paisley 发表于 2003-9-24 13:47:51


发信人: leroy (利洛伊 真的开始了), 信区: GoAbroad
标  题: [合集]给UNC的愤怒教授道了欠,他立刻回了信(半小时)
发信站: 日月光华 (2003年09月24日02:32:23 星期三), 站内信件

     juggernaut (鬼谷) 于 2003年09月23日23:48:26 星期二 提到:

Very good!  I had to look up the definition of choleric-  seems like a good
word for me to know.   Although it was  slightly misused in this case, that
is forgiven.  Thanks.
Sincerely,  Professor Jones
PS:  I think most American Professors become choleric when it comes to the d
aily deluge of SPAM.  In most cases, they just hit “DELETE”
Maybe I should do that in the future.
PSS:  Here is some advice.  Decide what you want to do, first.  Research it
carefully and focus on one, or at most, two professors with whom you want to
work with.  Put all your energy into that one Professor rather than the “c
ast a broad net” approach to hope you “catch” someone willing to let you
in (if they are caught, they will soon feel like they are fried and eaten).
I get so many disingenuous messages from young Chinese students each day wh
o tell me that they are really really really  interested in my research and
want to work in my lab.  It does not take me long to find out that they have
not even read my papers and have no idea of what I do.  That makes me chole
ric.  No one likes to feel duped.
PSSS:  The widespread cheating for GRE and TOEFL exams has indeed been docum
ented.  It is now a proven fact that it is widespread and a serious problem.
  I am sure, however, that YOU are not one of the cheaters.  Good luck at Jo
hns Hopkins.
PSSS:  I have 5 very good Chinese postdocs in my lab.  I am not prejudice an
d I get my information from the source about China and the means by which Ch
inese students try to make it to the US

底下是原作者发的信,误把给JOHNS HOPKINS的信发到了UNC的教授那里


Dear :

If you want to apply to John’s Hopkins University so badly, then why are yo
u sending me this message.  You say you are “so interested in my program”
but I have a feeling that you don’t even know what my laboratory does.  You
obviously don’t know what university I work at.

Please do not send anymore SPAM.  There are already many other Chinese appli
cants that deserve our attention.

Sincerely, Professor “FILL IN THE BLANK”

PS:   because of the widespread cheating in China, most US University admiss
ions committees no longer consider the GRE scores for Chinese applicants.   
You can thank your peers for that.

widespread cheating!!!

goldenbin 发表于 2003-9-24 14:23:12


robindxl 发表于 2003-9-24 16:29:30


saintman 发表于 2003-9-25 01:28:02

it is not a good news for us

goldeneagle 发表于 2003-9-25 10:55:43



xiyin 发表于 2003-9-25 11:10:25


六月雪 发表于 2003-9-25 11:13:05


mich 发表于 2003-9-25 13:03:31

这位教授说的的确有道理,现在很多人都没搞清将来要干嘛,就急不可耐的去所谓的陶瓷,假如是我,我也会愤怒的。但是他说“widespread cheating”,我觉得太ft了,我们都是辛辛苦苦考出来的

littlegun 发表于 2003-9-25 20:12:10



starkid 发表于 2003-9-25 20:20:27


huangzhong1027 发表于 2003-9-25 23:45:31

没错,将心比心。其实美国人的思维方式有一点和我们不同。everyone is presumablily innocent。但只要他碰上一个作弊的大陆留学生,那咱在他的眼中就都guilty了。

iloveki 发表于 2003-9-28 13:42:17

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 给UNC的愤怒教授道了欠,他立刻回了信,关于漫天套词和CBT