wryandrew 发表于 2012-7-30 22:40:01

一篇issue 写作,烦请各位大侠狠狠批评指点,不胜感激

9 In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. 任何研究领域,如果不首先接受该领域中过去成就的影响,就不可能会有意义重大的成功。

   Throughout the history of the human knowledge, generally speaking, the structure of the knowledge is spiral ascending, and so is the achievements of any field of endeavor. Although the past achievements in one field are already depicted innovation, in fact, new achievements can not be easily established without the prop of them. however, sometimes the past accomplishments may constrain the development of that field, since no can guarantee the absolute veracity of them. so it is clear that if one wants make a vital contribution, the confirmed and finished theory will always, but not all, become the first choice to count on, and one should inherit, as well as criticize the old.
    frankly speaking, in any field, one who establish the new theory can obviate the influence of the forerunners. like newton have discovered the law of motion, he once said that,the veneration people grant him and the keen perspectives he has are all but he is standing the shoulders of uncountable achievers sa galileo, archimedes and so on. even if we have to admit that newton said modestly, it is very obvious that the past have considerable influence on him and his accomplishments. if he did not notice the thoery of galileo, he can have enough enery to research on the gravity. so it is axiomatic that new contribution can not be made smoothly without the foundation of predecessors' production.
    from the perspective of cognization, turning to the history of the field, which always be the first to occur to our mind, will be the rather effective method to have research on it. the past achievement is to the field just what the materials, such as bricks and concretes, is to the tall buliding. take the mathematical field as an example, if you want to do some complicated calculus works, you would never need to prove the law of the calculus, what you need do is just use them as a basic tool to facilitate you calculating tasks. no matter what fields you are studing, the completed and confirmed always can provide much useful information to you.
    However, we should not regard the past as the absolute theory, given people's reasoning and cognitive skills are always limited. Consider Copernicus who have discovered the heliocentric theory, he did not accepted the geocentric theory wholeheartedly, but he insist his own judgments and observations, finally he subverted the old theory successfully. Otherwise if he believed the old theory with no skepticism, then it is bound to become the obstacle to develop the astronomy. it is the skepticism and his persistent efforts that propelled him to establish the new theory. so we have to take the critical attitude towards the past achievements to precipitate the development of the field.
  in conclusion, the examples above support the idea that the past achievements affects significantly on the new contribution, either as the foundation to precipitate the emergence of followed achievement or may inhibit the development of the field. Apart from the past, the efforts and attitudes of the research workers are also have the phenomenal effects on the establishment of the new theory.
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