贾汤圆 发表于 2012-7-28 10:31:39

818一战 第一篇习作,求猛拍!issue82、97、100、124

2.思路: 好处:对自己和对国家 -----坏处:费用高,安全问题--- 提出了一些alternative 的方法

The education is increasinglyinternational. The most represented case is the exchange student program. Theprogram is educational and cultural opportunities provided for high school anduniversity students to live, learn and work abroad. The colleges and universities,however, should not set the foreign study as an imperative task.

The recommendation sounds plausible and meaningful.During that semester, students may stay in host families or on college campuseswhere they are exposed to the host country’s culture and language. The student,therefore, can acknowledge a comparatively deep and objective understanding ofethical principles, moral values, political theory, aesthetics, and economics,not to mention an understanding of different customs such as eating habits orbody languages. For example, I, as a scholar, went to George Mason University thissummer. Not only did I learn the experimental economics and game theory, butalso had a direct view on enthusiasm, passion and kindness of American.

In addition, when considering boarder,general case, the fundamental purpose of education is to foster society’s andeven humanity’s future development and prosperity. Studying abroad, as a catalyst,offer a path to achieve this aim easier. For example, Deng Xiaoping, awell-known Chinese politician and diplomat, skipped to France to participate ina work-study program. It is what he learned in France that largely broadenedhis horizon, shaped his mind and offered him knowledge and truth to save China.

However, some practical details, incontrast to recommendation should be considered. A basic question is the expenditure.Consider the high expenditure on studying abroad, if the student had to pay theexpenditure themselves, they, probably, may choose the universities in regionsof lower living standard, which may eliminate the opportunities to broadentheir horizon and enhance their academic ability.

In addition, safety is another inevitableissue. Consider how Virginia Tech massacre warned campus security in America. Thismurderer shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks,approximately two hours, before committing suicide. Although students studyingabroad are not likely to suffer the massacre unfortunately, many other securityproblems, such as steal, robbery or rape case, cannot be neglected.

Certainly, there still exists some ways forcolleges and universities to fulfill their purposes. They can invite somefamous professors, scholars and officers from developed countries to givelectures in campus, which turns out to be a much more economical and effectiveapproach. Apart from that, colleges and universities can import some notableforeign language references, which can stimulate the activities of students tostudy.

In conclusion, studying abroad should notbe compulsory. A better plan may be to further study after graduation fromuniversity, with a better life experience and economic ability.

红烧肉盘子 发表于 2012-7-29 10:03:33


daodao900523 发表于 2012-7-29 17:53:47

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