蓝缇 发表于 2012-3-5 15:38:18


56. (题目同老G111)
The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of marketing at Dura-Sock, Inc.

A recent study of our customers suggests that our company is wasting the money it spends on its patented(专利的)Endure manufacturing process, which ensures that our socks are strong enough to last for two years. We have always advertised our use of the Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks’ durability, our average customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months. Furthermore, our customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Socks’ stylish appearance and availability in many colors. These findings suggest that we can increase our profits by discontinuing use of the Endure manufacturing process.

我想问一下,这个new Dura-Socks 到底是我们产生产的新袜子,还是别的厂家生产的袜子?


shinian1987 发表于 2012-3-7 18:57:28

new Dura-Socks 就是我们厂生产的新袜子,还是那个品牌。作者是想说即使袜子很耐用,消费者依然会每隔几个月买些新的。

蓝缇 发表于 2012-3-25 17:09:36

2# shinian1987
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