mpromanus 发表于 2012-6-22 20:12:16

Romanus的作文修改铺 *2012年8月13日开始暂停,楼位全部已满*

本帖最后由 mpromanus 于 2012-8-14 06:32 编辑



不知不觉Romanus已经在英国一年了。这一年所学甚多,也思考了很多 - 比如本校教育系最新的一项研究表明在使用英文进行的专业学习中,中国学生和native speaker学生相比最弱的是对专业学术性词汇的习得,而不是语法不是语用甚至不是所谓的‘地道’。。虽然我可以想象为神马会是这样,但是估计还是会让很多人大掉眼球的吧。。


首先推荐自用的学术写作入门网站:普渡大学在线写作教室The Purdue Online Writing Lab。

有时间就看全部Academic Writing部分,没时间只看Academic Writing->Essay Writing->Argumentative Essays就好。


1. Romanus不是专职老师,也不专职研究托福考试,因此本人修改标准不代表ETS考试评分标准。

2. 修改质量和格式请参考历年修改铺回顾。Romanus本人认为自己相当手重,所以建议避免考试前晚申请修改。。




1. 需要修改的作文请单独发帖然后把帖子链接回复至此帖。修改会直接修改在链接中的帖子里。不接受直接在此帖内贴作文。

2. 只改independent writing。。不接受integrated writing。。

3. 求修改请附上完整英文原题目,否则只能改语法语意,改不了议论逻辑。。

4. 一天改一篇,以回帖先后为序。每个ID每周限求一次。这是为了让被修改的童鞋有时间好好消化评语,所以请自觉杜绝马甲重复求改。。排队的情况会不定时更新在1楼。

5. 后续问题请站短。回在修改过的作文帖下面我不会主动去看的。。

6. 修改颜色分类:




*Week 1: 6.23 - 6.29*

6.23 songlu87
6.24 timicao
6.25 水果的夏天
6.26 sunshinewu
6.27 猛龙过江
6.28 shendaisy0702

*Week 2: 6.30 - 7.6*

6.30 sunshinewu
7.1 lisicheng123(地板)
7.2 liang0603(5楼)
7.3 dream0611(39楼)
7.4 rayban二代(地板)
7.5 lic158
7.6 westwoodxie

*Week 3: 7.7 - 7.13*

7.7 sunshinewu(5楼)
7.8 水果的夏天
7.10 achillesliu
7.11 Tony998(地板)
7.12 MD100

*Week 4: 7.14 - 7.20*

7.14 Ti_Amo(板凳)
7.15 rebecca小芊
7.16 Tony998(23楼)
7.17 sodapeng
7.18 black_marble
7.19 mayijie
7.20 teenteen

*Week 5: 7.21 - 7.27*

7.21 melaniew
7.22 EmmaXu.95
7.23 llshruby
7.24 Gyps_rueppellii
7.25 igrowing
7.26 诗晴
7.27 windmuhua

*Week 6: 7.28 - 8.3*

7.28 tom_cybamic
7.29 CAPITAL.ism
7.30 rebecca小芊
7.31 Gyps_rueppellii
8.1 mgz009
8.2 maoqiu007
8.3 lazysheep

*Week 7: 8.4 - 8.10*

8.4 shashashashass
8.5 emma1987
8.6 vincychu
8.7 westwoodxie
8.8 zhaoxiaoshuai
8.9 夏天雪飘过去
8.10 eileen73

8.11 Ti_Amo
8.12 maoqiu007




大多数考托福雅思GRE GMAT这些考试的童鞋,都是为了要出国攻读高等教育的学位。。而英美的高等教育中的作文,童鞋们也都知道,是所谓的学术写作。。








大学里应该都有论文库。如果没有,请在到了你所就读的大学之后,把学会看journal article学术期刊上的文章作为第一件要事办好。


另外一个问题,就是,托福和GRE这类考试里所要求写的作文更倾向于expository essay,和高等教育中的学术论文argumentative essay,是不完全一样的。雅思的作文相对来说要接近社科类的论文一些,但是还是不完全一样的。

The Purdue Online Writing Lab非常明确地指出了这两者的区别:

‘Some confusion may occur between the argumentative essay and the expository essay. These two genres are similar, but the argumentative essay differs from the expository essay in the amount of pre-writing (invention) and research involved. The argumentative essay is commonly assigned as a capstone or final project in first year writing or advanced composition courses and involves lengthy, detailed research. Expository essays involve less research and are shorter in length. Expository essays are often used for in-class writing exercises or tests, such as the GED or GRE.’


但是,请注意我说的是 不完全一样。。








秋雨荆州 发表于 2012-6-22 20:24:51


mpromanus 发表于 2012-6-23 06:07:34


jiang08 发表于 2012-6-23 08:16:21



songlu87 发表于 2012-6-23 09:58:19

本帖最后由 songlu87 于 2012-6-23 09:59 编辑


mpromanus 发表于 2012-6-24 09:30:15



timicao 发表于 2012-6-24 11:40:14

Do you agree or disagree:the communication skill is the most importanat factor contributing to one's success

Through taliking with employers we get our first job; by having a conversation with older we gain some insightful  knowledge about study, career and life as well; thank to communcation between political leaders, we enjoy a paceful and flourishing life. Therefore, in this modern society, communcation has played a crutial role in our daily life, which can promote understanding, enhance progress and strength peace. So many peole may claim that outstanding communication skills is the most important ability contributing to oursuccess. Remarkable though it is, there are still exist many skills and feats which is essential to one's success.

Undisputablely, equipping with a good communication skill can surly bring us considerately benefits and then make us more close to our success. First,a excellent communciation skill can ensure you a good career. A typical example involes job interview. You may firstly impress you future boss vie your impressive capacity of perfectly responsing to their questions and then you get a job which is the first step towards your success. Meanwhile, the ablity to continue a discussion can provide us numerous information which may be vital to us. For instance, a good skill of communication can help us get some useful mssages from our theachers, predecessor students and colleagues.If your have not the ability to go on a soomth conversation, how can they provide you what you desire to know.Last but not the least, some exchanges have a significant meaning. If you are lacing of the ability to communicate well, how can you handle it soometh and make some huge fruit. Such as the talk between two political leader. In this situation, a good communication skill means solve probles, promotes cooperation and advances development, all of these play a pushing role in each nation's further development.After bringing so many benefit to his/her country, then s/he must be considered a successful leader. While a poor communication skill can couse totally difference on that condition, such as misundestanding,confilition and even war.

Although communication skill is profund to one's success, we can not overlook a serious of other personalities which can not be obviated, such as honesty, patient and confident, etc. Success is a process which need to be abained step by step, so many characteristics may involved to make their contribution. Embrancing honesty, we can win trust and then build some strong relationships, who can give us help along our way to accomplishment. Always being patient, can provide your a careful mind and then ensure you avoid some unnesscessy obstacles. Also confident is the indispensible component of success. And it can make you always stay optimistic and hopeful.

All in all, I consent that good communication skill can have tremendous contribution to one's success, but we also need to keep in mind that only a good communication skill can not lead to final success and other elegant personalities also have a share.


timicao 发表于 2012-6-24 11:40:59

水果的夏天 发表于 2012-6-24 12:17:14

It is more important for the government to built new house than preserve old and historical building.

With the development of society, people were almost using up great land resources. Then they began to built new house and remove the old one. However, in my view, I totally agree that people should preserve old and historical house. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, old house is the symbol of historical country which historian can help identify the source, structures and tools to extrapolate about civilization‘s economy, work habits and trades. By analyze books and literatures can not visually observe layout of ancient city as well as the design. If government built new house instead protecting old ones, it is impossible for people to explore and know it specifically.

Furthermore, many preserved architectures are unique which represent historical culture. New York has status of liberty. Sydney has Sydney opera house. Paris has Eiffel tower. We can see a variety of building style because they were well-preserved. For example, when government blindly establish new house rather than keep splendid decoration which manifest distinct cultural value. Our next generation would be bored by tedious and formulaic architecture like skyscraper and tall buildings.

The last but not the least, increasing people became to visit historic sits that tourism more and more developed. People would learn from the relics and broaden their horizon. At the same time, foreigners come to look around that increase income of tourism and make contacts of two countries more closely. Moreover, tourism can promote related industry boom including restaurants, hotels, transportation and so forth.   

To sum up, old houses not only make historian determine lifestyle, but also present unique culture. What is more, it can push tourism forward.  夏天     

水果的夏天 发表于 2012-6-24 12:17:26


mpromanus 发表于 2012-6-25 02:25:32

timicao 发表于 2012-6-24 11:40 static/image/common/back.gif
这是我的作文贴,请楼主多给点建议,谢谢 ...



水果的夏天 发表于 2012-6-25 08:29:48


sunshinewu 发表于 2012-6-25 09:13:54

大谢 Romanus了,怎么有这么好的人啊,一直苦于无人改作文!帖子链接

秋雨荆州 发表于 2012-6-26 20:24:03


猛龙过江 发表于 2012-6-26 21:36:51

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