Gerdie 发表于 2012-3-24 23:17:05

新G Issue第一题,求板砖

The statement suggests that the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate because of more and more reliance on technology to solve problems. Of course, the high speed development of technology brings so many changes to our life, which make us live in a dramatic information world that did not ever exist before. We could get recourse on technology to solve our problems, but sometimes it’s just like Pandora’s box. There are many instances to show that humans have become more short - sighted and stupid: the ethnic and cultural conflicts which resulted from the globalization; the growing economic gaps between developed and developing countries and the environmental pollution along with the prosperity known as the Kurt Nick nuclear leakage and the rising sea levels due to the abundant emission of greenhouse gas, which will bring devastating effects to coastal countries such as Japan and Holland. Can you imagine a world without cherry blossoms and tulips? What’s more, the nuclear weapon experiments for the so-called “safeguarding world peace” brings terrorism and hegemony rather than security. Undoubtedly, these changes make us feel living is at stake, even questioning where it is safe. Moreover, we become addicted to the sea of quick information and give up our self-thinking and necessary labor. We are confused; does the technology make us smarter or more stupid.

However, in my perspective, we couldn’t negate a subject just because of its drawbacks, so the author’s argument that the recourse to technology precludes the human’s self-thinking ability lacks detachment. As we all know, the technology allows for convenience. The inventions of the car, computer and phone release additional time and enable us to communicate with friends over world, which was impossible to do before. All of these changes offer us more chances to broaden our vision, to inspect ourselves, to find our defects and then to improve ourselves. In addition, the life and the quality of life get obvious improvement and enhancement supported by the following aspects: the living condition, the education level, the average lifetime, the medical security level and the capacity to handle natural disasters. Given these developments, we are free of the survival struggle and turn to profound reflection of our inside and the outside world. Last but not the least, technology not only offers us opportunity to tackle new problems, but it also creates new issues for us to think about. For example, the proliferation of automobiles has introduced a need for fuel conservation on a global scale. Likewise, the dependence on oil has created increasing taxation and various kinds of trade barriers. Solutions to these complex problems require unfettered imagination of maverick scientists and politicians. Humans would get development in this way and improve the technology in turn.

Technology is a two-edged weapon, which could help us cope with daily problems but may deprive us of our natural ability. And technology isn’t omnipotent. It can’t solve all of the quandaries so they need our ability to think for ourselves not just the instant information from the mass media. Not dependent on the size of the development, the resolution to some conflicts requires our adequate tolerance, sympathy and self - introspection. Regardless of its limitation, the obsessive reliance on convenient technology will lure us to a indolent and clumsy life. After all, the technology is the invention of human to free us, to create a more wonderful world, to liberate our imagination, not to destroy humanity because of our dependence on it and laziness.
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