本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-1-15 20:57 编辑此处是 FOOD SCIENCE 食品科学 2012 FALL申请讨论楼
首先,总体观感是食品专业NO FUNDING,NO ADVISOR的情况很常见,要求陶瓷,自己找ADVISOR的学校有很多。
PS3. Purdue也会发acceptable的邮件,决定权在教授。
Rutgers, UGA, OSU, Cornell(事实证明他不发)
Cornell: 3月中旬
2011/2/04:Rej from IIT;
2011/2/05:AD from Rutgers;
2011/2/07:UFL、PSU、UMD 都开始审材料了;
Oregon state u 也是admissible;
University of missouri-columbia有ad了;
2011/2/09:MS AD from UGA:
2011/2/12:Rej from Oregon StateUniversity;
AD from Rutgers;
2011/2/17:有人报SaintLouis University的MS, Nutrition AD;
MSU,Purdue, ISU, UMN,Oregon rej都有发过
2011/2/27:Purdue 和KSU 的Rej;
2011/3/01:U of Minnesota以发过Rej,
2011/3/02:Rej from Cornell;
2011/3/05:有中国农大的童鞋拿到PURDUE, OSU,UCD offer;
2011/3/09:Cornell Nutrition Phd offer;
2011/3/13:UGA开始发Phd Rej;
2011/3/14: Cornell 群发MS的拒信,建议MPS;
2011/3/16:Rej from TAMU, 但是是平邮,那么时间该是比这个早了;
2011/3/17: OSU ms发rej;
2011/3/18:Rej from UMass;
2011/3/19: 听闻Rutgers MS 拒信;
UC-Davis 貌似是本土学生的录取;
2011/3/25:Rutgers MS, PhD结果已出;
AD(Nutrition) from BU;
2011/3/30:UMN 的AD;
Rej from NCSU;
2011/4/09: VT可在application summary里查录取状态了;
上周有人拿到内布拉斯林肯的MS RA;
2011/4/10:MS小奖 from Drexel University, 这个MS有钱,哇;
2011/4/13:VT PHD 的offer,但是本科是VT的;
Phone interview, skype interview fromMaryland,这个时间是大约;
AD from UF;
2011/4/17: AD from University of Maine;
AD from Ohio University;
2011/5/10:AD from UF;
UF:小蜜的邮件回复很失望,貌似这个有效"Sitren,Harry S" <sitren@ufl.edu>
Oregon state U:楼主申请PHD,由于这个学校PHD需要MS,因此没了解过;
U of Illionois—Urbana:这个学校貌似MS的ad发得比较水,另外,楼主申请PHD,由于这个学校PHD需要MS,因此没了解过;
U of Nebraska-Lincoln:听那边的在读MS说,这个比较喜欢2+4项目,取得MS也有钱一刚;
UGA: 貌似控GRE;
一楼是Offer/AD/Rej的统计楼。。。。大家踊跃交流申请进度吧。 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-29 13:33 编辑
一楼占楼:统计 Offer/AD/Rej:
Rej: 顶一个,谢谢分享 杀了个花~~ 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:31 编辑
今天是2011.02.02-0:17 群里很多人收到了MSSU的拒信(Rej)
Your application to the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University has been denied by our graduate faculty. The reason was that there was no academic advisor available in your area of interest with space in their group to take you as their student. Thank you for applying to our program. We wish you all the best in your academic pursuits.
(感谢群里的多多提供)2012-02-14 群里有童鞋再次收到了MSSU MS Rej,以下是邮件的能容:
Dear ***:
I regret to inform you that your application for the fall 2012 term to the Master's degree program in Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion/Food Science Technology at Mississippi State University was not approved.
This admission decision is based on a careful review by the academic department of your application, statement of purpose, past academic achievement, letters of recommendation, test scores, and any other information that may have been submitted. If you have questions, please contact the graduate coordinator of the academic department to which you sought admission.
We appreciate your interest in Mississippi State University and wish you the best in your future endeavors. We will mail you an official letter by regular mail.
Louis R. D'Abramo, Ph.D.
Dean of the Graduate School and
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:32 编辑
补充:(感谢群里 长沙-F 的提供)2012-01-26 这个是UNL MS的问小蜜的回复的拒信,但是系统的状态没有改变还是Review complete, decision forwarded to Graduate Studies
Your application to the graduate program in Interdepartmental Nutrition at the University of Nebraska has been reviewed by the admissions committee. I am sorry that your application has been denied for the following reason:
-space/enrollment in our graduate program
We wish you luck in your academic endeavors. 还是三无。。。 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:33 编辑
(感谢群里的 Nina)2012-02-03 23:49 恭喜Nina拿到rugters的PHD AD 这个是收到的邮件内容,这也是第一个群里报的好结果,希望大家的offer多多。
Dear Ms. Wang:
I am pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to Rutgers University, Graduate School, for the Fall 2012. Regrettably, the program is unable to offer you any financial assistance. If you have applied to multiple programs please check your status online to see which program recommended your admission.
If you currently hold an H visa, you can pursue full- or part-time study without providing financial documentation or changing your visa. However, you cannot receive any financial support from Rutgers, if available, while on an H visa. Please notify me if you want to remain an H visa holder. If you want to change your visa type to F-1 (full-time student), you must document your finances as described below for an I-20 to be issued. To insure the accuracy of your I-20 please send a copy of your passport along with the required financial documentation. Your name on the I-20 and your passport must match exactly.
If you plan to study at Rutgers as a full time F-1 student, you will need a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20). To obtain this from Rutgers, you must document financial resources immediately available to meet your first full year of total expenses, as well as indicate the source(s) of support you will have in order to complete your degree program in subsequent years. If you have already sent certification of funds with your application, you must provide updated or supplemental information as specified at the bottom of this letter.
To document adequate resources for admission you must provide the following:
For your first year, send an original, current-dated bank statement, showing funds in US dollars. (See below for required dollar amounts). Photocopies or facsimiles (faxes) will not be accepted. If funds are being provided by a sponsor, that person(s) must provide an original signed and dated affidavit of support specifying the amounts committed annually to your study at Rutgers. Each person whose name appears on the bank statement must sign the affidavit. Unidentified account holders, including a spouse or other family member, will delay the issuance of admission documents. All funds must be certified within nine months of the intended date of enrollment. Financial documentation will not be returned.
For your second and subsequent years of study you do not need to provide a bank statement, unless you indicate personal funds as your means of support. You must identify your support in "Projected Funds." For each additional year required to complete your degree program, budget an annual increase of $2,000 over the amount for the previous year. Pledged support must be in these minimum amounts by signing an affidavit of support. Your sponsor(s) cannot be on F or J visas.
Satisfactory certified and projected funds must be provided in order to issue an I-20 and Certificate of Admission. Since these are time- sensitive documents, I urge you to send this information by express mail service. If you wish to receive your admission documents by express mail, enclose a check or money order in the amount of US$30, payable to Rutgers University.
If you plan to bring dependents, additional documentation is required: $5,000 for your spouse and $3,750 for each child. Please provide their full names, dates, and places of birth (city and country), country of citizenship, and country of legal permanent residence (if different from country of citizenship). Since University housing for married students is in short supply, plan to arrange for suitable housing off campus in a community near the University.
I look forward to having you join us for graduate study at Rutgers. 粘粘Nina的喜庆 希望早日结束三无%>_<% 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:33 编辑
(感谢群里的BNews提供)2011-02-06 0:38 BNews在02-04收到了IIT 的 MS 的 AD 首先恭喜BNews,同时BNews也告诉了自己的GR GPA等信息 大家可以参考参考
Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I send this email to inform you
that you have been admitted to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to begin
your Professional Master's in Food Safety and Technology in the 2012 Fall term.
Your official admission letter and I-20 (or DS-2019) are being sent by express
mail. You will soon receive an email that provides your SEVIS number and
package tracking information.
I would like to direct you toward some preliminary information that will assist
you in applying for a visa and preparing for your arrival in the United States.
You will find this information and more on our International Center website at
www.iit.edu/~internat/index.php. For information about campus housing, please
visit www.housing.iit.edu.
If you have questions, please feel free to email your admission specialist,
Dana Fogarty, at gradstu@iit.edu. We look forward to welcoming you to the IIT
community and we wish you success in your graduate studies.
Carlo U. Segre
Associate Dean for Graduate Admissions 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-20 12:34 编辑
(感谢群里的penny提供)2011-01-28 penny收到了Oregon State University的通过committee的PHD邮件,只要找到professor就可以录取的邮件。
This is to acknowledge that your application for graduate study in our department is complete and has passed the preliminary review of our graduate committee. The department has a policy of not admitting a graduate student without prior commitment by a professor to serve as a major advisor. Therefore, you must contact potential advisors whose research areas interest you in order to secure this commitment. This is best done on an individual basis as specific research projects, funding, and availability of lab space are constantly changing. Because qualified applicants far exceed available department resources, it is important that you take the initiative in this effort and not wait for advisors to contact you. Please review the “Faculty Research Interests” list provided on our web site (http://oregonstate.edu/dept/foodsci .
Your application will remain “open” until a faculty member has made a commitment to serve as your research advisor. “Open” means that your file is complete and your academic qualifications have been found acceptable by the department graduate committee, but that no faculty member has agreed to serve as your advisor. “Open” applications will be rejected if no advisor is secured at the start of the quarter in which you wish to enroll. Please let us know at any time if you wish to withdraw your application from further consideration.
Thank you for your interest in our graduate program. If you have further questions, please contact me by e-mail.
Best regards,
Linda Dunn
Academic Program Coordinator
Department of Food Science and Technology
100 Wiegand HallOregon State University
linda.dunn@orst.edu 本帖最后由 hongkeli 于 2012-2-14 19:35 编辑
(此楼的内容来之Gter的一帖子,再次感谢楼主小飞TT) 2012-02-13 这个是FSU催人交财产证明的东西,如果有了就是MS AD
之前收到该校的录取通知,简单地说就是个AD,木有奖学金说明,让俺寄财产证明过去,才会给issue I-20什么的,两三天之后又收到一封邮件,也是催财产证明的,但是两封邮件都木有说明财产证明的deadline什么的,是不是仅仅AD的话,只要不耽误自己签证和入学,就木有截止啊?
心灰意冷了几天,决定垂死挣扎一下,去学校网站上看到了一句让我想撞墙的话:Application for financial awards and application for graduate school admission are two separate processes often with different deadlines.
呃,时间太久,记不起网申里面有木有申请financial aid的相关内容了。。。
P.S.自己这边有新消息会跟进更新这个帖子,矮油,貌似看到之前有帖子说这学校的奖学金弄起来很麻烦,囧- -
经过与楼主的联系,现在对该楼的补充。再次也感谢楼主也是群里的多多同学。2012-02-03,收到的FSU MS AD 多多也在此提醒大家 FSU的邮件会被Gmail默认成了垃圾邮件,申请了的同学可以看看自己的垃圾邮件。
Congratulations! You have been admitted to Florida State University for the Fall Term, 2012. Your official acceptance letter will be sent with your I-20 or DS-2019. Please visit the online status check at https://admissions.fsu.edu/StatusCheck/ for more information.
In order to receive the I-20 or DS-2019, you must submit the Certification of Financial Responsibility (CFR) to the Center for Global Engagement. If you have already submitted the required documents to obtain the I-20 or DS-2019, the Center for Global Engagement will send the acceptance packet containing your official offer of acceptance, the I-20 or DS-2019, and other information pertaining to your enrollment into Florida State University. If you have not submitted the CFR to the Center for Global Engagement, you must do so as soon as possible. The CFR can be found at http://cge.fsu.edu/newstudents/cfr.cfm.
The Certification of Financial Responsibility form must be completed in compliance with U.S. federal regulations, which require FSU to verify that you have sufficient financial resources to support your studies here. The CFR must show proof of funding for the first year of study and certify availability of funds for the length of your academic program. For additional information regarding the CFR or other immigration questions, please visit the Center for Global Engagement's website at http://cge.fsu.edu/ or contact their office via email at CGE-NewStudents@admin.fsu.edu or by phone at 850.645.1424. (感谢群里的Daisy提供以下内容) 2012-02-11 这是群里拿到的UGA的PHD AD 再次恭喜Daisy同学。
Congratulations! You have been recommended for admission to the Food Science program starting Fall 2012. Acceptance packets for Fall will be prepared in early February. Your packet will be sent to you at that time. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best regards, Vickie Bridges (感谢群里的晕Z提供一下信息) 2012-02-09 收到了UTK PHD CSC的邀请函 2012-02-13收到了纸板的邀请函,在此恭喜晕Z同学。
Dear Ms. Zhang:
It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted as a Doctor of Philosophy student in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Tennessee, with a concentration in Food Chemistry. Your are expected to enroll in Fall 2012 and the expected length of study is approximately 4 academic years from August 2012 to July 2016. If you need to change your enrollment date, please notify the Graduate School and the Department.
You have been assigned to work with XXXas your advisor. He will be glad to answer any questions about the Department and help you plan your degree program, including which courses to register for upon enrollment. He will also serve as your dissertation advisor and will guide you through your dissertation project and be responsible for costs resulting from your dissertation research.
The Department is pleased to offer you a waiver of tuition during the length of your study. While tuition will be paid for you, you are required to pay the following University fees based upon latest figures: Programs and Services; Technology; Facilities; and Transportation (about $460/semester, maximum for 9 or more hours enrolled). Also, for the duration of your appointment, Graduate Student Employee Health Insurance will be provided at no cost to you (see http://gradschool.utk.edu/orientation/health.shtml).
Please sign below indicating your acceptance of admission and the assistantship and return this letter to the Department by March 1, 2012. If the Department does not receive your acceptance of the assistantship by March 1, 2012, it will be assumed that you do not want to accept the assistantship and it will be offered to another qualified candidate.
We hope that you find your studies enjoyable and moreover, that you greatly benefit from being a part of the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Tennessee. Congratulations on your acceptance and please contact us if you have any questions.
P. Michael Davidson, Professor and Department Head 楼主幸苦啦~~食品相关专业每年国内大概能拿几个offer?