gengshu 发表于 2011-9-16 17:41:24

【NINE小组】第十四次作业-by me

新GREArgument  64
Collectorsprize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Islandbut have long wondered how Kalinese artists were able to depict bodies withsuch realistic precision. Since archaeologists have recently discovered moldsof human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalineseartists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, tocreate these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese miniature statueswere abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only forlife-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting toolshave been found. In light of this discovery, collectors predict that thelife-size sculptures will decrease in value while the miniatures increase invalue.

In this argument, the author advocatesthat ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island weremade by molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques. The notionseems at first glance to be obvious conclusion, but several questions from theargument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is. The critical fallaciesare stated as follows.
In the first place, the major problem ofwith this argument is that the author assumes that the recently discoveredmolds of human heads and hands on Kali can indicates that the life-size claystatues did not make by sculpting tools and techniques. It is very likely thatthese molds were not used for making the life-size clay statues but others. Noevidence can show that these molds matched perfect with the life-size claystatues. The author says that few ancient Kalinese's sculpting tools have beenfound, but this also cannot proof Kalinese artists did not use these tools tomaking statues. Maybe most of these tools were destroyed or even had not beenfound now. It is also very likely that these tools are very special and thearchaeologists have found these tools but false to regard these tools as otherapplications. Without accounting for and ruling out this and other alternativeexplanations, the author cannot bolster the recommendation.
Besides, even though we admit that thesemolds are used for making life-size clay statues, we also cannot indicate thatall sizes of statues are made by molds. It is quite possible that these moldsjust use for making parts of the statues and this number is very small for thetotal number.  Most of the life-size clay statues were still made bysculpting tools and techniques. It is also very likely that making the statuesby molds was just the initial method but ancients Kalinese artists quicklyrealized that it was not a good method to make the statues realistic precisionand then changed this method quickly. The author's reasoning is definitelyflawed unless the author can convince me these possibilities are unlikely.
Last but not least, even if all kinds oflife-size clay statues were made by molds, it cannot conclude that the value oflife-size sculptures will decrease and the miniatures increase in value. Maybethe number of the life-size sculptures is very few and then the collect valueof life-size sculptures are very high no matter they are made by molds orsculpting tools. Maybe archaeologists just found more miniatures so that the valueof miniatures may decrease. It is just possible that the life-size sculpturesusually imitate the significant figures such as monarchs of ancients Kalineseand it is very meaningful to collect them.
In conclusion, the author's argumentmentioned above is not based on valid evidence or sound reasoning. To make it logicallyacceptable, the author would have to give reasonable answers to thesequestions.
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