mayyoudaisy 发表于 2012-3-17 20:21:56



TOPIC: ISSUE55 - "Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education."
WORDS: 485
TIME: 0:38:00
DATE: 2012/3/17

The speaker claims that competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education. While it may be true that competition bring too much stress to children, under which they may lose the interest in learning; after the nature of children is play. However, in my opinion, the assertion is too extreme. Competition does not necessarily lead to the consequence as the speaker holds.

While taking about the issue of grade and competition, we cannot ignore their root--exam---a controversial but well-used method for evaluation. Well, I must concede that it is examination that brings to children stress and rank: they are scored by such as A, B, C, D, E, according to which they may be treated differently by their teachers, friends or even their parents. But another important point that we cannot deny is that exam is just an easy and efficient way for evaluation. By this method, we can tell how effective this teaching is, how the students have comprehend the knowledge, and even enable the parents know more about their child, both talent and defect, thus adapt their expectation. Anyway, exam just holds some advantages, which cannot easily be replaced.

Now that exam is inevitable, so is competition. It may be true that competition, especially undue one, bring too much stress, which does harm to children both physically and mentally. But this cannot serve to be the reason that we do not fact the existence and advantages of competition. There must be one day these naive children have to face society within complicated and fierce competition on nearly all the fields. For that matter, the controlled and modest competition by means of exam in school can provide children motivation to study hard and better self-knowledge. Moreover, competition enable the children improve their ability of leaning and mental qualities. In these cases, competition does benefit children and equip them with various weapons dealing with their future.

What cannot be neglected is that the purpose of education is not providing children fish, but how to fish; in terms of this, if school only focus on urging children to get high grades, then I am afraid that the quality of learning just be unfortunately limited by such push; after all what really matters is making sure that students have gain appropriate methods and attitude for learning. If a student set getting high grades as his final goal, he may spend a lot of time doing exercises but have few idea of essence of science--not solve the problem in textbook but the puzzles in reality.

As what I have claimed above, when comes to education, both ubiquitous and necessary, competition can motivate children to study hard and dream about the future. What we need to do is cultivate a fine environment for positive competition and focus on the highest goal of learning--not grades or even knowledge but the way of studying and thinking; then we can better utilize competition.
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