lovetian 发表于 2012-3-16 15:36:21

写了一篇I 求各位指点一下

Some people argue that successful leadersin government, industry, or other fields must be highly competitive. Otherpeople claim that in order to be successful, a leader must be willing and ableto cooperate with others.

Discuss which view more closely aligns withyour own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Addressboth of the views presented.

Different from either of the speakers, inmy opinion, those leaders in government, industry, or other fields should beboth competitive and willing to cooperate with others. It is true that acompetitive leader can bring lots of advantage, but in such a complicatedsociety like today, if the leader can be able to cooperate with others, theywill bring more benefit.

To begin with, we must admit thatcompetition is essential in the human society, which can spurs people to workharder and inspire the leaders to improve and make more sensitive decision.Take the Cold War as an example, although this competition between USA andSoviet Union has brought the two countries some loss, many developments hasalso occurred in so many fields, such as astronautics. In order to win in thecompetition, Soviet Union has paid a huge amount of attention and finally sentthe first human being into the space. And Americans also have forced on this sothat they successfully made the first human being touch the land on the moon.These two things which happened during that period of time are just a smallpart of the achievements. Without competition, human beings maybe still standon the Earth and can touch the moon only in their dream.

However, there is no way to let the teamwork efficiently but cooperation. If the leader can just be competitive anddon't know how to cooperate with others, he cannot be a successful leader, nomatter how powerful he is. The leader, who is also a part of the team, mustknow the strengths of his subordinates and cooperate with them in most of time.As a common knowledge, if a group of people want to develop and become strong,all the members in the team should work as an person and collaborate with eachother. This is one representative situation commonly seen in industry orgovernment and it asks for good communicating and cooperating skills of theleader.

Furthermore, the problems we areconfronting today are much more complicated than before and some problems mayeven be too difficult to a group, a team, or a country to solve, like theenvironmental problem or the problem brought by terrorism. In order to solvethe problem such as climate are becoming warmer and warmer or the level ofocean are ascending every year, experts or professional teams in severaldifferent fields should work together and all the governments on the Earthshould cooperate. The leader of such a program is actually more like acoordinator than a boss and he have to make sure the communication among thesedisparate people, teams or governments are clear and efficient, and reconciledisputes when needed. Without a good cooperative skill, the leader will easilyfail to hold all the experts and teams together and the program can also bebroken.

In sum up, I hold the view that today'sleaders in almost every field should be not only competitive but also willingand able to cooperate.

joysion 发表于 2012-3-21 20:45:20

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