普普陶 发表于 2012-3-21 00:11:14

issue 28 各位大牛求拍 3.31伤不起呀呀呀呀~~

28. the surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.

What is the meaning of a great country? A great country is a nation that possesses prosperous economy, democratic politics and colorful culture. Further more, in such a country, human rights could be guaranteed, high technology can be savored and social stability is the theme. In a word, to be a great country, it must equip common people with material prosperity and spirit satisfaction. However, disregarding accomplishments of its elites is irrational and fallacious. Let me elaborate my reasons in the following paragraphs.
First of all, populace's happiness should not be neglected ascribe to it is the straight reflect of a great nation. Gross National Happiness index, which suggested by the kingdom of Bhutan is a norm to judge nation’s subjective euphoria toward one’s country. When it comes up, many scholars from all around the world spoke highly of its meaning and always consider it a good index to weigh a country’s grandeur. From then on, Gross Domestic product and Gross National product are not the only factors anymore, even surpass by Gross National Happiness.
From this, it should say that populace’s attention toward the country, indeed, determine nation’s trend to be grandeur to a great extent. Without insuring the masses of people’s well-being, no matter how magnificent its other aspect, can not be treated as great country. Just as North Korea, a country that insist on planned economy, tenaciously toward its nuclear plan and engaged in making nuclear weapon instead of paying attention to people’s life. Though it became outstanding in its militant region, economic backwardness and low level of common people’s lives by no means introduce them the kudos of great country.

However, as the great nation is a definition that stand on the whole country, though, the well-being of general people is essential, accomplishment of its elites such as rulers, scientists should not be discard. It is like a delicious cake, that general people are flours and elites are sugar. Without sugar, even a most beautiful cake would be bland. Elites are the components of the society as well as condiments that devoted themselves to make important policies and guiding theory for general people. They are provident and use their intelligence to direct their populaces head for great nation.

It is obvious that when we consider a nation's ruler, the policies constituted and implement by them are good catalyst to a nation's boom. Roosevelt's new deal, or Deng Xiaoping's reform and openness, one nation but two systems, and many other politics made for general people boost our country and bring about social thriving, human rights and democracy. Meanwhile, scientists offer us more convenience and amusement when invited communicational apparatus or amusement equipments. Further more, artists also render their art compositions, like music, drama or sculpture to satisfy our demanding for civility. As general people, we benefit a lot from them and ultimately improve our happiness index, therefore foster country’s greatness.

In light of above statement, it is self-obvious that no matter general people or elites, their role in deciding a great nation should not be vitiated. Accentuate its wholeness; a grand country should consider the whole country's well-being and inspire its intelligent people to foster country's development so that general welfare can be ensured.
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