fc524828046 发表于 2011-12-13 19:37:57



Whether the majors college students pursue should be ones that they are interested in or ones that could lead to better jobs? This is a controversial issue existing for several decades which should be judged in many aspects. People’s opinions concerning the issue are divergent due to their respective and distinct backgrounds and experience. The speaker claims that student should choose courses that they are interested in. Having weighed and considered the pros and cons of the issue, I would like to concede that in terms of internal cause, students should take subjects that interest them, while in terms of external cause, students should take courses that could lead to good jobs. To substantiate my view, reasons and discussion are presented as follows.

In terms of internal cause, interest plays a great important role in education and self-development. Subjectively, interest is the motivation and power of learning, which enables people to enjoy the happiness through studying and render the courage to overcome difficulty and setback. Besides, education is not merely an implantation of culture, but a kind of self-amelioration based on one’s interest. The genuine purpose of education is to guide students to seek out what they are interested in and what they are capable of. Without interest, most students would become inactive in what they are learning. As a consequence, it may give rise to inefficacy and fruitlessness. So interest is one of the foundations and premises of education upon which personal self-amelioration.

Objectively, throughout the gallery of history, it is their interests that result in many famous scientists’ great success and preeminent creations and discovery. To exemplify this, we can take Guliemo Marconi as an appropriate case, who won the Nobel Physics Prize for his tremendous contribution to the radio-signaling system. Despite the fact of his poor schooling and not being admitted to any famous university, he succeeded to transmit the first trans-Atlantic radio message with the guidance of his best teacher-interest in wireless telegraphy. Just as he admitted, he was not a clever scientist or creative inventor, but an average person who was interested in the field of wireless-transmission. Interest is an undeniably important factor in the way to success, so pursuing subjects that students are interested in is encouraged.

Admittedly, while interest is an important internal factor concerning the issue, the external factors-individual economic condition and social demand-are equivalently significant. In terms of individual, after graduation, one must be able to financially support himself for daily life and debts of college tuition fee and pursues high-quality life. And a subject that can lead to a better occupation that means more income and more comfort can help them achieve the goals. Moreover, in terms of society, it is more than a set of many scattered and signal individual but contains surmounting nature of the sum of individual property and it needs all kinds of professions and occupations. Given that all students take their interested majors, then there might be some certain positions that none would and could take part in, which could possibly have a negative effect on the social smooth operation. Considering the issue from this perspective, college should encourage students to pursue the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.

In sum, based on the analysis of the subjects that students are interested in and the ones that lead to jobs, we may be comfortable to arrive at the conclusion that under the precondition of economic-independence of students and no social need for certain occupations, college should encourage students to pursue what they are really interested in as their majors.

fc524828046 发表于 2011-12-19 22:52:14


zhouyu123031 发表于 2012-1-7 23:19:52

= =顶一下。。。俺还在起步中,木有自己写过。无力评论
四个小时啊 这么久啊。。。

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