chocolet 发表于 2012-1-18 15:50:18

Issue 18, 个人觉得写得不错,请指教~

The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people
question authority.
  The authority is the lion in a society, the represent of supreme
power and performer of public ideals. When many people qustion the
authority , it's an indicator that the common people are not
satisfied with the social order and long for a better life. It means
change is going to happen, however, not necessary for the good.
  Take the Culture Revolution in China for example, it's a vivid but
terrible expression of questionation of the people toward the
authority. The official were scorned, even persecuted; the political
system in China nearly broke down due to the protests here and
there. There were no law, no government, and no security. The people
quetion the authority so thoroughly that they even harrassed the
president of that time to death. Ironically, this revolution did
nothing good to the development of Chinese society, only hindering
the growth of the country, left alone the enhancement of social well
  Of course there is case where the well-being is enhanced by
questioning authority. The government is set up by the people, of
the people and for the people, and monitoration through question is
an effective way to ensure its function, thus the improvement of
people's satisfaction. Even if the people threw up the established
authority and replaced it with a new one, it may have a happy ending
like the French Revolution in 1789 in the long run, as the
realization of liberty, equality and brotherhood. However, the
result of extreme way of qustionation like revolution is always
costy and indeterminated, such as the Culture Revolution mentioned
  Let's return to the question: what does it mean by "the well being
of a society"? As far as I am concerned, a healthy society should
comprise political stability, economical growth and cultural
prosperity. It doesn't need to be enhanced by questioning authority,
sometimes may through obeying the authrity, such as the Japanese
reform in 1900s, which is started by the royal family and resulted
in the modernization of Japan and hence the great enhancement of
social well-being. The many of Japanese people didn't question their
authority, on the contrary, they were quite obedient, but they
realized their goal at last.
  Clearly that many of the people question the authority doesn't
guarantee the enhancement of social well-being. There are other more
moderate ways to achieve that goal, and they are more reliable, like
negotiation or concession. However, if the case is so severe and
there is no other choice, then it's the time to question the

she1221 发表于 2012-1-18 17:08:38


chocolet 发表于 2012-1-19 20:28:11

我完全是free wrting的,很多高级词汇一下也用不上来啊...
不知道高级词汇在作文中有多重要? 发表于 2012-1-20 14:03:42


277409694 发表于 2012-1-20 17:43:49

本帖最后由 277409694 于 2012-2-24 21:47 编辑

artificial stone countertops
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