jupiterding 发表于 2011-6-9 19:03:10

issue3 ,新G第一篇习作

本帖最后由 jupiterding 于 2011-6-10 21:20 编辑

Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
Thousands years ago, a great philosopher , socrates ,once said, the real education is to enlighten the spark of wisdom that god has put in every individual , not to cram students into a box made by educational institutions themselves.as far as i an concerned , i;m totally agreed with him for several reasons.
Firstly, it is sheer purgatory for student condemned by university that they are predestined  not succeed in some fields . When wright brothers told the world they wanted create a machine that can soar in the sky, no one including that so-called specialist thought  that is possible.impossible is nothing,said one of advertisement of nike; every individual is different person, starting from different line and bound to different ends ; it is students themselves,not educational institutions ,that can find out what is the unique potential they possessed and decide which field they ought to devote in.
On the other hand , there is a ridiculous principle in present  doctrine---to err is to wrong . Look around , how many middle managers , housewives , construction works fear to try new things just because they are afraid of making mistakes once or twice. The essence of human being's forward is creation and imagination ,which function as trial and wrong that means if we just follow the fixed routine all the time , we are a dead mind machine producing the same useless products . So do we students, the only way to take our talents to the right place is endless trying and making mistakes. After all, the great achievement our ancestor had is on the stepping stone of err: columbus thought he had finding the new route to india , edison knew thousands of ways not to make a light bulb .
Last but not least , the students who are equipped with knowledge in one single academic field is not marketable .what these educational institution should do is to widen boundary of knowledge, create more opportunities , teach more life-long skill and motivate individual potential, instead of isolate student from other "unlikely success field".

yiyiniu 发表于 2011-6-12 11:47:10

it is sheer purgatory for student condemned by university -->it is a sheer purgatory for students condemned by universities

not succeed-->not to succeed

wanted create a machine-->wanted to created a machine

no one including that -->every one even that specilist didn't believe

impossible is nothing,said one of advertisement of nike-->Impossible Is Nothing, said one advertisement of adidas
(Nike's slogan is Just do it)

is different person-->is a different...

ought to devote in-->ought to be devoted in

trial and wrong that means -->trial and wrong. It means

So do we students-->So for we students,

finding the new -->found the new


myyouthlife 发表于 2011-6-15 11:11:16


Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.
General statement:
Thesis statement:
        教育机构对学生的未来富有责任。
        教育机构很难以区分某些学生在某些领域是不太可能取得成功的。
        某些领域,可能目前来看不是成功的领域。但是若干年以后可能成功。
        应该更多的考虑学生自己的兴趣。兴趣才是成功的关键。


云的笑 发表于 2012-1-10 13:27:54

3# myyouthlife 提纲写得很不错啊
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