小李大毛 发表于 2012-2-11 12:50:31



I tend to believe the necessary of governmentfunding of art suggests by the first group of people, at the same time, thepossibility that the funding can be harmful to the integrity of the artssuggests by the latter group deserves much attention to pay on.

Many reasonable ideas can be raised tosupport the government funding of art. One idea is that, art takes an importantrole in culture, which makes a better society. Flourish and healthy mentalworld of people can prevent society from decline into barbarism. Another ideais that, some precious art categories are facing threaten of extinction sincethe lack of commercial support, and these art categories are easily to beignored by public. Financial aids in need to preserve these civilizationheritage. a third idea is that, since many highly talented artists are facingwith wretched existence, opportunities of achieving outstanding articles arediminished. The tragedy of van Gogh or Mozart should be avoided in modern society.

Considering the special role governmenttakes in society, we have sufficient reasons to believe that funding fromgovernment may threaten the integrity of the arts. A government functions withcertain politicians, which obtain certain political ideas. In order to get financialaids, the starving artists may comprise to these certain ideas, at least theyare less courage to show the opposite motion to the government. The purpose ofarts is to find way to wake people up from a numb state of lives, and inspirethem in a wider view. In return to the purpose, arts should be free to conveyan idea, emotion, or visually interesting forms. When the artists startaccepting government funding, creation would more or less take politicalfactors into consideration. This is why the integrity of arts is threatened.

Even if the government assures the spiritualfreedom of artists, financial burden should be a problem that the governmenthas to solve. Since the government should regard basic living of people as themost emergent issue, funding of arts which may take large amount of revenueshould not distributed hastily.

However, disadvantages can be removed ifthe aids are controlled by a professional committee. In many countries such as France,government funding of arts is not controlled directly by government. The specialcommittee makes decision for the usage of funding. A comprehensive mechanism isestablished to assess whether an artist or an issue related to arts deservesfunding aids. As far as I concerned, such method is considering. Considering thelimited ability of government, public should participate in the aiding program.Firstly, public aids remove the burden on national finance. Secondly, publicsometimes can be more accurate to discover talented artists or precious art categories.

In conclusion,no matter who offers aids to arts, the purpose of the aids should be establisha desirable situation for arts.

ymddtc 发表于 2012-2-15 19:09:48

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