fiona_young 发表于 2012-1-28 17:25:24

Issue Topic 009

本帖最后由 fiona_young 于 2012-1-29 20:13 编辑

Issue Topic 009
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.
Nothing is impossible. I shall say that it is difficult to make a significant contribution without any past achievements within that field. That is why those who blaze the new trial worth more of our respect and applause. However, I have to admit that standing on the shoulder of a giant, one will easily see much more from far away.

Standing on the Copernicus’ shoulder, Galileo, who inducted experimental method into the scientific research, invented telescope, which proves the theory of Copernicus that the earth is not the center of the universe. Likewise, many years after, standing on the shoulder of Galileo, Newton found the Gravity of the substance, which explains the regularity of the planets’ motion. As humble as Newton, he claimed that: if I have seen farther than others, that is because I stand on the shoulder of a giant. The giant here he referred to is the achievements accumulated by numerous forerunners who dedicated their life to the physics. With their help, Newton had the opportunity to find more.

Another example is Aristotle, the world famous philosopher, whom was regarded as the encyclopedia at his time. Where does all his knowledge come from? We may find his knowledge and theory have direct and indirect relations with the knowledge of his teacher and friend, Socrates, a famous Greek thinker at that time.
From all the examples above, does that mean a significant contribution have to base on the past achievement within that field? My question is what about the first one who laid the foundation? Maybe everyone may remember the name that is most famous in that area, but what about the first runner? Isn’t what they achieved also significant? Shouldn’t what they found be call “contribution”?
Aren’t those who challenge the world great? So those who dare to blaze the new trial should receive more compliments and applause. To some extend, what they did is also great contribution. So from this point, this topic is not totally right.

Great and famous people like Newton and Aristotle, they are lucky that they can share the achievements left by their forefathers, but we should not forget the efforts of their forefathers. The topic is kind of issue like egg and chicken, which is more important? Without egg, there will be no chicken. The vice versa, without chicken, there will be no egg. Something has to exist first. But I shall say both of them are very important. The achievements of the current times may open new area of the research. Like Beethoven, he ended classic theme and open the romantic theme of the music world. Accumulated little by little, that is the way human proceeds ahead.

Now from the above analysis, we can draw the conclusion that in any field of endeavor, it is possible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. Because someone has to open the new world that no one has ever touched, which itself is a great contribution to human history. All the contributors after, no matter how great they are, should show their highness to the first runner, who undertook the first challenge.

joysion 发表于 2012-2-3 00:11:02

1# fiona_young

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