KKGRE 发表于 2011-9-15 14:12:20


新手上路 第一次也Argument2,请大家批评

The author of the article claims that the birth order has effect on the individual’s level stimulation. To support his notion, he cites the experiment result which shows a higher level of hormone cortisol for the firstborn monkey than it younger siblings in simulation situation. Also he also mentions that comparing to monkey which has some offspring firstborn mother monkeys had higher level of cortisol during pregnancy. I find his evidence is untenable because we can get some other explanations from the result.
First possible hypothesis is that the age is the cause of the different level of activity. There is no information mentioning that the data was collected at the same age of different monkeys. The experiment may be held in the same day or during a very short period. We may assume that hormone cortisol has a strong correlation with the age of the monkeys; the older monkey has stronger metabolic level then the younger offspring that is why in the same stimulation older monkey has secret more hormone cortisol. And the experiment result can support this hypothesis.

Second possible hypothesis is that the father’ gen has effect on the level of activity of offspring. If the first born and its younger offspring have different father monkey and we have data to indicate the father of the first born has a stronger secretion of the hormone than that of father of the younger offspring in the same stimulation condition .Combining the evident from the article, we can make explanation that the father monkey gen has strong effect of the offspring ‘activity.
Third possible hypothesis is that the gender is the cause. If the first born monkey is female and its younger offspring are male. Given the evident from the article, we can make the explanation that female monkey has strong level of activity than the male monkey under the same stimulation condition.

In sum, the evidences provide by the article cannot support the conclusion it makes. To strengthen his claim, he should make should all the monkeys has the same father with the same gender and for the different monkeys the data collected should be at the same age .

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