月的心灵故乡 发表于 2012-3-17 23:47:53


The speaker asserts that people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. I concede that forces in today's world such as the class and our social circle we are in really have a considerable influence on our
behavior, but in my view the determination of people's behavior is a complex issue that both the forces outside and the people their own are factors.

As people are social animals, they can hardly get away from the affects of forces from the society and their own circles. Since we born, We study the culture and customs of our country, and we also learn the values of our class. If we do not go to a different circle of different customs and values, we will never know that there exists difference. People in term tend to think that what our class tells us to do is correct and what they forbid is wrong. What's more, we will reflect to the forces pushed by our class and regard their value as our own. As a result, when we have children or there are new comers into our circle, we will ask them to do the same. The process is repeated again and therefor the forces putside shape everyone in some degree.

However, a human being's behavior is fundamentally determined by his/herself. It is true that the initial groups we are in largely influence our values and thus determine our behavior. Nonetheless as people grow up and experience more, they will finally form their own values and behavior. A young child tends to imitate because he/she can not distinguish between right and wrong. But an independent adult has the ability to tell the influences caused by outside forces and they will react to these forces, in the form of obeying or resisting. All human beings are motivated by inner forces. If they have more knowledge and experience, they will form their own behavior and personality naturally. As for a society, the consistent and gradually change is also made by these resisting of outside forces and the formation of new characteristics. If the forces outside are always dominant, the society will be static and there will be no innovation and revolution against the tradition.  

In my opinion, the behavior of people is a complex issue and it is influenced by many factors rather than a single factor. On one hand, a society can have a significant affect on a person's behavior and the forces outside will tend to assimilate people. But a person's behavior is still a matter of his/her own fact. In their growing process, they absorb things from outside while they also establish their own ideology which determines their behavior. In addition, the knowledge of different cultures and classes will also influence a person’s value he/she used to have. It is particularly manifest in today’s world. As the expansion of globalization, people will acquire an increasing number of information and knowledge from various cultures. It will be hard for a person to be affected by forces from a single society and the varied values will finally lead to more characteristics and behaviors.

To sum up, we human beings are such creatures that we are intelligent enough to have language and history, and also we come into being a united society. We are influenced by forces outside every minute and we reflect to what they put on us. But we are also changing gradually for our inner forces, which always create different characteristics from a family or a class. It is the “abbrent” behavior and thoughts make our society develop.



何鸭梨 发表于 2012-3-18 09:56:38

第四段 楼主说又many facters影响 但是除了外部和自身 文中没有给出其他因素啊

请问这片多少字 好多啊 。 打不完的飘过....
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