happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-16 10:50:07


TOPIC: ISSUE73 - "In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge."
WORDS: 390
TIME: 00:30:00
DATE: 2012-3-16 10:20:27

Experience and imagination are both essential elements for individual achievements. In most fields of studies, they are mutually complementary and interdependent. Although in certain sorts of inquiries which require special characteristics for employees, imagination may overshadow experience in some extent, experience may also own advantages over imagination. The reasons for these phenomena are complex, the reason provided by the issue is only a partially comprehension of this topic.

It is correct that both the reason and th statement in the topic in some fields of studies. In a field where its products require more innovative or flexible features, imagination seems to be more crucial for people involved in. And in these occasion, great amount of experiences may somehow restrain the freedom of imagination for settled habits and principals. Take art for example, artists are required to obtain a great mind of imagination to make his/her works attractive. For jobs like fashion designers or painters, it is always important to maintain their works innovative. In these cases, experiences seem to behave as a secondary role for the aim of art is to creation new work of art to break the rules of settled attitudes and habits. A painter who could only paint his own well done pictures could hardly sustain his prominent status even though his single work of art is outstanding. The only way to maintain his advantage is trying to make breakthrough through imaginative creations.

However, in other aspects of society where experience are highly valued, imagination would be overshadowed by experience by some means. In fields of engineering, experiences are crucial for establish a appropriate plan which is practical and stable. Established examples or principal are very important in these sort of work for a stable strategy could be repeatedly used for many times without being superseded.
A classic design of an electronic engineer for a circuit may be used in personal computer, embedded system or Robert for many times. In these cases, imagination, however, are based on a great amount of experiences. As long as a engineer is armed with enough knowledge and working experiences, he could than try to make some reasonable innovative creations to accomplish a breakthrough.

Given the previous situations to both decide with of those elements is more valuable in practical issues, it may be totally different if considered in psychological way. People tend to appreciate new projects and tend to believe what they imagine is appropriate. Everyone has a propensity to dreaming which is actually a sort of illusion but not imagination. But we are willing to mistake attractive illusions for reasonable imagination. On the other hand, valuable experiences are mostly come from our striving process or failure which could not be so willing excepted by people who has not truly involved inside of it. So the claim in the issue actually provides us with a mental imbalance that we tend to believe but not the real situation.

In the society today, experience and imagination are equally important. They may restrict each other or support each other in different fields of studies. But what we need to care about is to differ illusion from reasonable and practical imagination. Under the circumstances now, what we need to bear in mind is to build a circulation of accumulating experiences during striving and struggling for living while trying to not abandon our spirits of innovation.

390是30分钟内的字数。第三正文段和结尾当时都没写, 练了差不多四五篇了,还是二战,很明显30分钟节奏不大适应,求大神指教剩下15天给3.31还有活路么, 这次真心最后一次了,求综合评价求拍,多谢~

happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-16 10:53:04

Claim: imagination is more valuable asset than experience
Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent o which you agree or disagree withou the claim and the reason on which that claim is based,

happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-20 13:54:28

最近考了次托福,作文始终是300词特别是ISSUE, 望有经验G友赐教。。。还有十天了,这个水平捉急啊。。。。。一战就是3分,二战求个3.5啊。。。

TOPIC: ISSUE54 - "History teaches us only one thing: knowing about the past cannot help people to make important decisions today."
WORDS: 331          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2012-3-20 0:12:40

Dating from thousands years ago, civilizations in different parts of the world had already considered history as an important subject in whatever academic or casual activities. Even though in our contemporary societies circumstances are quite different from the ancient time, they still share some similarities. These similarities ensure the importance of experiences. As a result, I could hardly accept the view of denying the value of history. History and experiences are still relatively conductive in our lives now with a few exceptions.

Throughout a long period of time, scientific technology could shift human mind and behavior into a totally different way. However, human nature is one of our traits which are very difficult to alter. So the experiences derives from the past which is related to the most fundamental human desire or subconscious activities could be very conductive for us to make important decisions today.  Greed could ruin an empire with great wealth as well as a officer who intends to be involved into embezzlement; persistence could achieve Beethoven's legend after his deaf as well as Obama's miracle of first president with brown skin. These are all experiences from history, which could remind us the consistence of human nature would always be able to change our destiny when we are making our crucial choices.

On the other hand, tradition or social convention would not be changed quickly and conspicuously as well. Especially for countries like China or British who has a long history of civilization, a lot of social conventions that has deeply rooted inside of people's spirit are unlikely to be changed after hundreds of years. People tend to maintain certain sorts of propensities even though their living condition or ideology have changed. In this way, we could make a deep understanding of these social backgrounds through history studying in order to make future development of the new society. For instances, China owns a tradition of lighting fire works during spring festival which has lasted for thousands of years. Regardless of this tradition, a policy forbidding this activity rashly in order to protect the urban environment would be unacceptable for a lot of residents who admire this way of celebration. What a executive have to bear in mind is to take both these historical and practical factors into consideration. A mutually eclectic solution would be considerably appropriate for this issue. This example could show the indispensability of traditional social conventions in the process of making important decisions.

However, history is not omnipotent particularly in nowadays when everything is changing rapidly around us. Quite a mount of documentation or record of the past events sometimes fails to be conductive enough in newly developed events. Some may result from the lack of perspective sights, others may ask for a revised way of new comprehension. There are inevitable limitations on history studies for it is only based on past events. These restrictions may cause deviations in our important decisions. As a conclusion, decisions could not be made merely depend on previous experiences or traditions.

To sum up this issue, the studies of past events are meaningful though with its inevitable restrictions. Past experiences and conventions would still be conductive for human society combined with their up to date comprehensions.  

TOPIC: ARGUMENT10 - The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a Batavia newspaper.

"The department of agriculture in Batavia reports that the number of dairy farms throughout the country is now 25 percent greater than it was 10 years ago. During this same time period, however, the price of milk at the local Excello Food Market has increased from $1.50 to over $3.00 per gallon. To prevent farmers from continuing to receive excessive profits on an apparently increased supply of milk, the Batavia government should begin to regulate retail milk prices. Such regulation is necessary to ensure both lower prices and an adequate supply of milk for consumers."
WORDS: 436          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2012-3-20 0:12:40

The passage above indicates that in order to maintain an adequate supply if milk of fair prices for consumers, the Batavia government should cut the price of retailing milk. The intention of this policy might be good, but it would probably fail to recognize the real reason for the high milk price without the answer of a set of questions. The author just rashly bridges three phenomena together and fails to discover their inner relationship whether is cogent or not.

The first evidence provide by the author is the increasing number of dairy farms. Combining with the second evidence that the price of those products are rising as well, the author implying that those farmers are gradually gaining extra profit beyond the reasonable range. But what we fail to realize is that the argument does not give us any information about the cost of farming. What if the land or the price of cow has increased more significant in this 10 years? What if the living standard of the Batavia region has risen to a higher degree? What if the value of the currency there has declined rapidly? The only thing we could know from the information is the income of those farmers are seemingly increased throughout this time. Actually, we have no idea whether farmers have gained reasonable profits by selling milk or not.

What's more the improvement of number of selling could not connect to more profit too. What if the cost of cows and grass would rise conspicuously after more cows are involved into a farm? What if the facilities need more money to repair after the increasing amount of production? All these questions are inevitable to prove the fact that those farmers are gaining outrageous profits.. .

Given the assumption that those farmers do receive excessive profits from milk retailing, it is still doubtful that this strategy is appropriate to maintain the balance of the price.  The aim of this policy is to protect the reasonable profits of consumers, but the argument fails to connect the reduction of price and the benefit of consumers together. What if the quality of milk falls conspicuously after the reduction of price? In order to maintain their profits under the circumstances of lower price, those farmers put water inside milk to lower their cost. Without related policies to keep the quality of milk, the balance is still unable to be kept.

To sum up, it is a common belief that the balance of profit between producers and consumers is important, but the policy could hardly considered to be considerable even if its good intention. As long as the answers for the questions above are in absece, this suggestion could hardly be considered to be conductive or effective.

happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-21 14:42:06


happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-21 15:00:43


TOPIC: ISSUE228 - "The best way to teach-whether as an educator, employer, or parent-is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones."
WORDS: 461          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2012-3-21 14:39:44

Education is a very crucial aspect of the whole society for it would determine the future of our world. The recommendation above indicates that the best way to teach is to encourage the positive actions of students and ignore their negative behavior. I partially agree with the statement with reservation for the ignorance of negative activities is less conductive than the stimulation of positive ones. What we need to bear in mind is to take both of these sorts of phenomena into consideration, because either of positive or negative behaviors could result in  unthinkable future development. What's more, there are still other alternatives to construct an even better education method.

At the first I have to admit that the encouragement to positive behavior is important for individual development. Based on the animal nature of human beings, we tend to choose the way of living which is more remunerative. As a result, when teachers or parents are praising a child for what his/she has done, the child would be pleased to practice these sort of positive behaviors once and once again. In this way, educators could effectively shape a child's behavior through a series of encouragements of positive actions. After a relatively long period of training, those positive actions tend to come into being of part of settled personal characteristics. These process of encouraging result in a well-educated figure with positive personalities.

However, to overlook those negative behaviors seems to be less conductive in education. We are all common people who would do something negative deliberately or without intention. A better way to deal with bad actions or motivations is punishment. There is an analogy of this kind of punishment in social system, the laws. Criminals should be sentenced to be guilty to emphasize the negative actions should never be practiced again. But in the educations field, it seems to be less strict than law and sentences. Regarding the object of education is to guide young wrongdoers to a positive way, warnings or didactic suggestions is very important to prevent them from committing bad actions again. In this way, ignorance just neglects this part of education to prevent future criminals.

Accordingly, based on those two aspects of education, there is probably something more about a better way of education. What we need to do is not only encourage or punish, but also help children to construct a good standard to judge what they should do and not do. Education is different from training, as a result, we need to help children to build a self-conscious based on their own moral standard. Realistically, most of actions in this world could both positive and negative under different standards of judgment. What an educational process should give a child is a guide of dealing of all these situations but not merely encouragement and punishment. That is a layer above the so called "best way of education".

To sum up, education is a important part of social construction and further development. Everyone has experienced the period of being a student, and we all know partially what we want or do not want throughout our education. Maybe the best way of education never exists, what we need to do is to promote the education standard gradually by all of our devotion.


WORDS: 475          TIME: 00:30:00          DATE: 2012-3-21 14:39:44

The argument above denies the value of both Dr Field's experiment result and his approach to cultures of Tertia people. Even though the author provides a set of seemly convincing evidences to subvert the previous ones, we still need several specific evidences to evaluate the argument.

The only evidence provided by the author is that children in Tertia spend more time talking about their biological parents than abut other adults in the village. Then the author hastily concludes that those children were not raised by the whole village. There would be a apparent fallacy here without the evidence that talking more means greater intimacy or a relationship of raising in Tertia culture. On the other hand, the author also fails to provide the evidence to prove that the new result is closer to the truth than the previous observation.  An evidence should be given to indicate that the tradition of raising children in Tertia has not been changed in the past 20 years in order to prove that the previous result is invalid.

Given the assumption that the Dr. Field's observation is with little value, the observation-centered approach may not be wrong. The author simply regards the way in the previous study as a meaningless approach because of its result is wrong. The evidence neglected by the author is that a mistaken result have to come from a invalid approach. If the evidences show that the mistaken result of Dr. Field is because of his personal fallacy of neglecting the fact observed in Tertia, the observation-based approach would still valuable to deal with affairs in Tertia.

To a step further, even if the approach of observation is invalid, the author could not come to a conclusion that his interview-centered approach is appropriate. There is no evidence shows that his investigation result is right. On the other hand, even his result is correct, evidences have to be given to point out that his success of rightly because of his interview-centered method. It might be his equipment or fortune that make his result more valid than the Dr. Field's observation, but two of the methods would probably both right or wrong,

What's more the author is trying to expand the suitable range of his approach to studies on other island cultures. Here lacks the evidence that the situation of those islands and Tertia are all suitable for the interview-centered approach. If evidence shows that residents on other islands could hardly understand letters or languages used in the interview, the observation may be the only alternative way of studying.   

To sum up the evidence above, it might be possible that a new way of investigating insular culture is valuable, but without those specific evidences, this argument could hardly persuade readers to trust the new method, let alone to use it in other fields of studies as an innovation.

joysion 发表于 2012-3-21 20:44:06

我求人互该,把你的习作发到 792680027@qq.com

happyturtle 发表于 2012-3-21 20:50:23

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