富士山下 发表于 2012-6-18 10:06:42

作文会有人拍么?If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it ...


If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it are justifiable.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

For most of us without tremendous inheritance from families, to make great endeavor is a road must-taken to accomplish most goals in our lives. However, does that mean we can take any means to attain those goals? Some might agree but I don't, based on the following arguments.

To start with, laws exist for the very reason to contain improper human behavior that causes harm to other individuals, properties, and societies. Going across the border of legal activities in the will of pursuing a goal is by no means justifiable. One of the most simple yet compelling examples would be to rob banks to become rich. There are a multitude of means to grow one's bank account, but breaking the law and causing harm will bring apparent negative effects for both parties. The bank will lose potential customers after the accident and its staff might even go through mental injury. It'll also stir a turmoil in the society depending on its size. As for the robber, it could be even worse. Not a lot of bank robbers could successfully slip away under the intense police radar, thus resulting in their long-term sentence in cold dingy prison cells. The robbed money without a doubt is no where to be seen. Even if the robber does succeed in escaping, he'll have to maintain that life style for the rest of his life, in which he wouldn't even have chances to spend that robbed money since he's always on the run, in the dark.

Further, a lot of people lose their vision as they go too far on the road of pursuit, therefore counteracting their initial goals. This goes hand in hand with how people define "success". Most of us define it as certain social status, economic standing, healthy personal relationships, life quality, etc. Going too far on one aspect would seriously negate the goal. Workalcoholics for example, spend majority of their time reaching the goal of professional excellence and leadership, which supposedly brings them a great sense of satisfaction with their life. The truth is, however, that they spend so much time on work that they have no time to stop and enjoy life for its own sake - quality time with families, inner peace, or even hobbies like sports-watching. The eventual quality of their life is in effect, detouring further and further from their initial goal.

To bring this issue up to a greater level, under circumstances without legal boundaries, we humans as a group should never go to extremes for certain goals without taking into account all aspects of the consequence. Global warming, more and more alarming almost on a daily basis, is an appropriate example here. As developing countries strike forward in their economic developments, cities grow expotentially. One of the side effects is more carbon dioxide emitted into the air. And it's not just developing countries undoubtedly. Motor vehicles that run on gasoline exploit earth's natural resources to a great extent while emitting harmful particles into the ozone layer. People cut down trees to make paper and disposable chopsticks. The list could be endless. All these behaviors help us reach our goal - to improve our life - in a simple and direct way. But the future expenses for these activities could be deadly. With the natural habitats exploited, many animals in the chain could go extinct, which would dangerously disturb the entire ecosystem, thus eventually endangering our own existence; sea levels would rise - even a few inches can completely destroy many of our marvellous civilizations.

To conclude, based on the reasons above, I contend it is not unjustifiable, but also unreasonable to take extreme means for a worthy goal, for us both as individuals and human beings as a whole.
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