ylhchd 发表于 2012-3-6 13:01:39

【寄托No.1】杀G小组 第7次作业 我们的第一篇I

时间紧迫,读过OG 大家对I应该有了一些见解



leijerry888 发表于 2012-3-6 13:02:32

本帖最后由 leijerry888 于 2012-3-8 10:38 编辑

写完就这样,没改过。。。先凑合着看看有多糟糕吧WORDS: 387          TIME: 00:35:37          DATE: 2012/3/7 22:11:13

" I choose this field to study only because it will bring me a wealthy and stable job." If you ever hear these words coming up from a individual's mouth. Will you be suprised or agreed or angry?

Preparing for the job market has always been a major purpose of our education system. As we can prospect from the configuration of our university curriculum and even some high school classes, practical skills usually play a very significant role. So it is no doult that people should take the trendency of future job markets into consideration when they are to choose which field to study in. Instilled of the thought that we should pursuit our dreams and do what we want to do, thus,  we should choose our majors according to our interests rather than job opportunities in a few years. However, if one is really driven into a major by his interest , while the major he choses posesses little recognization of the society and thusly he can hardly have a comfortable job as he wish. Will he be happy by then if he could barely feed on himself? He may regret what he had done. So job should be one of the major factors to be pondered when choosing a major to be proficient.

However, basing merely on job tendency to choose a profession will be pathetic. First of all, the true happiness comes from our zealot of what we are doing. One may have a very good living condition when his professional skills lead him a wealthy job position, but he will not possess true happiness if he does not love his job. Additionally, job is not all what our education system concerns. For instant, the progress of scientific researches need to be propelled by professionals of some majors which don't have considerable opportunities in the society job markets. Eienstan's initial job is a clerk in Switerland. But finally, he becomes tycoon of astronomy physics. His major is definitely not prepared for a social job, but for the running paces of human beings.

In conclusion, students should choose their fields of study based on not only the view of jobs, but also some other factors, for example, interests, contributions of the specific profesion can make in the future, the whole societies values and benifits, etc.

846136085 发表于 2012-3-6 13:02:44

本帖最后由 846136085 于 2012-3-8 20:14 编辑

写得我好痛苦…… 402 words

It is universally acknowledged that collegeeducation is one of the most important investments in one's life. And there isno denying that students consider the future jobs when choosing their field ofstudy, since a profitable job does play an important role in one's life.

However, choosing the field of study merelybased on the availability of jobs may cause some problems. First, theavailability of jobs in every specific field changes all the time, since we nowlive in a rapid developing society. No one can make an accurate predictionabout what field will be hot in four years just as he enters the college. Thehot fields today will be saturated so fast if all students flood into, and theywill be much colder when they graduate. Even given some fields will remain hotin many years, but the content and methods of work will change inevitably dueto the rapid development of technology. So making such a prediction does notmake much sense.

Secondly, the ultimate goal of collegeeducation is to mold the youth into the qualified civilians, not the technicians,who in return will mold the future of our society. But the job-orientededucation will suppress the students' talent and interest, which may not matchthe jobs much well. So many geniuses will quenched in that kind of education.In another word, job-oriented education can be a misunderstanding of the truemeaning of college education.

Furthermore, job-oriented college educationwill jeopardize the knowledge structure of the whole society, if all studentschoose their own major merely based on availability of jobs. Some fields offundamental research, like theoretical physics and systems biology, don'tprovide many opportunities for jobs, but they really have a significantimportance in the society. And such field really needs some brilliant brains fromcollege students. To some extent, we cannot imagine what terrible consequenceit will have if all people just flood into several hot fields and cast thefundamental research away, which can promote the development of societypotentially.

To sum up, the job in future is a factorthat students should be taken into consideration when choosing the major, butit is presumptuous to be the only one. College students should make theirdecisions based on a combination of several factors, like their own interest,the demand of the society, and, of course, the availability of jobs in thefuture.

greenbeanmeimei 发表于 2012-3-6 13:03:36

本帖最后由 greenbeanmeimei 于 2012-3-14 21:06 编辑


babyenoch 发表于 2012-3-6 13:32:39

本帖最后由 babyenoch 于 2012-3-7 21:48 编辑

Should college students choose their field of study based on the availability of jobs in that field? The speaker claims so. In my view, however, that college students should base their choice of a field of study on both their own interests and the availability of job in that field.

Admittedly, looking forward to the maximize profit is taken for granted, since education is a stake in our future. It is earnings to the investment in the college education to find a good job. Therefore, considering the career prospects of the field is natural, when choosing a field of study. On the other hand, students face with higher employment pressure that before in that regular higher education is accessible to the majority of young people. Thus, more and more students choose a field of study based solely on the availability of job in order to fining a good job after graduated in the spirited competition.

If, however, everyone considers the field of study in the college as a preparation for the future career, many problems will arise. First, almost all the graduates flock to the few job looking like have many job opportunities. This is a logical result in that the cognitive abilities of the common people are similar and that the development of the future is unpredictable. It can be seen clearly from the hot of lawyers, MBA, and so on. As a result, these popular jobs can become saturated quickly, and thus many people cannot find a good job in these fields and have to change their occupations.

Second, if students choose the field of study only based on the availability of jobs in that field, as an individual, a student will lose the fun of developing his/her own interests. It is painful to study without interests. Therefore, some students may be addicted to network game in order to airing their pains. There are many such examples in my university. As a result, they still cannot find a good job but dally away the valuable four years.

The education of university is not only prepared for employment, but for the development of students' ability of self-study and though. Therefore, students should choose their field of study based on both their own interests and the availability of jobs and develop interests in certain subject, and make the best of such opportunity for it will not easily meet him/her again in his/her life if he/she miss it. The interest is the best teacher, and it can help them to find the career that is best for them. Given that his interests cannot meet the need of society, he can support himself by various ways, such as learning a practical skill.

In sum, it seems true that the students should choose a field of study based on the availability of job. However, students cannot ignore their interests since interest is the motion of study. Thus, the best way is that students should put the interests first while taking into consideration the availability of job when choosing a field of study.

cinkie 发表于 2012-3-6 20:41:00

本帖最后由 cinkie 于 2012-3-9 09:54 编辑

28min, 427words

Choosing a career is definitely the first thing a college student would consider. It is of great significance that might influence the whole path of the development of the student. Job availbility is surely a considerable factor, nevertheless, we need to carefully evaluate different situations in selecting a job.

To begin with, what most college graduates concern about is the salary and future of a career. Admittedly, this practical consideration is reasonable since students need to feed on their own and make ends meet. Also, the fierce competition of jobs drives student to be more realistic than any time of the society. In order to live a better life, before entering colleges, students consequently choose majors that might help them have a promising future. Suggest a student, who is not so good at computer programming but has great interests in philosophy in a relatively poor family. He has heard that majoring in computer science would make him easier to find a job four years later. Facing the realistic dilemma, he would most likely choose computer as his major rather than sociology, which might cost a large amount of money but with a vague future.

Moreover, the society needs practical workers, instead of passionate dreamers. Society can be best operated when everyone has specific jobs to do. Choosing a major based on the jobs availability would make the view of the student clearer and spur him/her to specifically learn this discipline well. Hence, once students graduate, they would apply knowledge learned in college to their working field.

However, sometimes interests could be the most compelling motivation in pursuing a future in certain fields of study. We always say interests are the best teacher; they would inspire students to learn with more passion and higher efficiency. Since the student loves the discipline with heart and soul, he/she is likely to earn better performance and make a contribution. This phenomena is usually seen in science and liberal arts. Moreover, the development of a society not only needs practical workers, but also serious researchers. It is the progress of technology that promotes the development of human.

To sum up, choosing a major is hard for a student and we need to take into several essential factors into account, say economy, interest, prospect, etc. Choosing a career based on jobs availbility could mitigate the difficulty of finding a job, but the student might regret later that he/she does not follow hiw/her heart. Interests are of great importance in pursuing a higher achievement, but we also need to consider the realistice monetary situation.

chasedream2012 发表于 2012-3-6 21:11:29


本帖最后由 chasedream2012 于 2012-3-8 10:34 编辑

      According to the title of the statement, the speaker asserts that college and university students should choose major according to the accessibility of occupations in that field. However, from my perspective, I cannot agree with the speaker to some extent and my reasons are as follows.
      It is true that the availability to get a job is of great significant for college students since good jobs are indispensible part of motivations for students to pursuit higher education, which consume students a great amount of tuitions and years of time to study in universities. If graduate students cannot seek a job then their most basic living stands cannot be guaranteed; let lone they also need to confront things like marriage, buying houses and taking care of parents. Nonetheless, the speaker contends that students should choose the field most "availability" to get a job. What dose it mean? Perhaps the speaker want to advise students to choose majors such as computer science, law, and medical etc. fields which are easy to seek a decent job and also can bring them a lucrative career. But under close examination we can find that this assertion is actually problematic and I will scrutinize them respectively.

      To begin with, if every individual has adopted this suggestion to take a field which is accessible to get job, then the field alleged “availability of jobs” will inundate with surfeit students and consequently these fields will be highly competitive and hard to get jobs. Consider computer science, the field which is very hot in present day and age, if every one choose computer science, then the job market of IT cannot content so many graduate students, as a consequence some students will fail to get jobs. Moreover, we should also aware that not all students are suitable to computer science, law, medical etc. the fields easy to find jobs, and even assuming that those students have occupy in these fields in final, it is hard for them to get a sense of achievement in their occupations since they are lack truly interest in these fields.

      In addition, those fields which are easy to get jobs cannot ensure that they are accessible to get jobs years latter. This view can be best illustrated by the example of bioengineering. In ten years ago, when bioengineering, an interdisciplinary of biology and engineering emerged in last decade and it is easy to get a high-paid job at that time and myriad students swamp into this discipline in latter years. Consequently, many graduates majored in it are hard to get jobs in these days since the job market has already been saturated and this field develops not very well. So we can come to the conclusion that the field is availability of jobs in present age dose not indicate that they still can develop well in the future for every can transform dramatically.

      Further more, even the area, alleged “cold” fields like philosophy, history, anthropology and pure mathematics etc. it is difficult to get occupations in these fields while these fields are truly of great significant for the development of society and nation. Philosophy, history and anthropology can help people to explore ingrained nature of human kind and support answers such as know who we are, where we are from and what is meaning of life etc. The research of pure mathematics can lay foundation and afford powerful impetus to the applied science and technology. Nowadays, governments have already realized that it is tough for graduates in these fields to get employed and increasingly money and fund have bee allocated in these fields to generate job opportunities; therefore students major from these subjects still can get jobs as well. We can assume that if all of students embrace the suggestions made by the speaker then no one will engage in these fields and our society and nation cannot develop in a health and stable style.
      In sum, no field is available to get job or inaccessible to get employed absolutely, students should take into their interest and talents accounts as well excluding job availability when they are choose their majors. What students need to do is hard working in their fields and boosts their marketable skills, and they should believe that they can be hired if they can really contribute to society and enterprises no matter what fields they come from.


良药重口 发表于 2012-3-6 22:34:51

本帖最后由 良药重口 于 2012-3-7 18:22 编辑

College students graduated from university will face the difficulty of hunting jobs. The author advises that students should choose the field of study based on the availability of jobs in that field. It might be true in some conditions, while it needs more consideration before college students make the conclusive choices of the field of study.

Of course, making a choice of study will be crucial in a student's whole life and a college student must be responsible for his or her choice. It's unwise that a college student choose a field that is unacceptable in job markets. The interest could not be the only considerable factor in choosing study fields. According to a famous head-hunting company's survey, there are more than 80% successful people who choose their careers based on the availability. They analyze that phenomenon might be attributed to the fact that a more pragmatic field would not only provide more jobs but also promoting opportunities. Therefore, the statement reached by the speaker seems plausible.

However, if we only involve the pragmatic factors in choosing the field that we might devote our full life to, we may pay a heavy price, which we cannot afford. Not all college students who go into college intend to get a seemly job. There are increasing number of students who attend to college for the reason that college can provide free academic environment to achieve their life dreams. In addition, those students who choose study field only based on availability of jobs would fail to find the true meaning of their lives. I cannot image that a world where people do things just for some pragmatic reasons would progress.

Furthermore, the development of society and the achievement of science and technology often owe to a great deal of "naive people", who devote their lives into some field seems have no future in the views of those "sophisticated people". For example, the found of penicillin would be one of the most great discoveries in 20th century while the founder A. Fleming was cultivating a kind of bacteria which seems futureless. Likewise, Copernicus was doing something without any promoting chances and finally established his famous heliocentric theory that significantly changes the world in his time and leads to the liberties of people's minds.

In conclusion, it might seems presumptuous to request all college students to choose study fields only based on the availability of jobs on that fields. Moreover, a wise choice of study field need not only the consideration of the pragmatic factors, but also should take into account the interest, as well as the personal dreams.

琼央 发表于 2012-3-6 22:39:31

本帖最后由 琼央 于 2012-3-10 19:13 编辑

神啊救救我吧859字啊囧 我是不会告诉你我把它当高考语文作文写的=口=虽然我一样写很烂。。。
The statement suggests college students base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. Certainly the author doesn't come up with the idea without careful thinking, and he/she might actually be warned by the long-lasting slump in which college graduates struggle to find a job, not to speak of a decent one .In this sense, to choose a job-promising field of study seems to well guarantee a fund, a sense of complement, and a stable life.

The author indeed makes an appealing suggestion. The society had witnessed excellent financial students devoting themselves to the stock market and becoming millionaire overnight; accountant students being offered a well-prospect position right after graduation; IT students easily supporting themselves either by working in famous companies or running their own business at home. Numerous examples indicated that once some accepted into a great demanding field, his/her future career has a higher rate of success.

But is that true?

Sadly, that's more fantasy than reality. Since the job market is a dynamic one and the availability itself may end up all in a sudden, a wise college student should never choose a field only because the potential job opportunity. Consider the following example. Son of my father’s colleague once told his experience. We call him Jack here. Jack is a really smart boy and got admitted into a renowned university in southern China. Well informed of the vista of Applied Optics and lured by the good money as an Optics Design Engineer, he chose A.P as his major in 4 year time without hesitance. At the time when he was still a freshman, machines using LED technology was in the hit, so most graduates of his major found pleasant jobs with ease. However, along with more and more schools providing similar courses and A.P graduates, the job market showed signs of over-supply: students graduating from average schools find it hard to get a job while graduates from well-known universities can hardly receive satisfactory salary. As things went worse, 3 years later, Jack decided to study the postgraduate program instead of hunting for a job. He just had no faith in finding a job in that cruel competition. The fad, no matter field it concerns, will finally fade away indefinitely. One fully depends on the job-providing trend will suffer from it later.

In addition, even though the study-job theory may bringhope to the students hunting for jobs at present, an expedient more describes it. Anyone should have known that the possibility of a college graduate finding a job depends mostly on his/her own capability, but not the availability of jobs in a certain field. Imagine a financial graduate and an English graduate at the same time applying for the clerk position in a bank. Both are of the financial graduate (f) and the English graduate (e) from a famous university, same fundamental education background. In further study, the f had merely 2.8 GPA in his major, neither internship record nor relevant experiences, and showed disappointedly ignorance of finance during the interview. In contrast, the e had great talent in English document writing with a 3.8 major GPA, several finance-related certificates and worked as an intern in a foreign capital bank since sophomore. Although we do not decide for the employers which one to take, we can still make a brave guess that the English graduate is much more preferable.
However demanding a labor market may be, one without certain capability will undoubtedly lose in the very place.

Eventually, better to suggest college students choose a field of study according to their distinguished characters, such as interest, merits, past experiences, life expectation and some other factors, than to base on the job availability. People with differences choose different jobs are natural and needed, or the society will function abnormally for the simple reason that a talented gardener can’t do the bakery’s job. But regretfully, it is already part of the truth nowadays. We see students being so eager to enroll in the business major, and leave Philosophy, Education, Politics, History and some other departments yelling for new blood. We also hear of parents push their children to the industry field regardless of what great artists they will be. In this sense, maybe in the future, an ought-to-be philosopher plays the accountant performance, an ought-to-be photographer earns a living by working as a secretary, an ought- to-be athlete sits at the desk programming all day long, etc. In doing so, we may kill the possibility of a future Nobel Prize winner, a Pulizer’s winner, a future champion in Olympics, and so on. We are not saying that people choose a right field will absolutely make remarkable progress in it, but to choose a field of study base on the job availability is, for sure, not only a waste of genius but also an obstacle to the future development of the world.

In conclusion, concerning the changeable labor market, the effectiveness of the strategy and the awful outcomes coming after, it’s wise for college students not to base their choice of study on the job availability, but on their own characters.

asahi 发表于 2012-3-7 03:56:39


zlatan9 发表于 2012-3-7 09:53:37

本帖最后由 zlatan9 于 2012-3-7 21:28 编辑

50分钟啊,。。。。考试怎么办啊。。。。695 words

There surely has some links between the fields of study and jobs when a student is searching for a job. What subjects one chooses when he enters college or university, in my opinion, the field for him in working is due to be. I personally strongly recommend that one should seriouly take account of what he learnt in university or college when selecting jobs.

Firstly, for new workers, it will definitely be easier to accommodate a new job which has some relationships with the familiar field. It is surely the rookie time will be a better time to the job selectors when the job is familiar. Also, the fitting perieod will be reduced, that is, one is able to fit the new job, new environment easier as he is familiar with these new job, especially the major aspects. As this period reduced, one can make great contribution as he could to the employers as fast as possible. As familiar knowledge will make more progress to a job which is in this familiar knowledge. In this fast developing society, the importance of time can not be more larger, and in the opposite view, bosses are surely more willing to hire these specific workers. For this reason, I think one should get a familiar job, say it in another word, concerning the field studied before is important to choosing a job and necessary.

Secondly, once chosen a job basing what studied in university or college, it will be surely that fewer mistakes will be made, in the contrast, one can do better than others who are amateurs in this field. Making mistakes in working is always to be embarrassment, especial some naive problems, which will do harm to impression of the boss. And to avoid this condition, I mean that reducing mistakes as one's best, a better solution is choosing a field which is the field once you studied. To the contrast, choosing a field studied before, it is much more likely to make great contribution than choosing any other aspects. You have a familiar knowledge to the job's field, and you have proper solutions to problems in the field you reached, so that, you are surely to have a better performance in the job. It is so hard to imagine that an amauture will do better than a work who has more experience. So that, expereince is so crucial to the performance in jobs, and concerning these views, I hold my opinion that one should choose a job basing what he studied before.

Then, in some special majors, students will have to go to the field what he studied while he cannot choose other jobs or other field jobs, even it is a high incoming. For instance, most of medical students is much more likely to get jobs in hospital or medical center. A student graduate from law school is surely to be an attorney nor be a CEO in companies, what is more, students from sports major is due to be a athelet. So, in such special majors, students will have to take account what they studied before, and when choosing a job, it is surely to base what they are good at.

However, it is not absolutely that choosing a job in the studied field will do better to the chooser, that is, there has the possibility that such choices will have no effects to the choice made students, when compared with others, or even a weaken affection. So that, before making the choice, one should careful examine the job whether it fits you best. And of course, someone who select jobs not in his major make great progress, for instance, Bill Gates, the boss of microsoft company, whose major is never to be economist, but he has a most successful company.

The field once studied is so important to one in his life that neglecting these treasures is not bright. Although some disadvantages when working in the same field after graduation, I still hold my opinion that students should take account of what he studied when choosing jobs. It is important and crucial to a work, even a student who is to graduate.

chasedream2012 发表于 2012-3-8 10:45:18

11# zlatan9

感觉不是特别的靠近题目啊,题目是College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.,感觉你有点写到别的地方上去了。当然,也有可能是我看错了。

okqishi 发表于 2012-3-8 16:47:45

本帖最后由 okqishi 于 2012-3-8 17:17 编辑

According to the title of the statement, the speaker asserts that college and university students should choose major according to the accessibility of occupations in that field. However, from my perspective, I cannot agree with the speaker to some extent and my reasons are as follows.
      It is true that the availability to get a job is of great significant for college students since good jobs are indispensible part of motivations for students to pursuit higher education, which consume students a great amount of tuitions and years of time to study in universities.(这句长难句太长了,看得我够呛...估计老美看着也好不到哪去,作为一个母语为非英语的人,如果长难句没有十分的把握,该断的就断,以避免不必要的麻烦,而且短句结构简单易懂、不易出错,老美看着也舒服) If graduate students cannot seek a job then their most basic living stands cannot be guaranteed; let lone they also need to confront things like marriage, buying houses and taking care of parents. Nonetheless, the speaker contends that students should choose the field most "availability" to get a job. What dose it mean? Perhaps the speaker want to advise students to choose majors such as computer science, law, and medical etc. fields which are easy to seek a decent job and also can bring them a lucrative career. But under close examination we can find that this assertion is actually problematic and I will scrutinize them respectively.

      To begin with, if every individual has adopted this suggestion to take a field which is accessible to get job, then the field alleged “availability of jobs” will inundate with surfeit students and consequently these fields will be highly competitive and hard to get jobs. Consider computer science, the field which is very hot in present day and age, if every one choose computer science, then the job market of IT cannot content so many graduate students(applicants), as a consequence some students will fail to get jobs. Moreover, we should also aware that not all students are suitable to computer science, law, medical etc. the fields easy to find jobs, and even assuming that those students have occupy in these fields in final, it is hard for them to get a sense of achievement in their occupations since they are lack truly interest in these fields.

      In addition, those fields which are easy to get jobs cannot ensure that they are accessible to get jobs years latter. This view can be best illustrated by the example of bioengineering. In ten years ago, when bioengineering, an interdisciplinary of biology and engineering emerged in last decade and it is easy to get a high-paid job at that time and myriad students swamp into this discipline in latter years. Consequently, many graduates majored in it are hard to get jobs in these days since the job market has already been saturated and this field develops not very well. So we can come to the conclusion that the field is availability of jobs in present age dose not indicate that they still can develop well in the future for every can transform dramatically.(关于bioengineering的就业情况中国是这样,米国是不是这样我表示不太清楚)

      Further more, even the area, alleged “cold” fields like philosophy, history, anthropology and pure mathematics etc. it is difficult to get occupations in these fields while these fields are truly of great significant for the development of society and nation. Philosophy, history and anthropology can help people to explore ingrained nature of human kind and support answers such as know who we are, where we are from and what is meaning of life etc. The research of pure mathematics can lay foundation and afford powerful impetus to the applied science and technology. Nowadays, governments have already realized that it is tough for graduates in these fields to get employed and increasingly money and fund have bee allocated in these fields to generate job opportunities; therefore students major from these subjects still can get jobs as well. We can assume that if all of students embrace the suggestions made by the speaker then no one will engage in these fields and our society and nation cannot develop in a health and stable style.
      In sum, no field is available to get job or inaccessible to get employed absolutely, students should take into their interest and talents accounts as well excluding job availability when they are choose their majors. What students need to do is hard working in their fields and boosts their marketable skills, and they should believe that they can be hired if they can really contribute to society and enterprises no matter what fields they come from.


zlatan9 发表于 2012-3-8 22:22:55

12# chasedream2012


greenbeanmeimei 发表于 2012-3-14 21:03:17

The statement suggests that college students regard the availabilityof a job as a basis when choosing their future field of study. Surly there hasbeen no time in history where competitions have been so fierce in the jobmarket that students carry unprecedented burden ever. Osillating between pursuinga field of study a student have great interests in with no guarantee forfinancial gain and chasing after a field of study that ensures lucrative careerwith not so much enthusiasm is a common phenomenon among students when it comesto choosing his/her future orientation.

The statement attempts to focus only on job availability asa standard while making preference for orientation of future study field. Theassumption is that job availability offers potential workforce a good prospect,a prospect that ensures higher salary, higher social rank, better professionaltraining and more chances for promotion, thus in the end, a full realization ofone’s life value. In light of this materialized consideration, one can easilyconclude that job availability is indeed an essential element in deciding whichfield to pursue.

However, in the deliberation of whether a field of study issuitable enough for a student, this material indicator alone cannot tell thewhole story. Looking back at the introduction, one could easily see that thereare two conflicting elements engaged in this tough decision. One is the pursuitof life-sustaining, in a sense, job availability; another, as I would discusslater, is the scholar’s real interest and enthusiasm in a specific field. Infact, neither should be ignored, and the latter, in my opinion should be paidmore attention than the former if a student is eager to succeed in his/herfield of research. According to a recent study of cognitive research, interestis as a coping resource in frustrating learning situations and is central toself-regulation and sustained motivation. It is alsoscientifically proved that human mind is 70% more activated when he isperforming activity that he likes.
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