yw0819 发表于 2012-1-12 23:15:36


"Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field."

The statement is somewhat put in anabsolute term in saying critical judgment is only valuable if it comes fromsomeone with expertise in respective field. The success of work is not necessarilydetermined by the critical review alone, it also hinges on its popularity amongthe public and some other distinguished factors. Furthermore, normally a pieceof work is very likely to receive a spectrum of both positive and negativereviews from the alleged critics with expertise, thus confounding the value ofthose feedbacks overall. On the other hand, critical judgment from the generalpublic may truly reflect a sense of collective emotion or sensation at acertain moment or over a period of time.

First of all, the value of work should not bedirectly correlated to the critics that it receives from those so-calledexperts because reviews cannot fully reflect the intrinsic idea or perspectivethat the author or the artist generates when they create the work. Critics tendto offer perspectives based on their own experience and expertise in the fieldinstead of digging the theme or the motive behind the work or art due to theirinability to fully comprehend the author and limited access to the informationbehind the scene.

Additionally, the success of a certainpiece of work is largely depends on its popularity among the civilians andtheir general acceptance and recognition with the work. For instance, Vincent VanGogh, an artist who enjoys enormous posthumous reputation, was not so muchappreciated by the critics at the time due to his inferior living status andill mental condition. It was after many years that his work was found andbecame extremely popular among the public in that his work elaborates complexyet emotional theme like peace and war. His success as an artist should, tosome extent, be contributed to the appreciation from the average civilians whofind a share of emotion that is reflected in those masterpieces.

On the other hand, it is arguably true thata successful artist or author knows their work better than anyone elseincluding these critics. While judgment can possibly offer some incisive ideasand suggestions, the artists are wise enough not to be deviated by the criticsbecause a wide spectrum of opinions is all different, and hard to recognize itsveracity.

As a whole, experts are not necessarily theones that can always offer valuable judgment in that they are strongly opinionatedand secretly biased given their subjectivity and past experience. Meanwhile,popularity is always the key to success. If a work is embraced by the public,critics will again come to evaluate the reason of its success, leaving those preliminarycomments to oblivion.
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