionally Accredited*
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
University of Queenslandon-siteBSW
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
University of the Sunshine Coaston-siteBSW - Provisionally Accredited*
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Australian Catholic Universityon-site
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Back to topSAFlinders University of South Australiaon-siteBSW
MSW Qualifying
University of South Australiaon-siteBSW


MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Back to topTASUniversity of Tasmaniaon-siteBSW
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Back to topVICDeakin Universityon-site & distanceBSW
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
La Trobe Universityon-siteBSW
MSW Qualifying (Graduate Entry) - Provisionally Accredited*
BHS/MSW (Qualifying) - Provisionally Accredited*
Monash Universityon-site & distanceBSW
BSW/Bachelor of Health Sciences
MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technologyon-siteBSW
BSW/Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)

MSW Qualifying
University of MelbourneMSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*Victoria University of Technologyon-siteBSW Back to topWACurtin University of Technologyon-siteBSWEdith Cowan Universityon-site
BSWUniversity of Western Australiaon-site

MSW Qualifying - Provisionally Accredited*

Back to top

Provisionally Accredited*Program is newly accredited. Graduates have same eligibility and standing as graduates of all other AASW Accredited Degrees

2是Membership eligibility assessment of overseas and Australian qualified social workers for the Skilled Migration Program and or employment in Australia



彭彭和丁满 发表于 2011-6-6 15:03:05


本帖最后由 彭彭和丁满 于 2011-6-6 15:51 编辑

先来墨大的吧,(我就是有名校情结···纠结··) 重点标红色啊

Our Master of Social Work (MSW) offers you an outstanding postgraduate course of study, preparing you for professional practice in a diverse range of social work contexts. It provides you with a nationally and internationally benchmarked course of study in the theory and practice of social work. On completion you will be eligible to apply for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).

Admission requirementsPlease refer to our
Admission requirements

DurationThe course can be undertaken as a 225-credit-point coursework-only degree over two years, or as a 250-credit-point coursework degree with a research component over two and a half years.
The degree can be undertaken on a full-time (2 year) or part-time (4 year) basis.   

Learning and teachingYou will benefit from our research-led teaching, based on up-to-date research that allows you to apply the most relevant theory to your social work practice. We offer mixed teaching methods: lectures, tutorials, seminars, collaborative learning and practice simulations. This ensures a rich and diverse learning environment, and is inclusive of all students. Our specially designed interview simulation rooms allow you to practice and review your skills in a safe environment before commencing your
fieldwork placements.

Benefits[*]This is one of the first masters degrees accredited nationally by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). A masters degree in social work is a portable qualification, enabling you to work locally, nationally or internationally[*]You will undertake a specialist elective in the final semester. Throughout the degree you will find special areas of social work that interest you. You can follow these up more closely by undertaking a specialist elective in health, psychiatric disability, group work, aged care, child and family, social policy or mental health[*]这一点里它说了很多···师资校园BLABLA  但是这2点一个是说他们这个MASTER是澳洲第一个通过AASW认证的MASTER[*]然后这个specialist elective 是指毕业生双选会吗,就是学校和企业一起开个展啦,然后来招工?如果这样好像不错的样子啊?[*]——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-———然后是入学标准

Admission requirementsAdmission requirements for the
Master of Social Work
[*]an undergraduate degree; and[*]evidence of relevant paid or volunteer work experience of at least 40 hours over a 3 month duration; and[*]a statement of up to 500 words by the applicant.[*]Professional referee report
The Selection Committee may conduct interviews and tests and call for referee reports and employer references to elucidate any of the matters referred to above.
Note: Relevant work experience may be paid or unpaid, and may be full-time or part-time, but for part-time experience, at least 40 hours should normally have been obtained in a single three-month period.
The Australian Government provides a qualification assessment service through
Australian Education International, should you wish to submit evidence of equivalency with your application.

If your qualification documents are not written in English you must provide an official translation with the original documents.
You are encouraged to submit your professional reference using our
Referee Report form.

English language requirementsApplicants who need to satisfy the University’s English language requirements via the IELTS (International English Language Testing System: Academic English only) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) must meet one of the following standards:

[*]IELTS (Academic English only) 7.0 (with no band less than 7.0)[*]TOEFL (paper-based test) 600 + TWE 5.0[*]TOEFL (computer-based test) 250 + 5.0 essay rating[*]TOEFL (internet-based test) 100 + written score of 24 and no band less than 21.
If English is not your first language there are a number of ways of demonstrating that you have met this requirement. Details are available on the Future Students' Graduate English Language Requirements web page.

Please also refer to our
Admission FAQs for answers to common questions.

Enrolment requirementsStudents who successfully gain a place in the Master of Social Work must meet several additional enrolment requirements upon course commencement. Further information will be provided in your enrolment pack.

Police record checks All students must provide a
Victoria Police National Name Check, issued in the year of course commencement.
Students pay the discounted student rate for the police check if the consent form is authorised by an approved University staff member. Note that application fees change every year on 1 July.
International students and students who have lived abroad for more than one year must normally provide a police check from all countries of residence. Processing times for such documents vary greatly, so students are advised to request the police checks as soon as possible after accepting a place in the course.
When requesting police checks from countries other than Australia, you must ensure that it is a
police check (eg. students from the USA must request a check through the FBI, not their local police station).
Please see the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science's
Policy and Procedures for Police Record Checks.

Working with Children ChecksAll students must provide a Working with Children Check, valid for the course duration.
Details of the WWC check are available on the
Department of Justice website.
Please also refer to the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Science's
Policy and Procedures for Working With Children Checks.


课程设置  和实习
Degree structureCoursework onlyOver two years you will enrol in 175 points of coursework subjects and 50 points of field education subjects. You will undertake four theory subjects totaling 50 credit points per semester in your first year. At mid-year you will undertake a block of supervised field placement of 75 days duration, worth 25 credit points. In the second year you will undertake three theory subjects totaling 37.5 credit points per semester with a mid-year block of supervised field placement, also of 75 days duration worth 25 credit points. In the final semester one subject is an elective subject.

Coursework with research componentIf you choose the research pathway you will enrol in the structure is exactly the same as for the coursework only degree until semester 2 in the second year when you enrol in the Social Work Thesis subject in addition to your coursework subjects. This pathway will extend your enrolment by one semester.

Field education placementsPlease refer to the
Field education placements
page for more information.

Time commitmentTime management plays a key role in relation to successful university study. Students need to keep in mind that as well as scheduled contact hours for lectures, tutorials and seminars, a considerable additional time commitment is needed to complete the academic requirements of each subject.
This course has a high number of contact hours. In addition to attending classes and field education placements you will be required to undertake personal study, write assignments, prepare for examinations and review your field practice.
Many students need to balance study commitments with personal commitments; however, you are strongly advised not to undertake employment during semester time, as it is very difficult to maintain employment while enrolled in this course. At most, one shift per week is recommended.

Degree structure (full-time enrolment)Subject code and title
Subject typeSemesterCredit pointsFirst Year
Lifespan Risk and Resilience
Social Policy for Social Work Practice 1
Communication and Interviewing Skills
Direct Practice with Individuals
Supervised Field Placement 1A
Supervised Field Placement 1B
Assessing Risk and Vulnerability
Researching Social Work Practice
Working in Human Services Organisations
The Legal and Ethical Contexts of Practice
theory212.5Second Year
Working with Families
Working with Groups
Working with Communities
Supervised Field Placement 2A
Supervised Field Placement 2B
Human Service Program Planning & Evaluation
Social Policy for Social Work Practice 2
Elective Subject*
elective212.5Research pathway only
Social Work Thesis
research225 (CNT)Third Year
Social Work Thesis
*Elective subjects
Critical Issues in Social Work
SCWK90026 Issues in Women’s Mental Health (not offered in 2010)
SCWK90028 Advanced Practice with Groups (not offered in 2010)
SCWK90031 Social Work in Health (not offered in 2010)
Social Work Practice with the Elderly
Social Work Practice: Psychiatric Disability
SCWK90038 Social Work Practice: Mental Health (not offered in 2010)
SCWK90039 Child & Family Social Work (not offered in 2010)

Field education placementsAs a Social Work student, you will benefit from two intensive, full-time, fourteen-week field education placements during your degree, enabling you to integrate theory and practice in real community situations.
Placements may be undertaken in Melbourne, Shepparton, Alice Springs or overseas*, and take place from May to August.
Students are placed in a range of settings where learning experiences are with individuals and families, groups and communities. The placement can include 'hands on' work and may also introduce you to project work, research work and social policy formulation.
Our strong links with a range of community service agencies mean we can offer students placements across a variety of fields, including:
[*]Health, eg. hospital or community health[*]Mental health[*]Child and family services, eg. family support, intercountry adoptions and family records, family counselling[*]Local government[*]Ageing[*]Department of Human Services, eg. child protection, disability, youth justiceIn addition, our partnership arrangements offer students the opportunity to undertake placements in the following organisations:
[*]The Alfred Hospital[*]Anglicare Victoria[*]Brotherhood of St. Laurence[*]Department of Human Services[*]Inner South Community Health Services[*]Jesuit Social Services[*]Eastern Health - Box Hill Hospital, Wantirna Health, Peter James Centre[*]Royal Children's Hospital[*]Royal Women's Hospital[*]Royal Melbourne Hospital[*]St. Vincent's Hospital[*]Uniting Care Moreland Hall不知道这些实习地点和学校近不近~~

Broad area of study
Discipline fee bandInternational fee per 100 credit points (1
EFTSL)*^Agriculture, engineering, sciences and veterinary science
Agriculture (including Agriculture — Dookie)
$29,664Computing, engineering, surveying $32,512Information systems$27,776Mathematics, science, statistics$28,864Veterinary science $33,920Veterinary science (online) $23,840Built and natural environment
Built environment
$29,952Business and economics
Accounting, administration, commerce, economics $30,208Education
Education$22,432Health and medical sciences
Behavioural science, health (non-clinical), other health
Humanities, social sciences and languages
Arts, foreign languages, humanities, social studies$24,800Law
Law $31,680
Note that the course fees listed show the 2011 course fee and indicative total course fee.

[*]The course fee shown is for 100 credit points (one
EFTSL) of study. 100 credit points is a standard full-time study load for one year of study.[*]The indicative total course fee assumes a full-time study load over the duration shown (unless indicated) with indexation of the 2011 international course fee at 5% per annum for every additional year of study.Each subject that you undertake has an EFTSL, or credit point value. Fees are charged based on your total study load (EFTSL) in each semester.

For example, if you undertake eight subjects worth 12.5 credit points each (0.125
EFTSL) then your total study load for the year is one
and you will pay the amount listed (ie. one EFTSL multiplied by the course fee for your course). If you undertake more or less than one
in a year the amount charged will increase or decrease correspondingly.

Abhishek is an international student who enrols in a Graduate Certificate in Arts in 2011. He enrols in a total of 50 credit points (0.5 EFTSL) in Semester 1 and completes his degree.

Abhishek's tuition fees for 2011 are calculated as:
0.5 x $23,104
= $11,552
所以应该是2.25*33440=75240  恩 如果我没算错(好贵学分太多了) 其他学校好像只要一半多一点 4万的样子

彭彭和丁满 发表于 2011-6-6 15:04:00

好吧 我需要300积分才够发我的附件  晚上请斑主帮忙发附件好了

彭彭和丁满 发表于 2011-6-6 23:56:43

悉尼大学的SW  雅思7.5 单科不低于7 (挫手·····太·········)  但是学费比墨大便宜一些 课程好像也少

Course details
Course completion requirements:        96 credit points, including 140 days field education and at least one unit of research offered in the postgraduate-social-work degree, the Master of Social Work.
Attendance pattern:        Block, Full time, Part time
End qualification:        Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
Professional recognition:        Australian Association of Social Workers
Articulation courses:        Grad.Cert.H.Pol. (KG006)
Course level:        Masters by Coursework

All units of study available
You may not be able to study all of these units in your program.

Child Wellbeing and Child Protection (SCWK5008)
Integration of Learning (SCWK5003)
Poverty and Social Exclusion (SCWK5009)
Practice Learning 1 (SCWK5004)
Practice Learning 2A (SCWK5005)
Practice Learning 2B (SCWK5006)
Social Perspectives on Ageing (SCWK5007)
Social Work Practice (SCWK5010)

2011 Charges:
Indicative Student Contribution for a Commonwealth Supported Place:
$5,442 per 1 EFTSL #

Postgraduate International Course Fee:
$26,400 per 1 EFTSL (nominal full time year)

Postgraduate International Course Fee:
$550 per credit point ^

# The above indicative student contribution is for 1 EFTSL (a standard annual full time load of 48 credit points) and reflects the typical pattern of enrolment for this course. The exact student contribution for your course depends on the specific units of study in which you enrol. If you are a Commonwealth supported student who has been enrolled in a University course before 1 January 2011, your student contribution may differ.

^ To calculate the total cost of your course at the current year's rate, multiply the credit points required for completion by the cost per credit point above. To calculate the cost of a unit of study, multiply the unit of study credit point value by the cost per credit point above. The University's tuition fees, domestic and international, are reviewed annually and may be varied during the period of study.

Application closing dates - Semester 1
Domestic: 29 October 2010 - Applications are to be made directly to the Faculty of Education and Social Work office
International: 29 October 2010 - Applications are to be made directly to the Faculty of Education and Social Work office

Minimum education
A recognised bachelor's degree in a discipline other than social work

International admission requirements
IELTS 7.5 (no band below 7.0)

For further details on international admission:

tang1991 发表于 2011-6-8 14:58:40

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