gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:18:54

【NINE小组】【作业集】---by me

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 09:17 编辑

Issue 92 (原稿)

Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate.

The speaker asserts that educators should assess the students' learning on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate not on students' grasp of facts. In my view, this statement is too absolute. The educators assess the students learning on which aspect depend on the disciplines or the content the students learn .The speaker's opinion does not suitable for all conditions.

When the students of art learn the course about the prominent painter's works .It is hard to imagine the teacher just demand students to recite the fact or the details of the pictures. This rote memorization just exercises students' memory and they can comprehend little about the artist's real thought .On the country teachers should recommend the artist's ideas and the trend of art of the artist's period .Without understanding the Picasso's ideas of arts ,the students cannot really comprehend his unthinkable creativity .Without knowing the Beethoven's life ,the students cannot understand the intension of each music. That is why just remember the facts is useless and inefficiency.

But sometimes, without the large number of fact, the student's will bewildered and confused about the ideas, trends or concepts .For instance, when students learn history, they should first recite a lot of events and the period of each events. Then they will have entire concept to the history. If they can connect these events by times ,the trends of this period will be clear without learning. That is why people say accumulation is so significant that when we know more facts , it will connect each other naturally .That is why we cannot ignore the importance of the facts in some cases.

Besides, when we study some disciplines such as physics ,we should learn the fact and the idea or concept at same time . For the facts is easier to understand ,we can conduct some experiments and remember the fact or formula first so that we can resolve the practical questions. Then learn the ideas or concepts of the facts which can help us remember the fact easily and use it flexible. That means it is better to connect the facts and ideas or concepts in sometimes. Without each part ,the knowledge will be not entire which will have bad effect to understand and apply of it.

Although grasp the ideas trends or concepts do important than just grasp the fact in sometime .the speaker is too hasty to convince that it can suit to all the conditions for teachers to assess a students. On the contrary, the teachers of different disciplines should have different standard to assess their students.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:28:00

The speaker asserts that educators should assess the students' learning on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate not on students' grasp of facts. In my view, this statement is too absolute(用extreme,会不会合适一点?). The educators assess the students learning on which aspect depend on the disciplines or the content the students learn .(病句)The speaker's opiniondoes(is)not suitable for all conditions(个人觉得用circumstances或situations,会恰当一点).

When the students of art learn the course about the prominent painter's (painters’)works .(,)It(it) is hard to imagine the teacher just demand students to recite the fact or the details of the pictures. This rote memorization just exercises students' memory and they can comprehend little about(记得comprehend 后面不用接介词的) the artist's real thought .On the country (是要说On the contrary吗?)teachers should recommend the artist's ideas and the trend of art of the artist's period .Without understanding the Picasso's ideas of arts,the students cannot really comprehend his unthinkable creativity .Without knowing the Beethoven's life (写到life,感觉偏题了),the students cannot understand the intension of each music(each piece of music?). That is why just remember(remembering) the facts is useless and inefficiency.
第二段都在举例子,可惜没有分析和论点,比较unpersuasive。缺乏逻辑性,例如理解ideas, trends and concepts是为了全面透彻地理解,而透彻的理解是为了应用还是其他什么的?这样起码有个观点,也有点逻辑。

But sometimes, without the large number of facts, the student's(students) will (be)bewildered and confused about the ideas, trends or concepts .For instance, when students learn history, they should first recite a lot of events and the period of each events. Then they will have entire concept to (of)the history. If they can connect these events by times(time) ,the trends of this period will be clear without learning. That is why people say accumulation is so significant that when we know more facts, it will connect each other naturally .(病句。把两句话合并了)That is why we cannot ignore the importance of the facts in some cases.(句式重复了,也模糊了要表达的意思)

Besides, when we study some disciplines such as physics, we should learn the fact and the idea or concept at same time . For the facts is easier to understand(be understood),we can conduct some experiments and remember the fact or formula first so that we can resolve the practical questions.(前面几句话的逻辑好像有点问题。) Then learn the ideas or concepts of the facts which can help us remember the fact easily and use it flexible(flexibly). That means it is better to connect the facts and ideas or concepts in (去掉)sometimes. Without each part (是不是可以改成缺失了任何一部分?),the knowledge will be not entire which will have bad effect to understand and apply of it(cause certain difficulties in being understood and applied).

Although grasp(of) the ideas trends or concepts do(is more) important than just grasp(of) the fact in sometime (under some circumstances),the speaker is too hasty to convince(conclude?) that it can suit to all the conditions for teachers to assess a students(student). On the contrary, the teachers of different disciplines should have different standards to assess their students.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:29:39

Issue 92 (修改稿)
The speaker asserts that educators should assess thestudents' learning on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and conceptsthat those facts illustrate not on students' grasp of facts. In my view, thisstatement seems a little extreme. Theeducators assessing the students’ learning on which aspects should depend on differentdisciplines they learn .The speaker's opinion is not suitable for all circumstances.

When the students learn someabstract disciplines, teachers should assess the students learning more ontheir ability to explain the idea, trends, and concepts that those factsillustrate. For example,it is hard to imagine teachers just demand students to recite the fact or thedetails of the pictures, when the students of art learn the course about theprominent painters’ works. This rote memorization just exercises students'memory and they can comprehend little about the artist's real thought. Teachersshould recommend the artist's ideas and the trend of art of the artist's period.Without understanding the Picasso's ideas of arts, the students cannot reallycomprehend his unthinkable creativity. That is why just remembering the factsis useless and inefficiency.

But sometimes, without the largenumber of fact, the students will be bewildered and confused about the ideas, trendsor concepts .Forinstance, if the history teachers taught their students the develop trends ofAmerican at their first class. It is difficult for them to understand. Thestudents should first recite some events such as American War of Independence、The Civil War and the period of each event. Then theywill have entire concept of the American history. If they can connect these eventsby time, the trends of this period will be clear without learning. So historyteachers should first assess students’ knowledge about the facts of historythey know.

Sometimes, teachers should assesstheir students’ learning on the facts and the ideas or concepts at same time. When students learn the some physical laws such aslight spread along the straight line. They can first learn the facts of thetotal solar eclipse. Then they can learn the ideas and formula of the light sothat they can resolve other questions. In this example we can see, it is allvery important to learn the facts and ideas. So teachers should take equalattention to assess these two ability of their students.

Although grasp of the ideas trends or concepts is moreimportant than just grasp of the fact under some circumstances , the teachersof different disciplines should have different emphasis to assess theirstudents.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:35:22

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 09:19 编辑

Issue 69(原稿)
Some people believe it is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. Others believe that the public has a right to be fully informed.

To talk about the problem of whether the political leaders should withhold information from the public, different individuals have different opinions. From my position, I approve the former idea closer than the later one .That is to say , for political leaders, it is necessary to withhold some information, although public has right to be informed sometimes.

To ensure the safety of a nation, the political leaders should hide some information from the public. If a country expose all the information to the public, the safety of this country will be difficult to ensure. Some people or countries will take advantage of this information to threaten their safety.

Besides, in order to conduct some important strategies successful, the political leaders shouldn't disclose the information or details of these strategies. The War of the Red Cliff can explain this viewpoint clearly. One side of the war use a strategy to cheat another side linked all their warships together and made use of the strength of wind and fire destroying all the warships and army of another side, Using the few army to defeat the many. If the loser of this war have known the winner's strategy before, it is hard to say which side will win the last game.

However, fully conceal some information may have bad effect on resolving problems sometimes. For instance, the spread of SARS in the very great degree is caused by the hiding information of the political leaders of China. At the beginning of this case, just two persons infected by this virus, but the leaders concealed this information and little people known about this case. As a result, hospitals in other provinces did not take preventive measures timely so that SARS spread around China quickly and caused more people infected and even died. If the political leaders informed this incident and took measures quickly, the followed loss could be decrease significantly.

In conclusion, the political leaders should withhold the information which regard to the safe of a nation and some important strategies of the government. But fully conceal all information may not a good choice.


gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:36:08

To talk about the problem of whether the political leaders should withhold information from the public, different individuals have different opinions. From my position, I approve the former idea closer than the later one .That is to say , for political leaders, it is necessary to withhold some information, although public has (the) right to be informed sometimes.

To ensure the safety of a nation, the political leaders should hide some information from the public. If a country expose all the information to the public, the safety of this country will be difficult to ensure. Some people or countries will take advantage of this information to threaten their safety.(我感觉这里是不是用虚拟语气会比较好一点)

Besides, in order to conduct some important strategies successful, the political leaders shouldn't disclose the information or details of these strategies. The War of the Red Cliff can explain this viewpoint clearly. One side of the war use a strategy to cheat another side(and) linked all their warships together and made use of the strength of wind and fire destroying all the warships and army of another side, Using the few army to defeat the many. If the loser of this war have known the winner's strategy before, it is hard to say which side will win the last game.(你这例子是不是写的太••抽象了•••one side of the war, another side••有点混乱•••你还不如直接用名字或者直接说蜀国啊什么的,反正老外也不认识••)

However, fully conceal (concealing)some information may have bad effect on resolving problems sometimes. For instance, the spread of SARS in the very great degree is caused by the hiding(of) information of the political leaders of China. At the beginning of this case, just two persons infected by this virus, but the leaders concealed this information and little people known(knew) about this case(disease). As a result, hospitals in other provinces did not take preventive measures timely so that SARS spread around China quickly and caused more people infected and even died. If the political leaders informed this incident and took measures quickly, the followed loss could be decrease significantly.

In conclusion, the political leaders should withhold the information which regard to the safe of a nation and some important strategies of the government. But fully conceal all information may not a good choice.
关于你的第一点我自己写的时候写想了好久没想到什么合适的例子,不过你第二段的例子挺好找的,感觉你可以把第一段和第二段放在一起写成一个点,就是为了国家整体利益,such as national security and the conduct of military strategy,有必要封锁信息。


gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:37:52

Issue 69(修改稿)
To talk about the problem of whether the politicalleaders should withhold information from the public, different individuals havedifferent opinions. From my position, I approve the former idea closer than thelater one .That is to say , for political leaders, it is necessary to withholdsome information, although public has right to be informed sometimes.
To ensure the safety of a nation, the politicalleaders should hide some information from the public. If a country expose allthe information to the public, the safety of this country will be difficult to ensure.Some people or countries will take advantage of this information to threatentheir safety.
Besides, in order to conduct some important strategiessuccessful, the political leaders shouldn't disclose the information or detailsof these strategies. The War of the Red Cliff can explain this viewpoint clearly.One side of the war use a strategy to cheat another side linked all theirwarships together and made use of the strength of wind and fire destroying allthe warships and army of another side, Using the few army to defeat the many.If the loser of this war have known the winner's strategy before, it is hard tosay which side will win the last game.
However, fully conceal some information may have badeffect on resolving problems sometimes. For instance, the spread of SARS in thevery great degree is caused by the hiding information of the political leadersof China. At the beginning of this case, just two persons infected by this virus,but the leaders concealed this information and little people known about this case.As a result, hospitals in other provinces did not take preventive measurestimely so that SARS spread around China quickly and caused more people infectedand even died. If the political leaders informed this incident and tookmeasures quickly, the followed loss could be decrease significantly.
In conclusion, the political leaders should withholdthe information which regard to the safe of a nation and some importantstrategies of the government. But fully conceal all information may not a goodchoice.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:40:57

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 09:20 编辑

Issue 80(原稿)
Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.

The speaker indicates that when significant numbers of their citizens arehungry or unemployed, the notion should suspend the government funding for thearts. I fundamentally agree with the speaker’s opinion. But the governmentshould also consider their country's circumstance. When not so many citizensare hungry or unemployed , develop the arts may have good effect on theircitizens.

When most of their citizens are in the circumstance of extreme hungry orunemployed, it perhaps, even cruel for the government to invest too much moneyon arts. The government should focus on resolving their citizens' hungry orunemployed first and foremost. For example, the Zimbabwe may be one of thepoorest countries in Africa. The country's rate of inflation is about 1000percent. People in this country have some money but cannot afford almostanything. A lot of citizens are hungry or unemployed. For this circumstance,the government of this country should focus on resolving the inflation firstrather than funding for the arts. Even if the government invest to developingarts ,maybe no citizens can afford them so that cannot make citizens live abetter life. In this extreme circumstance, the government should suspendfunding for arts properly.

But in sometimesfunding for arts may have good effect on resolving the problem such as famineor unemployment. It will not only can increase the employment and improve theliving standard of citizens but also can stimulate other industries. Take Egyptas an example. Egypt has a long history and rich culture. It is superiority forthis country to develop arts because there are a lot of ancient fresco resources.Egypt take advantage of their art resources to develop their tourism. Thisindustry not only partly resolves the unemployment but also bring Egypt a largenumber of wealth. So if a country have some culture foundations like Egypt,fund for arts is necessary.

In conclusion, thegovernment should consider their country's condition comprehensively then theycan choose to funding arts or not.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 00:42:36

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-10 00:44 编辑


gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 23:44:40

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 09:20 编辑

Issue 12 (原稿)

Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.

The speakerindicates that government should offer a free university education to allstudents who has been admitted to a university but cannot afford the tuition.
Although we should admit theimportance of the university education, offer a free university education mayeither difficult or have some negative effect.

Education is very important for the development of a country.So government should support students accepting higher education, especiallythe students who cannot afford the tuition. Take Japan as an example. Theeconomy of Japan was badly hurt by the Second World War. But it is unthinkablefor Japan to recover from the ruins so rapidly. In practice it because Japanattaching importance to education from Meiji restoration and the people whoaccept the higher education help Japan develop quickly. So the government shouldtake some measures to support the university education.

Not all the countries have ability to offer a free universityeducation to all the students who cannot afford the tuition. To supportstudents going to the university, the governments have to pay a large number ofmoney on education. But for some country of Africa, a lot of people even cannotafford the food let along the tuition of universities. If the governments offera free university education for these students, a lot of other things will be influencedsignificantly. So offer a free university education should be based on theability of the government.

Even if the governments can afford these students' tuition,offer a free university education may not a good method. If the students whocannot afford the tuition of the university be offer a free charge ofuniversity, they may not treasure the opportunity like before. So other methodsshould be adopted. For example, the universities of American provide various ofscholarships such as research assistant、teaching assistant.Students also can find part-time-job in American university. These measures canresolve the question of the students who cannot afford the tuition to a greatdegree. It also can encourage these students working hard at learning and theywill also treasure the opportunity of accepting the higher education.

In conclusion, the government should take better methods tosupport the university education rather than offer a free university educationto any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford thetuition.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 23:50:59

The speaker indicatesthat government should offer a free university education to all students who
has been admitted to a university but cannot afford the tuition.
Although we should admit the importance ofthe university education,
offer(offering) a freeuniversity education may 加be
either difficult or have some negative effect(effects).

Education isvery important for the development of a country. So government should support studentsaccepting(receiving)
higher education, especially thestudents who cannot afford the tuition. Take Japan as an example. The economyof Japan was badly hurt by the Second World War. But(but感觉可以去掉) it is unthinkable for Japan to recover from the ruins so rapidly. In practice it because Japan attaching importance toeducation from Meiji restoration(这句话语法有问题) and the people who accept the highereducation help Japan develop quickly. So the government should take some measuresto support the university education.

Not all thecountries have ability to offer a free university education to all the studentswho cannot afford the tuition. To support students going to the university, thegovernments have to pay a large number(amount) of money oneducation. But for some country of Africa, a lot of people even cannot affordthe food let along the tuition of universities. If the governments offer a freeuniversity education for these students, a lot of other things will beinfluenced significantly. So offer a free university education should be basedon the ability of the government.

Even if the governmentscan afford these students' tuition, offer a free university education may not 加be
a good method. If the students whocannot afford the tuition of the university be(are)
offer(offered) a free charge of university, they may not treasure the opportunity likebefore. So other methods should be adopted. For example, the universities of American(American universities) provide variousof scholarships such as research assistant,
teaching assistant. Students also canfind part-time-job in American university(-ies). These measurescan resolve the question of the students who cannot afford the tuition to agreat degree. It also can encourage(好像encourage后面最好接to do) these students working hard at learning(academic works可能好点)
and they will also treasure theopportunity of accepting(receiving) the highereducation.

In conclusion, the government shouldtake better methods to support the university education rather than offer afree university education to any student who has been admitted to a universitybut who cannot afford the tuition.


gengshu 发表于 2011-9-10 23:51:57

Issue 12(修改稿)

The speaker indicates that governmentshould offer a free university education to all students who
has beenadmitted to a university but cannot afford the tuition. Although weshould admit the importance of the university education, offering a freeuniversity education may be either difficult or have some negative effects.

Education is veryimportant for the development of a country. So government should supportstudents receiving higher education, especially the students who cannot affordthe tuition. Take Japan as an example. The economy of Japan was badly hurt bythe Second World War. It is unthinkable for Japan to recover from the ruins sorapidly. In practice, it is because Japan attaching importance to educationfrom Meiji restoration and the people who accept the higher education helpJapan develop quickly. So the government should take some measures to supportthe university education.

Not all the countrieshave ability to offer a free university education to all the students whocannot afford the tuition. To support students going to the university, the governmentshave to pay a large amount of money on education. But for some country ofAfrica, a lot of people even cannot afford the food let along the tuition ofuniversities. If the governments offer a free university education for thesestudents, a lot of other things will be influenced significantly. So offer afree university education should be based on the ability of the government.

Even if thegovernments can afford these students' tuition, offer a free universityeducation may not be a good method. If the students who cannot afford the tuitionof the university are offered a free charge of university, they may nottreasure the opportunity like before. So other methods should be adopted. Forexample,  the American universities provide various of scholarships suchas research assistant、teachingassistant. Students also can find part-time-job in American universities. Thesemeasures can resolve the question of the students who cannot afford the tuitionto a great degree. It also can encourage these students in academic works andthey will also treasure the opportunity of receiving the higher education.

In conclusion, thegovernment should take better methods to support the university educationrather than offer a free university education to any student who has beenadmitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-11 08:19:26

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 09:21 编辑

Issue 36 (原稿)
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Inthis issue the speaker indicates that governments should not fund anyscientific research whose consequences are unclear. In my opinion, maybe allthe consequences of research are unclear, but the governments should not stopfunding scientific research for they can bring us a lot of benefits.

If governments stop funding scientificresearch, the development of the country will be influenced. The world isdevelopmental and a lot of technology emerges indifferent parts of the world.If a country ignores the importance of the scientific research, this countrywill fall behind by other countries, even the safety of this country will bethreaten. Take China as an example, China has along history and it is also verystrong in a period of time in history, but at Yuan and Qing dynasties thegovernment of China ignored the scientific research and lead to the weakness inmilitary affairs and finally result in invaded by other countries but have nopowerful army to resist. If the government of China can attach importance tofund the scientific research on military affairs, the tragedy of the countrywill not happen.

Besides, governments should assure thescientific research can be used in right aspect. Although some consequences ofthe scientific research may be unclear, if we can assure these researches donot be used in a wrong way, funding these researches are necessary. Forexample, clone may be a technology which causes considerable controversy.Admittedly, if some people use this technology for cloning people, the moralsand ethics of people will be influenced significantly and the relation ofpeople will also be complex. But in some specific fields such as medicalscience and genetics, the clone technology is very useful. The research ofnucleus is another example. If all the countries which have the nucleustechnology always plan to invade other countries, the world will be chaos andunsafe, everyone in the world will live in a dangerous circumstance. Butthenucleus reactions can release significantly power. It can be used to setupnucleus power stations which can resolve the energy problem to a greatdegree.

In conclusion, governments should fundscientific research but in the condition that they can assure these researchcan be used in a way that benefit for the development of human beings.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-11 08:28:11

In this issue the speaker indicates that governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. In my opinion, maybe all the consequences of research are unclear, but the governments should not stop funding scientific research for they can bring us a lot of benefits.

If governments stop funding scientific research, the development of the country will be influenced.(但这段是不是有点歪曲题目的意思?毕竟人家也没说stop funding de resaerch.我觉得这段主题要么就直接说fund the research的重要性就可以了,不要给题目扣帽子。)
The world is developmental and a lot of technology emerges in different parts of the world.(这句话读起来觉得有点奇怪··) If a country ignores the importance of the scientific research, this country will fall behind by other countries, even the safety of this country will be threaten. Take China as an example, China has a long history and it is also very strong in a period of time in history, but at Yuan and Qing dynasties the government of China ignored the scientific research and lead to the weakness in military affairs and finally result in invaded by other countries but have no powerful army to resist.(这例子的时态用的有点问题) If the government of China can attach importance to fund the scientific research on military affairs, the tragedy of the country will not happen.

Besides, governments should assure the scientific research can be used in right aspect. Although some consequences of the scientific research may be unclear, if we can assure these researches do not be used in a wrong way, funding these researches are necessary. For example, clone may be a technology which causes considerable controversy. Admittedly, if some people use this technology for cloning people, the morals and ethics of people will be influenced significantly and the relation of people will also be complex. But in some specific fields such as medical science and genetics, the clone technology is very useful. The research of nucleus is another example. If all the countries which have the nucleus technology always plan to invade other countries, the world will be chaos and unsafe, everyone in the world will live in a dangerous circumstance. But the nucleus reactions can release significantly power. It can be used to set up nucleus power stations which can resolve the energy problem to a great degree.

In conclusion, governmentsshould fund scientific research but in the condition that they can assure theseresearch can be used in a way that benefit for the development of human beings.


gengshu 发表于 2011-9-11 08:29:21

本帖最后由 gengshu 于 2011-9-11 20:56 编辑

Issue 36(修改稿)

In this issue the speaker indicates that governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. In my opinion, maybe all the consequences of research are unclear, but the governments should not stop funding scientific research for they can bring us a lot of benefits.

It is very important for governments to fund scientific research. The world is developmental and a lot of new technologies emerge from different parts of the world every time. If a country ignores the importance of the scientific research, this country will fall behind by other countries, even the safety of this country will be threaten. Take China as an example, China has a long history and it is also very strong in a period of time in history, but at Yuan and Qing dynasties the government of China ignored the scientific research and leaded to the weakness in military affairs and finally resulted in invaded by other countries but have no powerful army to resist. If the government of China can attach importance to fund the scientific research on military affairs, the tragedy of the country will not happen.

Besides, governments should assure the scientific research can be used in right aspect. Although some consequences of the scientific research may be unclear, if we can assure these researches do not be used in a wrong way, funding these researches are necessary. For example, clone may be a technology which causes considerable controversy. Admittedly, if some people use this technology for cloning people, the morals and ethics of people will be influenced significantly and the relation of people will also be complex. But in some specific fields such as medical science and genetics, the clone technology is very useful. The research of nucleus is another example. If all the countries which have the nucleus technology always plan to invade other countries, the world will be chaos and unsafe, everyone in the world will live in a dangerous circumstance. But the nucleus reactions can release significantly power. It can be used to set up nucleus power stations which can resolve the energy problem to a great degree.

In conclusion, governments should fund scientific research but in the condition that they can assure these research can be used in a way that benefit for the development of human beings.

gengshu 发表于 2011-9-11 08:36:12

Argument 132 (原稿)
All students should be required to takethe driver's education course at Centerville High School. In the past twoyears, several accidents in and around Centerville have involved teenagedrivers. Since a number of parents in Centerville have complained that they aretoo busy to teach their teenagers to drive, some other instruction is necessaryto ensure that these teenagers are safe drivers. Although there are two drivingschools in Centerville, parents on a tight budget cannot afford to pay fordriving instruction. Therefore an effective and mandatory program sponsored bythe high school is the only solution to this serious problem."

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions ofthe argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptionsand what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions proveunwarranted.

While it may be true that the Centerville High School take the driver'seducation course will more or less reducing the accidents in and around theCenterville. The evidence in this argument which the author say is not enoughto prove the conclusion that it is the only solution to this serious problem.

First, the teenagers which involve in these accident may not from Centerville.For instance ,they could be some teenagers from the city near Centerville. Ifit is true, the author fails to convince us that the cause of the accident isby the lack of safety awareness of the Centerville’s teenagers. So taking thedriver's education course at Centerville high school may not solve the problem.

Second, the author falsely assumes that the teenagers who lead to the accidentare from high school. May be most of them are junior high school or collegestudents or even not student at all .But the driver's education course can justdevelop the standard of the high school students and cannot resolve theproblem.

Third, the author unfairly assumes that the cause of the accidents is theunsafe driving of the teenagers. May be in the past two years, the weather ofthe Centerville is extremely bad. More than half of the days are cloudy andrainy which result the inferior condition of the road .Bring about large numberof difficulties to all the drivers surely including the teenagers. If theweather still so bad like last two years the high school driver's course maynot have any help.

Fourth, the author falsely indicates that it is the only solution to thisserious problem. The government can do other things to solve this problem suchas publish some posters at public place to teach residents some tips of trafficsafety. They also can organize more activities in which individuals can learnknowledge of traffic safety.

Last but not the least, the author convince that Centerville's high schoolshould set a mandatory course to their students .But not all the high school studentsneed this course ,they may not drive cars and even don't want to drive infollow years. This course will just increase their burden of study, So thatthey have no time to learn the other course which means more to them.

In conclusion ,the author make some unstated assumptions in this argument ,sothat we cannot sure if the Centerville should take the driver's educationcourse at high school .Even though these assumptions are all right .We alsocannot be sure that take driver's education course is the only way to solvethis problem.
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