zy3854 发表于 2012-7-18 14:50:36


In this newsletter, the author cites a series of dates of surveys to weave one veil that could mislead us to draw a conclusion that government should concentrate more on educating people and less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmet. However the increasing from 35 percent to 80 percent wearing helmet and the data of bicycle-related accidents according to two surveys are not solid evidences to support the conclusions. We will discuss below.

The fact that wearing helmets number has increased from 35 percent to 80 percent the author used is intend to assume that people are willing to wear helmets than ten years ago. But there are two possibilities remain to be considered that prices and the quality of helmets. Perhaps, ten years ago the helmet was very expensive and only some stores sold them, thus people could not afford it and that is why people rarely wearing helmets. On the other hand, the quality of helmet was so bad that it could not work out during bicycle accidents, so people considered that it was not important to wear helmets. However, now people do not spend a lot of money to but a high quality helmets, and people's awareness of security have increased. The fact that 35 percent and 80 percent may not be credible in on basis of the two possibilities.

Another study suggests that the number of bicycle-related accidents has increased 200 percent, and the author think wearing helmet cause result, since bicyclists take more risk. But helmets may not be the only reason of it, perhaps the number of bicycle increase rapidly and the new bicycle make the road busy and disordered, so the number of accidents higher than there ten years ago is normal. Moreover if the quality of helmets is awful, and it could not afford any hit, people may not take risk to ride in the road. Thus wearing helmets cause more accidents is un tenable at least we should make a survey about the people's attitudes towards helmets.

Finally, author suggests that government should concentrate more on educating people about bicycle safety or less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmets. It is proper to educate bicyclists about safety, but government do not encourage people to wear helmets when they ride bikes might be unwarranted and obey our common sense. Our government also should manage traffic order and improve means of transportation so that we can reduce the accident rate.

In sum, government concentrate more on educating people and less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmet is partly correct, and we could not draw this conclusion just from these so-called reliable data. To find out really reason of this phenomenon, we need to do many other relative surveys such as helmets and people's attitudes of security and so on.


蘅子 发表于 2012-9-22 16:56:43


In this newsletter, the author cites a series of dates of surveys to weave one veil that could mislead us to draw a conclusion that government should concentrate more on educating people and less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmet. However the increasing from 35 percent to 80 percent wearing helmet and the data of bicycle-related accidents according to two surveys are not solid evidences to support the conclusions. We will discuss below.这句直中要害。

The fact that wearing helmets number has increased from 35 percent to 80 percent the author used is intend to assume that people are willing to wear helmets than ten years ago. But there are two possibilities remain to be considered that prices and the quality of helmets. Perhaps, ten years ago the helmet was very expensive and only some stores sold them, thus people could not afford it and that is why people rarely wearing helmets. On the other hand, the quality of helmet was so bad that it could not work out during bicycle accidents, so people considered that it was not important to wear helmets. However, now people do not spend a lot of money to but a high quality helmets, and people's awareness of security have increased. The fact that 35 percent and 80 percent may not be credible in on basis of the two possibilities.条理是很清晰,说佩戴头盔增多可能是因为价钱和质量以及人们的安全意识增强,但怎么跟论点相结合啊,这似乎能说明即人们觉得安全了,所以多冒险,。。。简单的说,缺反驳

Another study suggests that the number of bicycle-related accidents has increased 200 percent, and the author think wearing helmet cause result, since bicyclists take more risk. But helmets may not be the only reason of it, perhaps the number of bicycle increase rapidly and the new bicycle make the road busy and disordered, so the number of accidents higher than there ten years ago is normal. Moreover if the quality of helmets is awful, and it could not afford any hit, people may not take risk to ride in the road.《=这句逻辑有点奇怪 Thus wearing helmets cause more accidents is un tenable at least we should make a survey about the people's attitudes towards helmets.有一定发展,但感觉欠深入分析

Finally, author suggests that government should concentrate more on educating people about bicycle safety or less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmets. It is proper to educate bicyclists about safety, but government do not encourage people to wear helmets when they ride bikes might be unwarranted and obey our common sense. Our government also should manage traffic order and improve means of transportation so that we can reduce the accident rate.这一点的理由仅仅是违背常理吗

In sum, government concentrate more on educating people and less on requiring bicyclists to wear helmet is partly correct, and we could not draw this conclusion just from these so-called reliable data. To find out really reason of this phenomenon, we need to do many other relative surveys such as helmets and people's attitudes of security and so on.


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