ykhjy 发表于 2012-1-26 15:59:38

新g issue 28 求拍~(纠结了3天 囧)

28) The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Nowadays there are many indicators to estimate whether it is a great nation such as the open degree of government's management, the justice degree,people's living standard, social security, political stability... Admittedly, it is to some extent reasonable to say the surest indicator of a great nation should be represented by the general welfare since the people consist of a nation, and a great nation's goal should be to live the general people a better life. However, in fact to some degree, the achievements of a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists can make contribution to promote the general welfare.

In some areas which are turbulent, living in the environment where wars and conflicts are all-around, people there cannot even satisfy their basic need to live their life, and they may have nothing to eat or to wear, thus the general welfare in these areas for people may have some place to live safely, and have something to eat so that they can live in the world longer. However, the achievements of a nation's rulers which seems detrimental to the geneal welfare actually have positive effect on the general welfare in the long run. Take the achievements of France's ruler-- Napoleon as an example. Although people in France that time were always living under the wars, and they even did not have guarantees of life safety, however, leading by Napoleon, France made its way to a great nation which was powerful in military. And people that time in France lived better in contrast with many other countries which had little power to protect their people .

With the development of times, after having been satisfied their basic need to live, people are more and more demanding for spiritual satisfaction, thus the general welfare may also require something spiritual. As is known to all, Greek is a great nation since it is the original place of democracy, western philosophy, literature and dram... China is also a great nation as its various long history and its Four Great Inventions which had profound effect on world's technological development. Apparently, these achievements should be owed to artists and scientists. And it seems that those achievements of artists and scientists is a indicator of a great nation. However, to some degree, these achievements are admitted by people, in other words, if these achievements cannot have positive effect or even are detrimental for people's life, these achievements cannot be achievements, thus when saying these achievements is a indicator of a great nation, in essence,  the general welfare is the actual indicator.

Some technological discover such as Yuan Longping's discovery of hybrid rice, which is beneficial for people all over the world since food production have improved because of it, thus many people who originally cannot meet their basic need to eat are happy to feed themselves more easily than ever. Some literature of Shakespeare, which call people's response to have a taste of love, making people have expectation for a sweet love, to some extent satisfy people's spiritual needs. All these achievements of artists and scientists make contributions to improving the general welfare.

In conclusion, the general welfare must be a indicator of a great nation, and whatever the economic prosperity,advanced technology, powerful military, achievements of artists, in essence, they make contribution to better general welfare.

joysion 发表于 2012-2-3 00:20:50

1# ykhjy
28) The surest indicator of a great nationis represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists,but by the general welfare of its people.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagreewith the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Indeveloping and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which thestatement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerationsshape your position.

Nowadays there are many indicators to estimate whether it is a great nationsuch as the open degree of government's management, the justice degree, people'sliving standard, social security, political stability... Admittedly, it is to some extent reasonable to say the surest indicatorof a great nation should be represented by the general welfare since the peopleconsist of a nation, and a great nation's goal should be to live the generalpeople a better life. However, in fact to some degree(尽量不要重复), the achievements of a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists canmake contribution to promote the general welfare. (建议快速入题,

In some areas in which are turbulent, living in the environment where wars and conflicts areall-around, people there cannot even satisfy their basic need to live their life (survive),and they may have nothing to eat or to wear, thus the general welfare in theseareas for people may have some place to live safely, and have something to eatso that they can live in the world longer. (too long)However, the achievements of a nation's rulers which seems detrimental to thegeneral welfare actually have positive effect on the general welfare in thelong run. Take the achievements of France's ruler-- Napoleon as an example.Although people in France that time were always living under the wars, and theyeven did not have guarantees of life safety, however, leading by Napoleon,France made its way to a great nation which was powerful in military. And people thattime in France lived better (really? Why? ) incontrast with many other countries which had little power to protect theirpeople.

With the development of times(chinlish), afterhaving been satisfied their basic need to live, people are more and moredemanding for spiritual satisfaction, thus the general welfare may also requiresomething spiritual. As is known to all (as we allknow), Greek is a great nation since it is the original place ofdemocracy, western philosophy, literature and dram...China is also a great nation as its various long history and its Four GreatInventions which had profound effect on world's technological development.Apparently, these achievements should be owed to artists and scientists. And itseems that those achievements of artists and scientists is a indicator of agreat nation. However, to some degree, these achievements are admitted bypeople, in other words, if these achievements cannot have positive effect or even aredetrimental for people's life, these achievements cannot be achievements, thuswhen saying these achievements is a indicator of a great nation, inessence,  the general welfare is the actual indicator.

Some technological discover such as Yuan Longping's discovery of hybrid rice,which is beneficial for people all over the world since food production haveimproved because of it, thus many people who originally cannot meet their basicneed to eat are happy to feed themselves more easily than ever. Some literatureof Shakespeare, which call people's response to have a taste of love, makingpeople have expectation for a sweet love, to some extent satisfy people'sspiritual needs. All these achievements of artists and scientists makecontributions to improving the general welfare. (这一段和indicator关联性不是很好,罗列例证而不分析达不到论证效果)

In conclusion, the general welfare must be a indicator of a great nation, andwhatever the economic prosperity, advanced technology, powerful military,achievements of artists, in essence, they make contribution to better generalwelfare.(很乱,为什么不分为几个句子写了?而且整篇文章词汇很匮乏)

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