Position: in order to understand the mostimportant characteristics of a society, study in its main cities is far fromenough.
正: Major cities can reflect some important characteristicsconsidering its historical importance, economic influence, and so on. Forexample.
反: But we cannot deny the existence of district polarization. Whenthe rural populations deserves highly respect. Study in main cities is notsufficient. For example:
合:People who live in towns and countryside made up the majorpopulations of the county. Investigations to their present situation should notbe ignored when trying to understand the characteristics of a society.
Position: the reason for the financial allocationseems unconvinced.
正:The economy of cities always leads the national economy.
The developmentof city can also promote the development of rural restricts nearby.
反:The reason is irrational. Wecan’t deny that culture traditions of cities take an important part of nation’sculture traditions. For example:
but theculture of rural districts contributes to national culture equally. Nation’straditions should be a synthesis of varied traditions distribute in differentdistricts.
反:Even if we acknowledge the validity of the reason, no logically correlationcan be established between the reason and the claim.
First: preservation and generation of culture cannot be the mostimportant factor affecting financial allocation.
Second: the support for cities may bring damage to the culturetraditions and development of rural restricts.
Position: whether skepticism can enhancethe society relies on the reason for owning skepticism.
正:first: reasonable doubt to the organs of state power can strengthen the supervision over government,promote democracy.(in politics, ethics and law, where very important decisionsare made that often determine the course of someone’s life, doubt is central,and often motivates an elaborate adversarial process to carefully sort throughall the evidence to come to a decision)
Second: the scientific methods, and to a degree all of science canbe said to be entirely motivated by doubt.
反: all the benefits above rely on the assumption that the doubts arehealthy and reasonable.
There is no such thing asabsolute freedom. The society can be forced in a state of anarchy with random doubt.
散:The well-being of a society relies on the protection offreedoms and the compliance with principle. Neither absolute freedom norexcessive restriction can assure a healthy society.
Position: certain group of people is notthe leading force behind contemporary culture.
正:Youth are the most sensitive acceptors of new things, and are highlyadaptive. So contemporary culture affect youth impressively.
反:But the claim that trends of youth can represent contemporaryculture since youth are significant influenced by contemporary culture islogically unsounded.
反:With the restriction of life experience, trends of youth canonly represent part of the culture or superficial culture.
Position: the standard for prosperity of asociety can only be connected with the well-being of its individual citizens. Asociety must necessarily represent its citizens’ interests.
(1)正:The welfare or the accomplishmentof several individuals cannot represent the comprehensive strength of thesociety. a thriving society should be the one with overall success. This is whywe concern about GDP.
(2)反:The belief that “asociety most put its own overall success before the well-being of itsindividuals” relies on the assumption that a society can be apart withindividuals. (There is no such entity that exists independently above thethousands of thousands of people that is called “society.”) The assumption is unconvincedaccording to many historical incidents.
The overall success of society aims to benefits its individuals. This iswhy we pay more attention to GDPper capita. Welfare of individuals makes up welfare of the society. Thereshould be no doubt that successes of individuals are the premises of overallsuccess.
(3)合: Society cannot bedivided with individuals, the same with the overall success that cannot beapart with welfare of all its people. Individuals’ welfare and overall success,the latter relies on the former, the former benefits from the latter.
Position: development is the most importanttask of a society. But conducting the task without heritage of civilization isjust like making brickswithout straw.
正:Who can deny that everything is evolving? The one that refuse todevelop must be the one to be the one to be knocked out.
反:We preserve old buildings not for their high use value but for theirhistorical and cultural significance.
Site selection can be flexible for modern building, but isimpossible for old ones.
合:Disappearance of old buildings cannot be avoided in the process ofmodern development, but old buildings should not compromise to new ones all thetime. Many old buildings deserve protection instead of damage when evaluatewith historical andcultural perspective.
Position: common people should be thecertain ones we turn to when trying to understand the character of a society.
正:Heroes or role modelsalways serve as an example, whose behaviors are emulated by others. Considering the effects they bring to the society, characters ofthem certainly can be used as describing some characters of the whole society.
反: but reasonable opposition can be raised to the claim that thecharacter of a society can be understood through these heroes or role models.
Firstly: differentgroups of people respect different role models. Two role models may owncompletely opposite personalities.
Secondly: definition of heroes sometimes is defined to servecertain ideology.
Thirdly: many rolemodels, especially those struggling in entertainment fields, faded out as quickly as rose tofame.
反:Specific examples can never represent the whole or the essence ofentities. Certain group of people can help to understand only part or surfaceof a society. Common people are the guild to society.
Position: a great nation should be the onewith satisfied welfare of its people, also should also be the one with splendidcivilization.
正:Welfare of people is the permanent motivation and aim of the nation.
反:The nation possess welfare of its people can be a happy nation or apowerful nation ,at best, instead of a great nation.
Achievementsrepresent the civilization of the nation. They are spiritual wealth which canpromote the nation from weak to strong or keep strong for long time.
合:We need welfare to be a happy or even a powerful nation, but we needthe achievements to be a great one.
Position: reputation of real hero can standany test including the media scrutiny.
正:Modern media is powerful; they can produce a hero, and also candiminish a hero. They produce one by exaggerating fact; they diminish one bydisguising fact partly.
反:Media may diminish one’s reputation, diminishing is not its purpose.So the real hero should not afraid of scrutiny since they at least won’t makeup lies.
反:Even if media diminish hero’s reputation, public would tolerate thedisadvantages, which is not to matter much, of a real hero. Hero is a common individualwithout ability to avoid making mistakes.
Position: remaining wilderness areas cannotbe equal with protecting environment, exploiting cannot be equal with damaging.
正: Historicalexperience and lessons admonish us warning that environment protectioncannot compromise with development.
反:Remaining wilderness areas should be unprintable. it is neither asustainable strategy for development nor the best choice for protecting environment.
First: exploit wilderness may benefits the areas if we take propermethods.
Second: it’s a huge waste of resources to remain the wilderness. Development,without witch well-being of people is impossible to attain, would be deterred.
反: Protect environmentor develop of nation, it’s not one or the other. Human beings andenvironment need be harmonious to get along with, and there must be ways toreach this harmony.
Position: be kind to nature so nature willdo the same to you.
正:The power of nature makes the human strength seems too weak to behelpful for saving endangered species.
反: With untrained exploitation of nature resources, human activitiesmake serious influence to certain species.
Society’s omissionmay accelerate extinction of species. When species become endangered, it is an indicator thatthe health of ecosystems is beginning to unravel.
合:Protect species in case to force them endanger in the future.
There is no excuse for us to escape from the responsibility to saveendangered species if the potential extinction of those species is the resultof human activities.
Try our best to deter species from extinction, even if theextinction is purely caused by nature progress.
Position: every species takes important rolein ecosystems.
正: The power of nature makes the human strength seems too weak to behelpful for saving endangered species. Even extraordinary efforts cannotprevent them from extinction.
Cost of saving canbe more efficient to save people in the need of help.
we have benefit a lot fromthe activities which endanger animals or plants. How we could expect hugebenefit with little efforts?
When speciesbecome endangered, it is an indicator that health of ecosystems is beginning tounravel.
Society’s omission may accelerate the speed ofextinction, when ecosystems are badly damaged, extinction of human beingscannot be prevented.
散:Significance of saving endangered animals cannot be measured by itseconomic value. Be humble to nature with gratitude.
Position: external forces set restraints toone’s behavior, but the final determinant is himself.
正: Behaviorists have explained personality in terms of the effectsstimuli have on behavior.
反:But the claim runs contrary to common sense and everyday experience.
Firstly: although people complain the life’s circumstance force themto do the certain actions, but even the so-called certain actions are plentifulfor people to choose.
Secondly: if the claim runs well, then what can be the reason forits long history that people always struggle for a democratic society?
反: People’s behavior is largely influenced by the external force comefrom the society, but it’s our actions that reform the society, and the determinantof actions is human thinking.
Position: identification with social groupsis helpful when we define ourselves; the claim seems to indicate that it willget harder to define ourselves when we have loose connection with socialgroups. Common sense and experience show the opposition.
正:society and individual influence each other. As long as one is amember of the society, he cannot help thinking of responses from other membersto his behavior or evaluate his effect to certain group.
反:firstly: In fact, one can be either loyal or rebel to his groupsince the persistence to personal values.
Secondly: the difficulty of keeping closeconnect with social group is no less than the difficulty in isolating one fromsociety absolutely.
反:Considering the influence of both psychological and physical factorson people’s cognition, importance of social identification is not always thesame to defining ourselves.
Position: long-term goals are alwaysrevised by life’s ups and downs.
正:”Rome was not built in a day” is an old proverb.
反:firstly: life’s ups and downs help to tell whether the goal is realisticor not.
Secondly: there are two kinds of goals: short-term goal andlong-term goal. They obtain equal importance.
合:only persistent hard work deserves the success which is hard to be destroyed.
Short-term goals arenecessary to be settled as the fundament of long-term goals.
Position: with a carefully consideration,people are much more capable to prevent the damage of the risky action. But ifthe consequence of the risky action can be clearly predicted, “risky” can nolonger used to describe it.
正: Consequence induced from reasonable analysis can more or less evaluateworth of the risky action
Preventive actionsany lower the possibility that serious damage occur.
反:The more risky one action is the more difficulties it has to inducethe consequence. In order to make clear prediction, best time to risk may slipaway.
合:we take risky actions in order to discover or experience the unknown,which makes risky actions to be unpredictable.
Sometimes we have to take the bull by the horns for development of civilization. Examples
There still have methods to reduce risks even if we can’t clearly analyzethe consequence.
Position: the importance of society to thereforming of people’s attitudes is not remain unchanged.
正:Restricted by many factors, the society we get in touch with is distinguishingwith the one what we commonly known as the society. The former one only makesup minor part of the latter.
One’s outlook of the world and human values take shape mainly duringa significant time.
反:Immediate situation or surroundings can’t be isolated with the wholesociety.
The attitudes which are formed only by one’s existing outlook of theworld or human values cannot be adaptive to the society. As people grew older,the connection between the whole society and individuals becomes closer.
合:People’s attitudes keep altering with their deeper cognition tosociety.
Position: success is not an absolute thingwhich can be measured by a certain standard.
正: Countless people success by reaching goals settled by themselves.
反: if success can be measured by the goals, what about the criminalswho attain their evil purpose?
The one who failedin reaching his goals does not deserve praise for success?
反:success cannot be measured by a certain standard let alone by thegoals.