rippersean 发表于 2012-5-30 19:59:54

Issue 2,5 求拍。第三篇,6,16。半高频。

本帖最后由 rippersean 于 2012-6-1 12:36 编辑

Issue 2: To understand the mostimportant characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
The author of this issue recommends that there is a necessity of studying the major cities of a society when one want to understand the most important characteristics of it. Althoughthis claim maybe categorically applied in some circumstances and there needs certain modification, I partly agree with the author.
At the beginning, studying asociety's characteristics from its major cities is feasible because major cities show the characteristics of the society to some extent, in some respects. Anywhere and anytime, major cities are the places where money andpeople crowded, leading to an explosive growth and expansion. The rich resources of all kinds, such as capital and talents, attract many artists and studentswho are eager to acquire art and knowledge, or business company and employee with ambitions who are desperate in making money. Everyone in the subway platforms is working fast; everyone in the classrooms and companies is studyingand working hard with all tension. Rapidity, intension and hardworking are themain characteristics of these major cities.
However, only researching onmajor cities will lead to a prejudice not only in perception, but also culture.Practically, rural areas have a strong characteristic as well which are sharplydifferent with cities'. They are made of different people, different buildings,different works and most important, different life. In most rural areas, people make a living on farming and animal raising, which is quite different from people in cities. This life style is full of peace, not filled with hardworking people, but surrounded by nature. Thus, the characteristic of rural is also important to study a society.
What's more, it is difficult to define whether a single characteristic of a whole society is the most important one. Society is much of complexity that even rural areas and cities are justtwo symbol of society, which can't fully represent a society. Therefore, it is one-sided to decide what is the most important to a society only by studying a single place. Instead, one needs to have a sufficient understanding on the society in all fields, with a lot of hard working. Then, the most important characteristics, which will be persuasive and authentic, can be concluded scientifically.
In a conclusion, major citiescan't represent the whole society, as an integrated society is not just fill with intension and rapidity, but a slow and peaceful pace. Studying the majorcities can know some characteristics, but only by a full well understanding ofa whole society can reach the most important characteristics.
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