ReFormK 发表于 2012-2-18 21:58:22

新issue 50/115求凌辱!

In general, I agree with the assertion thatgovernment officials should depend on their own judgment when faced withsignificant problems; for the reason that political leaders are alwaysinsightful than the ordinary populace. However, any decision made must base onthe democratic principle.

The first reason for my agreement lies onthe statement that political leaders are always the outstanding individual insociety. Compared with ordinary people, they own high wisdom and educated inworld-famous universities like Harvard, Stanford or so on. They also possessacute judgment and long sight in front of the critical time. Due to theseprominent attributes shorted from the common people, they would keep sober inthe face of difficulty and then make optimal policy. Just like Deng Xiaopinghaving made the policy of Reform and Open pulled Chinese people out of theprivation after the revolution of culture which made most Chinese people lostin fanatical and President Roosevelt brought American out of the Depression andWorld War II. Therefore, we have abundant reason to believe that these personsare able to make a wise decision when their country faced with some enormousdifficulties.

The other reason for my viewpoint issometimes the short-sight of ordinary people. While we primarily must complywith the principle that our government officials should be democratic in anytime, we on the other hand should notice that our populace always advocatetheir thoughts based on enthusiasm, individual benefits or interests of theirown country and neglect the standpoint of the whole world. China's communismfrom capitalism in 1949 which due to the demagoguery by the Chinese Communistparty that Chinese people could gain democracy and freedom only after overturncapitalism government and America's belated participation in World War II afterthe assault of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese army intensely substantiates thispoint. This is the reason that ordinary people are sometimes short-sighted.

On the other hand, anyone cannot denydemocracy is the common value in the world; at the meantime our government arechose to serve common people, thus government leader must always listen totheir populace's voice and suggestions instead of becoming a arbiter like Sadamor Mubarak who was overthrew by their people at last. After all, politicalleader is just making the decision substitute for ordinary people to theircommon will.

In sum, on the basis that political leaderscan obey the principle of democracy, he or she can rely on his own judgmentrather than the will of the people they serve. After all, our leaders arepractically well-intended and high-educated than ordinary people.

MINT-YO 发表于 2012-2-20 17:12:42


ReFormK 发表于 2012-2-23 22:37:04


ZTree 发表于 2012-2-24 05:02:48


第一论点:political leaders are always the outstanding individual in society
而且你(1)没有论证他们为什么是最出色的人 (2)没有论证杰出的人面对问题的时候为什么不会出错

第二论点:我都不知道该怎么批了。。。。上到一国首脑,下到老百姓,凭什么要从whole world的角度想事情?你能在文章里哪怕说一句你举的事例和你的观点之间的关系么?

ReFormK 发表于 2012-2-29 00:05:30

4# ZTree

ReFormK 发表于 2012-2-29 00:06:09


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