terry1990 发表于 2011-8-28 22:25:09

关于MPhil和Master by Research的区别

在UNSW的网页上看到这两个学位的介绍,看起来MPhil好像是指Master by coursework,有点不确定,想问一下。

黑色兔子 发表于 2011-8-29 20:24:11

不是的,我前几天发邮件问过。MPhil类似Master of research,都是research degree,但是有一些课程要上(MRes是纯研究性的)。在申请上MPhil与MRes要求相同。


The entry requirement for MPhil program is having a supervisor willing to accept you into their lab (point 1 below outlines how to find a supervisor) AND a 3 year degree with >65 (Credit) average or, for overseas applicants, a 1st Class degree or 4-year degree in a relevant discipline.
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查看完整版本: 关于MPhil和Master by Research的区别