风撩月影 发表于 2012-6-2 22:41:15


The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals.

According to the speaker,luxuries and conveniences of modern life may inhibit people from being
strong and independent.Some facts seem to meet with the statement,however I think the statement is just so absolutely to some degree.

Admittedly,new technology make everyday life more convenient and luxury,thus people gradually lost the capability to think by themselves.As people rely heavily on the convenience,they are just getting away from being strong and independent.A long-strand human nature may be the main reason for this:human-beings have a tendency only to care about the results but overlook the progressing,so people won't think deeply if a problem can be resolved by technology or program.For supporting examples one need no further than considering this fact.Some statistic softwares like spss and sas have been widely used,and people especially scientists benefit a lot from it when dealing with data in their research.Unfortunately they often ignore the principle and adaptability of stasis programs,and when they are analyzing the data in their papers they just improperly copy the statistic steps in relating papers mechanically.

The speakers prescription makes little sense when taking these reasons into account.On the one hand,the really strong people are those who are powerful in mind as the really independence belongs to those who can manipulate their mind and behavior without being influenced easily by outside.Thus if one is really strong and independent,he won't depraved by the luxuries and convenience.On the contrary,he will use them as a tool for being more powerful.What luxuries and convenience to us is like what lubricant to cars,which makes our tour more succinct.For instance,the fluxing of palm studying machine imposing figures,sounds and other entertainments into boring study doesn't inhibit the thinking ability of children,but indeed serve to the study of them.And the new technology brings advanced apparatus and facilities to us,especially in science and engineering.With them, we can explore the mystery of our world much more convenient and make our living condition better. On the other hand,the way to use the modern skills is itself a way to be powerful.If we deny the fact,then we should agree that the ability of the professors who use the varies of technology convenience is decreasing days by days.Or they just rely on maintain their authority by copying.

In the final conclusion,whether we can be powerful and independent depends not mainly on the outside environment but on our inside.The luxuries and convenience of modern life is only a receptive instrument.Taking good advantage of it can make our mind more complicated.Otherwise,if we manipulate it as a matter of ineptness,the contemporary beneath will ironically make us depraved gradually and rely more and more on others.

rippersean 发表于 2012-6-3 19:26:10


风撩月影 发表于 2012-6-3 23:54:22


风撩月影 发表于 2012-6-4 00:10:21

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