Maverick_3 发表于 2012-3-16 00:24:56


While it may be true that the woven basketsare not unique products of Palea and possibly made by people living in someother districts like Lithos, this author's argument does not make a cogent casefor no uniquely Palea basket. Despite its lacking of cases, this argument isstill rife with holes and assumptions, and thus, not strong enough to be worthwhile.

First of all, we can learn quite easilyfrom the argument that one of the author's connotations is that just likePalea, the Lithos people were equipped with all the skills needed formanufacturing woven baskets and the Lithos had the basic resources for wovenbaskets manufacturing. However, that may be not the truth. For example, theLithos is a desert, full of nothing except stones; however, the Palea is abeautiful place growing with wove, where there might be a panda living in. Wejust do not know. And although the author’s assumption is entirely possible,the arguer offers no evidence to substantiate this fundamental assumption.Unless this fundamental assumption is true, the following statements arerepresentative, valid, and reliable.

Additionally, the author states no moreinformation about Brim River than that the Brim River lies between Palea andLithos, and that it is very deep and broad. And the author implicates that thedeep and broad Brim River formed much earlier than the Palean abilities ofmaking woven baskets. While the Brim River as we see now is deep and broad, itwas such a shallow stream or even nonexistent in the period of Palea and Lithosthat even a little boy could stride over it easily. To strengthen his/her argument,the author would benefit a lot from providing more information about Brim River,such as when it formed and the condition in period of Palea and Lithos.

Having overlooked the ability of humanbeings, the author builds his unqualified implication arbitrarily that theancient Paleans could have crossed the Brim River only by boat, because it istoo deep and broad. If the river is as broad as Atlantic Ocean, it may prevent theambitions of people swimming across the river. We often hear about that a youthswam across some strait, not to mention that some adult swim across a river. Asis known to us, that Chairman Mao had ever swum across the Yangtzekiang-the thirdlargest river in the world. Regardless of whether the Paleans or Lithos was equippedwith the ability of swimming, it may be too arbitrary to say that the ancientPaleans could have crossed it only by boat. It weakens the argument greatly.

To sum up, the arguer's argument mentionedabove is not based on valid evidence or sound reasoning neither of which isdispensable for a conclusive argument. In order to draw a better conclusion,the arguer should reason more convincingly, cite some evidence that is morepersuasive, and take every possible consideration into account to strengthenhis/her argument.


Maverick_3 发表于 2012-3-16 00:26:45

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