kellyfu1989 发表于 2012-1-26 18:08:16

issue 33, 请给予指导意见,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!


33. As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.

Generally, it is easier to solve problems as we acquire more knowledge. However, the statement points out that things, which are different from problems, would become more complex and mysterious as we get more knowledge. Once new knowledge acquired, people would have further understandings of things which seem to have been comprehended totally. Therefore, the ultimate understanding of a thing does not exist at all, in other words, it is impossible to comprehend a thing thoroughly. More knowledge would make things more and more complicated.

Thousands years ago, our ancestors already stood on the land to think about the thing where we are. With the success of Magellan’s exploration, people found they are living on a round ball which we call earth nowadays. But as it went on, people realized that they could have a further comprehending of the thing. After the astronomic telescope was invented, we had a profound understanding that the earth is only one planet of many planets which travel around the sun in an infinite space. Even since last century, along with the rapid development of science and technology, people have gained much knowledge of almost every aspect. Nevertheless, further exploration shows that the galaxy in which we are live is just a little part of the whole universe, moreover there are quite a lot of incomprehensible things, such as the size of the universe, the possibility of the existence of a bigger space then the universe. When we are on the way to explore the space we live in, each time of more knowledge acquired means the comprehending of out living space becomes more complex and mysterious.

Considering the area of atomic physics, the statement is logical as well. The complexity and mysteriousness of the composition of the matter is similar to the exploration of the living space. As for an apple, it is made of peel, pulp and kernel by observing of naked eye merely. After people have acquired more knowledge of science and technology, they learn that all matter is comprised of atoms; an apple is comprised of countless and different atoms. However, the atom is still not the minimum unit of matter. An atom is further comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons. And recently, a new so-called “string” theory posits the existence of an even more fundamental and universal unit of matter. Nobody can make a conclusion that the string is the minimum unit of matter. But one thing is for sure that the composition of the matter will be more and more complex and mysterious as we gain more knowledge.

The thing mentioned in the statement could be an abstract concept, a concrete object, or even a phenomenon, which means that it cannot be simply worked out like a mathematic problem. Although things sometimes seem to be simple and obvious, like an apple known to everybody, it would become complicated when we try to comprehend it. Whenever people acquire more knowledge, they will always find some new discoveries in the thing of which they once believe to draw a conclusion. For this reason, the thing would become more complex and mysterious.

joysion 发表于 2012-2-3 00:17:13

1# kellyfu1989
33.As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become morecomprehensible, but more complex and mysterious.

Generally, it is easier to solve problems as weacquire more knowledge. However, the statement points out those things, which aredifferent from problems, would become more complex and mysterious as we getmore knowledge. Once new knowledge acquired, people would have furtherunderstandings of things which seem to have been comprehended totally (completely).Therefore, the ultimate understanding of a thing does not exist at all, inother words, it is impossible to comprehend a thing thoroughly. More knowledge would make thingsmore and more complicated. (your opinion?But, you haven’t proved in the following…)

Thousands years ago, our ancestors already stood onthe land to think about the thing where we are. With the success of Magellan’sexploration, people found they are living on a round ball which we call earthnowadays. But as it went on, people realized that they could have a furthercomprehending of the thing. After the astronomic telescope was invented, we hada profound understanding that the earth is only one planet of many planetswhich travel around the sun in an infinite space. Even since last century,along with the rapid development of science and technology, people have gainedmuch knowledge of almost every aspect. Nevertheless, further exploration showsthat the galaxy in which we are live is just a little part of the wholeuniverse, moreover there are quite a lot of incomprehensible things, such asthe size of the universe, the possibility of the existence of a bigger space then the universe. When weare on the way to explore the space we live in, each time of more knowledgeacquired means the comprehending of out living space becomes more complex andmysterious. 一定要结合您的观点进行展开。

Considering the area of atomic physics, the statementis logical as well. The complexity and mysteriousness of the composition of thematter is similar to the exploration of the living space. As for an apple, itis made of peel, pulp and kernel by observing of naked eye merely. After peoplehave acquired more knowledge of science and technology, they learn that allmatter is comprised of atoms; an apple is comprised of countless and differentatoms. However, the atom is still not the minimum unit of matter. An atom isfurther comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons. And recently, a newso-called “string” theory posits the existence of an even more fundamental anduniversal unit of matter. Nobody can make a conclusion that the string is theminimum unit of matter. Butone thing is for sure that the composition of the matter will be more and morecomplex and mysterious as we gain more knowledge. (is your top sentence?)

The thing mentioned in the statement could be anabstract concept, a concrete object, or even a phenomenon, which means that itcannot be simply worked out like a mathematic problem. Although thingssometimes seem to be simple and obvious, like an apple known to everybody, itwould become complicated when we try to comprehend it. Whenever people acquiremore knowledge, they will always find some new discoveries in the thing ofwhich they once believe to draw a conclusion. For this reason, the thing wouldbecome more complex and mysterious.

实际上,本文中心不是很明确。Issue 要求的是“批判式思维和劝说性写作”,这是OG上的原话,仔细品味。


kellyfu1989 发表于 2012-2-3 18:53:26

谢谢!我再好好修改一下 2# joysion

ZTree 发表于 2012-2-4 05:28:28



kellyfu1989 发表于 2012-2-4 13:43:16

4# ZTree
However, the statement points out that things are unlike the question 1+1 which has an exact answer, they would become more complex and mysterious as we obtain more knowledge.

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