小满freestyle 发表于 2012-2-16 15:43:57


Someday schoolsmight function as food factories, since different students are educated on thesame pipeline just like inanimate material. It sounds ridiculous, but the studyof the same national curriculum for students likely turns it true.

Granted, thisrecommendation does play a positive effect in some respects. Universities canenroll students with the same academic background is paramount. When qualifyhigh school graduates as university students, universities are confident enoughto rely on GPA, which is more reasonable and justifiable than before. Besides,it can not only clarify for universities on which base they develop teachingplan, but also economy time for students. One experience of mine can serve as acounter example. During the period of studying Genetics, our teachers have torestate the primitive knowledge about biological foundation of heredity onbehalf of interests of the other students who never learn that before. I almostsquandered one fourth of my class time to retrospect things taught in highschool.

Some problemswould have been settled to make the recommendation more realistic. The role of constitutorof the same national curriculum is still up in the air. What if the politicalparty in power to make the criterion? What would they make a serious ofscientific and systematical courses or something furtive to fool people tocomply with their control? It is a high chance that most of the politicalparties would behave like Japanese, who distort the fact in history books.

Even if thenational curriculum is established, the outcome it brings can’t meet our needs.On one hand, it can do nothing but sacrifice the interest of the students notthat common, such as the disabled, ethnic minorities and people who can masterone subject but fail another. The disabled need special education. All their strenuouseffort may just make them live like the health people. However, there is stillgalaxy among them. For instance, disabled as Zhang Haidi is, she is a M. A.Philosophy and a doctor through study independently. Having unique language,culture and even living atmosphere, ethnic minorities are obstructed to blendinto traditional educational system. Proper education, which can both conservetheir particular stuff and accommodate to dominant culture, is called for. Aswe all know, Chairman Mao is excellent for his political, literary and militaryabilities. And we even consider his brilliant in Chinese but failure in math asan indicate of his unique. Thanks to the toleration of his teachers, if not,our Chinese may lose a splendid leader, living in the murky.

On the other hand,this recommendation can’t eliminate the disequilibrium among different regions.Take China as an example. Taking advantage of location and history, easterncoast aria, HongKang, Macao and Taiwan are developing at a high rate than anyother cities of China. Children in the aria could benefit a lot from earlyexposure to computer and English. And HongKong even treats English as thesecond language.
On the contrary,children in Southwestern Mountainous Area and Northwest area may never step outof their village and be aware of a machine called computer. If demanded of thesame level of capacity in computer and English field, children in various regionshave no need to take the examinations. All country should do is directly choosethe children in wealthier area to accept further education. This behavior isneither wise nor impartial.

What kind ofstudents does the university want? Despite educated background, students arearmed with outstanding thinking method and suited personality, which are cruelto improve themselves in academic field. The same national curriculum can not achievethis goal. Neither does a final test. Investigating a student in as manyaspects as they can, such as GPA, SAT and papers, is certainly mitigate theproblem.

How to change ‘thefood factory’ into the habitat of the society backbone? I suggest that societyset limitation to some vital courses and leave the other course to modulateaccording to different situations.

小满freestyle 发表于 2012-2-16 17:52:53

6. A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.
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