fiona_young 发表于 2012-1-17 20:27:53

Issue Topic 004

本帖最后由 fiona_young 于 2012-1-28 17:32 编辑

Issue Topic 004
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
In a world of information explosion, news has transcended its original meaning. People are not satisfied with the new things any more. Paparazzi are digging deeply to get whatever will caught the massive attention. Celebrity’s love affair, pop stars’ privacies, statements embarrassment and bomb shock dopes all become the paparazzi’s target. Some people highly disapprove such scandals which are just regarded as gossips, while some people are enthusiastic about the scandals. They twittered all the scandals they are interested in and discussed with friends and collegues.
As far as I am concerned, I am interested in scandals, because the scandals usually reveal something behind one’s back. It may arouse the focus of the public to pay attention to something important and crucial in our society. Although the way scandals release secret may hurt or damage some one seriously, it effectively helps the citizen to get to know the problem we have in our life. Guo Meimei, a girl who claimed to be the official of the Red Cross of China, showed her luxurious cars, bags and houses in her blog. This kind of the showing-off aroused the massive people’s suspection of income of Red Cross. People began to ask the budget of this charity organization. Such problems that have been neglected before as the transparency of budget, the income of the officials and how the solicit contributions are used have been raised forward. Many people including the governmental officials begin to consider how to standardize the operation of non-governmental charity organization in China.

Besides Guo Meimei issue, the scandal of minister of civil health bureau who conceive the number of infector of SARS also strike a dynamic alarm to us the fatal default of the public emergency system, which in turn stimulate the related officials to improve it. We have to admit that scandals sometimes work its magic. But every coin has got two sides, with no exception. Scandals sometimes times also ruin our life with the help of those ignorant. Some people with evil will may easily take advantage of people’s focus on the scandals. The non-existing molestation charges of MJ slumped his career to the bottom. Paparazzi stalked everywhere he went and wrote every clue that may reveal his personal life. Some of us cannot totally tell the truth from all the scoops and stories published in the magazines and regarded MJ a dick. Some people may be scared by his all white skin and suspect his intention to have the cosmetic surgery and regarded him as a freak. After the jury claimed his innocence and suicide of the accuser, the victim’s father, who taught the child the whole lie, all the people were finally hit by the truth. MJ may rest in peace. However Princess Diana may not, leaving her families disturbed by the scandals and affairs from time to time.

Facts have proved that scandals may be a merit if it is used correctly and focused in a right way or may be a curse if it is taken advantage of and believed by those absorb without thinking and analysis. Scandals remain to be a controversial topic and no explicit conclusion can be reached. But what we can do at least is to tell the truth from all the stories and give a fair judgement. Think before you leap.
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