本帖最后由 onionot 于 2011-12-14 22:05 编辑最近在看issue北美范文有一篇there are two types of laws, and we should obey the just law and disobey the unjust laws。作者觉得观点too extreme...然后其中一段是
The second fundamental problem with the statement is that disobeying unjust laws often has the opposite affect of what was intended or hoped for.Most anyone would argue, for instance, that our federal system of income taxation is unfair in one respect or another. Yet theend
result of widespread disobedience,in this case tax evasion,is to perpetuate the system.Free-riders only compel the government to maintain tax rates at high levels in order to ensure adequate revenue for the various programs in its budget.
不太理解这一段中举的例子tax evasion和free-riders???烦请高人讲解一下这里面的逻辑啊...像什么里面的end result of 这里就很不明白
还有一段是Yet another fundamental problem with the statement is that by justifying a violation of one sort of law we find ourselves on a slippery slope toward sanctioning all types of illegal behavior,including
egregious criminal conduct.Returning to the abortion example mentioned above, aperson strongly opposed to the freedom-of-choice position might maintain
that the illegal blocking of access to an abortion clinic amounts tojustifiable disobedience. However,it is a precariously short leap from this sort of civil disobedience to physical confrontations with clinic workers, then to the infliction of property damage, then to the bombing of the clinic and potential murder.
这一段也不太理解啊???是说我们无法判定犯罪行为的轻重吗? 又举堕胎的例子说明了什么???这里面的逻辑还是不太明白... tax evasion,就是逃税
end result就是最终结果的意思。
后面一段的意思就是,如果我们广泛认可disobedience unjust laws的行为,最终会演变成对许多违法犯罪行为的认可,这样会十分危险。比如,那些反对堕胎的人【be opposed to freedom-of-choice position,就是反对妇女根据自己的情况选择堕胎的人】可能觉得“非法阻止妇女去堕胎诊所”的行为是可以认可的,但是这可能演变成一些暴力行为,比如对堕胎诊所的医护人员的身体伤害,财产损失,诊所的爆炸和谋杀等。
最后我想说,亲,这篇北美范文新东方有官方翻译的啊…… 2# watertcafe
另外我就是在置顶帖里面下载的新G issue北美范文,只有英文,没有解释和分析。另外里面还发现很多错误,比如给的topic和文章不对应,如果能够审核一下这些资料再上传分享相信会使更多地G友更好地受益的! 3# onionot
呵呵,好的,我们会和作文版块的版主一起改进~ free-rider ”搭便车“···ETS范文好多例子感觉都好专业