三轴陀螺仪 发表于 2012-3-18 10:17:22


本帖最后由 三轴陀螺仪 于 2012-3-18 10:27 编辑

6. A nation should require all of itsstudents to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.Write a response in which you discuss theextent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain yourreasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendationwould or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape yourposition.

    The speaker asserts that anation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculumuntil they enter college. I fundamentally agree with the speaker. However, Ithink we should not generalize all the students before college to the concept “student”.I agree that the primary school and junior high school students should take thesame national curriculum. However, there should be some elective courses forthe senior high school students to choose freely according to their talents andinterests.
    In my perspective, thestudents of primary schools and junior high school should take the samenational curriculum. There are three reasons why I hold this point of view. Firstof all, the time during primary school and junior high school is the best timefor children to form their fundamental values, such as principle of fairnessand equity, honesty and respect when getting on with others, view of life andso on. The curriculum for these students has a great responsibility to teachchildren these basic values. Thus, to study the same curriculum can bestfulfill this basic education goal for all these junior students. Secondly,knowledge for students at this age is fundamental and universal, and thesestudents have not fully discovered their own talents and interests. Therefore,studying the national curriculum including knowledge from various fields canhelp these students build up their initial interests and discover their talentsand potentials. Finally, the primary school and junior high school students seldomhave the sense to choose things to learn. So it’s suitable to teach thesestudents same curriculum, in order to provide comprehensive knowledge to them.Therefore, I think it’s better to study the same national curriculum for theprimary school and junior high school students.
     However, when comes to the seniorhigh school students, I disagree with the speaker’s assertion. These studentshave initially formed their basic values and view of life, they also havebasically built up their interests and the goals they want to achieve. Therefore,they’re capable to choose the field to learn, and they deserve the right to doso. Thus, the same national curriculum is no longer suitable for them. Forexample, one student who is interested and has talents in art, should learnmore knowledge specialized in art, instead of being forced to learnmathematics, physics, chemistry and courses in which he or she can’t do well.
     In the final analysis, theassertion that the students should study the same national curriculum beforesenior high school is reasonable. However, for the senior school students, it’sbetter that they have the freedom to choose elective courses according to theirown interests and potentials.
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