kaoo 发表于 2011-8-9 14:25:25

argument 207蜥蜴蛋


Idisagree with the other's propose since the author provide inadequade evidencefor the points he made.

First,author doesn't accurately indicate the location where the eggs are layed. inthe article, the author only indicate the eggs were layed at the lakes. theeggs could be layed in location with shield. author doesn't provide enoughinfomation of the lacation that is crutial for his next points.

Then,author doesn't give enough proof to eliminate other factors that casued thedamage, the author indicated sciencists started that reseaarch at the time thepollution had made. then indicate the eggs are affected by the radiation causedby the pollution. the author made his propose too subjective with neglect ofthe direct affect of eggs from the pollution.

Also,author doesn't give enough proof that ultraradication will cause damage to theeggs. the author subjectively make a point that radiation will cause damage tothe eggs, but he doesn't provide enogh evidence to prove his point. there ismany function in radiation, how could he be sure radication can only have badaffect to the eggs. for example, the auther didn't indicate the amount ofradiation needed to damage the tiisues.

Further,the author doesn' give proof that other species will be affected by radiation.species are various from each other. he made this decision subjectively. again,he doesn't provide enough evidence for this point. for example, cockpataand
its eggs can survive in highradiation envirnment.

Insum, the other failed to provide enough evidence in hatch location, damagefactor, the effect of radiation and understanding other species to support hisview in the effect of radiation to slamder eggs.


幸福的马赛克 发表于 2011-9-8 14:28:55

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