小李大毛 发表于 2012-2-4 15:51:39




Position: profitable under the rationaloperation mechanism.
正:Education is largelya state and local responsibility. Free universityeducation can eliminate the discrepancies in education opportunities.
反:first: enormous fiscal burden.

Second:difficulties in setting up a rational standard of qualified students.
合:first: rational mechanism should be stetted up. sum of the subsidyshould the limited. Competition should be included to avoid contradiction.
Second: persuading Ngo to take part in.
Third: offer support in different formals.

Position: depends on different nationalcondition.
正:Education is largelya state and local responsibility. Free universityeducation can eliminate the discrepancies in education opportunities.
反:first: enormous fiscal burden.
Second: the lack of competition may cause the lack of first-class universities
Third: the independence of university will be restrained.
Forth:Losing lures to the non-government institutions.
正: Competition for the opportunities entering school is necessary.

Students shouldpay for the essential costs to get higher education. scholarship are able whichcan be offered by both Gov. and non-government institutions.



Position: necessary to support art career,the methods and dynamic should depend on national condition.
正:funding of the arts can promote the spread of arts and guarantee theheritage of art.
反:enormous fiscal burden. More people’s basic rights and interestsshould be guaranteed first.

Art should befree of policy. Whensubside from government, it’s possible of forcing arts to be harnessed as apolitical tool. Art can no longer be the revelation of social temper.
合:Fund can be established by government, but the resources of thecapital can be varied.
The subsidize target should be determined by foundation committeewhich should be subject to public supervision.
Support for arts can be encouraged by government, but should not be controlledby government.

Position: a work of art can be valued inits widespread; also can be valued in its uniqueness which is not alwaysacceptable for everyone.
正:If the article is understandable to most people, they can beinspired by it. The article can spread for long time. Good for the heritage ofarts.
反:Articles are the special language stand for the artists’ ownthoughts or moods.
The definition of high-valued articles may restrain artists’creativity. They may concentrate on catering to most people.
合:the spirit of creativity and freedom is the reason for art differentfrom other fields. One should not be ruled out from being a valued-article justas most people’s difficulties in understanding it.

Position: without rich inner world, anysubstantial can be meaningless.
正:Government has responsibility to assure the basis living allowance. Largequantities of unemployed or hungry citizens would cause the instability ofnation.
反:first:the suspension may cause problems in living among new group ofpeople.

Second:declination of art career may lead to the lacking of mental world. people mayconduct irrational acts.
正:fiscal policy should put livelihood issue first. But yearn for arts won’t be weaken by hardshipsof life.

Other methods ofencouraging the art career should be figured out, attract non-governmentorganization to join in.
Take promotingart industry into consideration when making economy policy, which benefits bothnational economy and art career.



23:Restrictionson scientific are necessary but should not be too much.
正:Few restrictions can keep interested in study. Interest canguarantee them work more efficiency.

Creative articlesshould be the result of divergentthinking.
反:Scientists are not required as moralists too. They are not trained for identifyingscientific study which is contradicted with ethic moral.

The aims ofscience are closely linked to certain ethical, social, or political goals, and,as a result, conducting science requires making value judgment about how bestto pursue such goals. Scientists who guild by self-interest can’t be a rationaljudgment, government is more suitable than anyone others.
正: Thanks to the freedom in scientific study human beings sharesplendid civilization. But government should take the responsibility tosupervise the trend of science, and put rational restrictions. What governmentaims to is accelerate the development of nation and keep nation in good order.

Position: explorations of uncertaintycannot assure breakthroughs, but breakthroughs must come from uncertainty.
正:Government should be caution before every decision which may bringnegative result.
The huge disaster bringby some scientific study can be serious even than the consequence results fromwars.
反: Disaster is avoided; meanwhile chance to bringing human welfare ismissed.

Government shouldaims to people’s welfare. Peoplewould not like to support the government which chunks away so many chances thatmay benefit them.

反:fund the research with minimum overhead.



Position: breakthrough may just behind the uncertainty.(Explorations of uncertainty cannot assure breakthroughs, but breakthroughsmust come from uncertainty.)
正:the aims of science are notmerely figure out the unknowns or creative something new, more importantly,they are closely linked with certain ethical, social, or political goals.
反:There is always the possibilityof unanticipated results arising in unexpected field of research. Basic plan may take long time, but always be a more powerfulpromoter of civilization compared with priority area.
正:basic plan should also be encouraged. Support should be withrestriction considering the time it takes and the uncertainty benefits it willbring.



Position: (values and approaches aredistinct from universal laws and principles and are derived from them. The formermay change; the latter never does.) An effective leadership should not only be equippedwith the ability to remain consistently to particular principles andobjectives, but also be aware of the necessity of prudent flexibility.
正: In order to deserve the trust from people, every leadership shouldbe able to set clear goals and stick to belief.
Considering the flexibility in human nature, astrong minded leadership can avoid social unrest whencomplex situation facing the nation.

反:But no one can assure the settled policy would be efficient forevereven it works well at present. Principles and objectives are aim to benefitpublic.
合:an effective leadership is the one who can combine the abovequalities together harmoniously and naturally.

Position: government does not deserve trustfrom people without the ability to take preventive measures.
正:Immediate problems of today are closely linked with both stabilitypresent and development in the future.

反:a man without distant care must have sorrow.

We should so live and labor inour time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom,and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean byprogress. (H. W. Beecher)
反:What we should care about is not only the life present but also thelife in the future and the future for the next generation.

50 :(115,139)
Position: decision made by officials shouldcombine their own judgment and the will of the people they serve.
正:Officials should be the group of people who can make rationaldecisions facing with complex situation.
反:Officials can’t be considerable all the time.

Without demandfrom people, promise of quality service is meaningless.
反:Satisfied policies are more important than the people who set them.

Position: politicians should purseconsensus in order to realize their ideals.
正:Politicians are the people who make right decisions for the benefitsof individuals served by them.
The policythe make should deserve the trust from the supporters. No harmonious decision canbe made without common ground and reasonable consensus.
反:same ideal is the glue that hold one political community together.
Seeing is believing.
As to thequestion whether the ideal is an illusion or not, you’ll never the answer untilyou try.
正:the emergence of ideals coincide with the emergence of politics.


Position: effective leaders can assure highwell-being, but high well-being cannot always suggest effective leaders.
正:high well-being acquire happy life, good mood and harmoniousrelations.
反:high well-being cannot be equal to good development.

High well-beingpresent cannot assure the high well-being in the future.
反:an effective leader is a doer and the same time a farseeing one.


yaohuib 发表于 2012-2-4 18:28:11

dddream 发表于 2012-2-4 19:11:35

LZ 强大, 向你学习。顺便问下,开始全文了没~

小李大毛 发表于 2012-2-4 20:14:48

3# dddream 没有,我想先把提纲搞定,再挑着写...不知道是不是太蠢了...

dddream 发表于 2012-2-4 22:43:54

本帖最后由 dddream 于 2012-3-2 15:50 编辑

新人一枚只能说各有方法吧,而且理清思路很好。我思维混乱中枯竭中…… 4# 小李大毛
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