jingbei 发表于 2012-3-18 21:59:06

Issue 8 第一篇

额 第一次写 其实是马上就要考试的人了.. 括号里面的是没能在计时里面写完的部分(掩面

因为是我自己一个人准备的 所以也就没头没脑的- -如果有人要组队的话...当然欢迎....

哎唷 说不来话请大家多多指教...

ISSUE8 - "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

WORDS: 567          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2012/3/18 12:20:27

Transparency, especially in political realm, is widely cherished and desirable
for current individuals with the improvement, or rather say araise of civil
society.The political affair, though always sounds abstract and convorluted,
is merely about the public benefit that closely connectied with everyone of
us. The origion of politic and governance is how to manage a country or
certain area, for the best of its citizens, thus resulting in the flourish for itself.

To begin with, what is transparency accurantly meaning under the consideration
of a political leader? Transparency in political field, as far as I am concerned, is
the possiblity, accessibilty and the quantity that we could gain some information
from our government. The definition of information should be narrowed in the
area that directly linked with those political affairs in our daily life and academic
necessity. It is of course that those military and doplematical affairs information,
which is legimatily expected to keep in secret are not involved in the our necessity,
except the special case like a spy or any other heretic.

Secondly, what is the benefit that would probablely follow with the sharing of
information? It is obious that with more information of political affairs, we are
better encourage to participate in political life rather than being indifferent with
it. Thus, with this incentive, we care more about our soiety ,think more and argue
more, the visionary future of it is the (information of a civil society, which is the
unaviodable current of a more democratic world. A civil society, where we advance
our common interest outside the family, market and political arena, help individuals
realize the value of ourselves and each other. It is not the same as the state, but is
influenced by the state meanwhile brings challenges for the state as well. Together,
the transparency boosters the rudiment of a civil society, and the civil society boosters
the development of a better state. )
Although we all acknowledge the vertue of telling the truth, benefit sometimed cannot
holdback its disadvantages just as the coin has got two sides. Some people even political
scholars and policy makers firmly asserte that withholding the information from the public
is necessary and desirable. Following assumpitions and contempalations may lead to such
a conclusion.Firstly, the public is usually dull and blind so their behavior is hard to imagine
if certain information is unclosed. Secondly, even the so-called transparent enviroment is
somewhat constructed and every piece of new goes infuently from one to anthor, the rumor
is sure to come which directly destory the ragulation of society and turmoil and disoder flood
in.Thirdly , if the information is withheld by the government, it is obviously easier to control
the society, not only the conduction of individuals and groups, but also the mind even the
idealism. However, these arguments are all untenable and oboselet theories of 17 century.
When we are living in a world, that iliteracy is no longer a plight for the government, mass
mediea has developed into a amazing altitude, that internet connected everyone a part, that
knowlege is accessible with a single click, it is meaningless for any political leaders trying to withold
the full information as a primitive strategy in management. Moreover, variety, which is always
the consequency of full-information-society due to our common sense, brings much more
contribution to the stability of a country , which as has been testified by certain social scientist.
The United State perfectly examplified this conclusion. Therefore, as long as we argue for a
necessary transparency in political field, the soiety will certain benefits from it.

All in all, though it is easy to draw the conclusion and indicate the importance of transparency,
it is always hard to impelment. We shall spare more efforts on the contribution of our civil society,
authenticating the value of it , intensing the impact of it, for it is not only the obiligation for the
political leader, but for us all.

jingbei 发表于 2012-3-19 21:58:40


zhcerwin 发表于 2012-3-21 14:23:44

2# jingbei 换个QQ吧,我最近也准备开始AW,互改好了

zhcerwin 发表于 2012-3-21 14:27:08

2# jingbei 395473343加的时候署名一下
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