daodao900523 发表于 2012-7-27 23:23:44



daodao900523 发表于 2012-7-27 23:29:26

issue 110
If you get an antique, you must want to know whether it is genuine or fake and what does it cost on the earth on the antique market. One of your choice is to visit the connoisseur to make a judgment. Have you ever seen this scene that many experts are debating one china bottle? But such similar things are happening frequently in any field.
Certainly, we should convince experts, especially, in the field that we know nothing about it. We will believe these information is true, if the reporter said “expert A found a new species” or “doctor B predicted that the volcano will erupt soon”. Because experts spend so much time of their lives on studying their fields. They have done more experiments or painted more pictures than any tyro or people outside of the field. But it doesn’t mean we should believe in them without our own mind. Facing a work of a freshman of painting, experts may make some critical judgment from technical aspect. However, painting is an art of life, which is different from one to another. Thus, everybody can make a unique judgment on the work, including praise and critique to express his own opinion to life.
Experts are often treated as a ruler to measure the things existing in their fields. They are full of principles, experience and typical incidents; in turn, they are easy to be constrained by them. They are inured to obey axioms and reject new concepts, which makes them stop in their fields. However, comparing with the characteristics of experts, tyros are more fond of challenging classics and making their own theories. So we are not surprised that a junior in university was granted with professor because of his resolving a question existing in mathematics field for many years. In another field, such as politics, every list of bill is made by political experts, but they must be accepted by people, if the government really want to practice them. Because people are  direct recipient of the politics.
Granted, experts are the old who are full of knowledge and experience about a given field. Sometimes, they can make more valuable judgment than the young or people outside the field. But we shouldn’t look at their responses as only correct answers.
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