Apriori 发表于 2012-3-17 22:56:13


本帖最后由 Apriori 于 2012-3-17 23:31 编辑

2.To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one muststudy its major cities.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree ordisagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position youtake. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways inwhich the statement might or might not hold true and explain how theseconsiderations shape your position.


Culture can be viewed as one of the most important characteristics of society. For example, we may want to know about the society politic, the life style ofpeople, their daily communication and education, and the traditional and historic heritage etc. In these aspects, studying majorcities would surely help to get what we want to learn.

Suppose that we want to get a outline ofthe political life of a society, we could get started from studying itscapital, which often comes first among the major cities. By studying it, wecould know whether the society is still under monarchy rigidly graded into distinctive classes, or it's guided by a group of people, forming a party to search for the best way for the society development. Besides, major cities are usually the economic center and the most prosperous ones. Thousands of people from every corner of the society areattracted by job opportunities to there. Because of the variety of inhabitants in such cities, they become a typical sample which contains various classes used for learning different life styles of a society. So, if we want to know about the common life style of China,we could study its major city Shanghai, the economic center. Observing one typical workday, we could know how they greets each other, which way they choose to commute to work, and how they spareleisure time after they finish their work.

Not only a major city represents thecurrent state of a society, it can also tell its future. In the common sensethat education is the basis of the society, major cities are usually equipped with the most advanced education, one can evaluate the youth ingenuity and creativity, thus predicting the society's further development.

Although major cities could indicate a lot about the most important characteristics of society, merely studying it is notsufficient. As we know, traditional art plays an important role in people'mental life. For example, there're many forms of Chinese dramas, each originating, developing and popular in distinct parts of China. To understand it deeply and how it influence the Chinese culture, one should trace to different cities to understand the deep. In addition, the rural cities, where life style and education are totally distinguished with major cities, should also be taken into account. And the most important, with the globalization in the modern world, the major cities are also embracing international cultures, which may cause collisionwith ingrained and inherent culture the society itself possesses. In thissituation, the major cities cannot be viewed as a perfect example to analyze the society culture, and one may be confused and limited if just study them.

It's true that studying major cities is a good way to help us understand the most important characteristics of a society, but one should also consider other cities and also rural parts to get a overall and average perception.


Apriori 发表于 2012-3-18 19:02:16

有人可以帮我看下吗?在职考真的不容易啊,各种没时间,很焦急啊 T_T
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