loly_he 发表于 2012-5-15 13:49:26

issue 38, 求拍~~

38 It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves.
提纲:1. 社会群体能够让人通过认同它来定义个体
      2. 我们自己对归属感和安全感的需要令我们使用这一功能
      3. 虽然有别的定义个体的方式,都间接受到社会群体的影响

Is it the dominating way to identify ourselves by identifying the social groups around us as the speaker claimed? Although there are many kinds of identification in our life, I tend to agree with the speaker that the most primary way is to identify social groups for reasons having to do with the function of social groups and our basic need in social living.

To begin with, one of the most important function of social groups is that identifying people with different characters, ideas and even souls. In our society, people gather together with common interest and purpose, thus social groups constructed by them become a convenient index to identify people. For example, If a student joins in any band or singing group, it means he or she is kind of art lover. And we always define people who fight for protecting environment or endangered species have spirit of universal love and sense of crisis. As higher life forms, people not only combine with each other for surviving and be stronger, but more for share and fulfill their ideas, so as to make it possible for people to define individual by identifying social groups.

Besides, as social groups are indication that could be used by everyone, it is our own need for belonging and security that let people utilize that dictation to identify ourselves. According The Need Theory, one of the most needed feelings of human is being accepted. To make sure that oneself is able to be accepted by at least a few people, of course being accepted by large amount of people is better, people need to ensure that his or her character is similar to some people. And the most convenient way is to identify certain groups and join or contact with it. In the movie The Wave, we could see clearly that how the feeling of identity and security make all the students be fanatic supporters of a certain group which claims to provide these. In short, as long as the need for belonging and security is still intense, we cannot avoid define ourselves by identify the social groups.

However, people who take the opposite views may say that, sometimes we define ourselves by other ways by staying alone and deep thinking. Admittedly, there are many ways for people to identify themselves, such as try to understand profound meaning in literary and art works, choose jobs after comprehensively analyzing themselves and so on. But is any of these things independent from social groups? When a man feels accede with points of a cynical writer, actually he is agree with a social group of cynicism; When a man treats himself sympathy by feeling sorrow for children in country of famine, he actually has identified the influence from humanism group; When a man choose a dangerous but exciting job, he actually joins in the Courage Group existing in all ages. Whatever people use to identify themselves, there are influence from groups placed on that, although it may be indirect.

In sum, most of the time people need to define themselves by identify the social groups around them, to obtain sense of belonging and security. In a world that social groups play such a crucial role, the facts that human are depending on it is with no doubt.


loly_he 发表于 2012-5-20 11:36:13

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