paisley 发表于 2003-10-2 13:10:05


发信人: softgenius (我爱linux), 信区: Abroad
标  题: 今天小米给我的回信,获益匪浅啊!!!!
发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Mon Sep 15 22:40:57 2003)

Dear ××,

Thank you for your interest in graduate studies at ××. I will forward your e
mail to Ms. ×× who will be able to get application materials to you. As for
the percentage of overseas applicants who are accepted into the Ph.D. program,
to be completely honest it is very difficult to get accepted directly from Ch
ina, although every year we do accept a number of Chinese applicants. Last yea
r for example we accepted less than 5% of applicants from China. In most cases
we choose not to accept a foreign applicant because we simply don't have enou
gh information about their capabilities. It is difficult for us to evaluate ac
ademic transcripts from foreign universities, and even reference letters can b
e difficult to interpret because of cultural differences, etc. In my experienc
e on the admissions committee, what catches the committee's eye is a strong pr
evious commitment to research, especially if there is a strong and specific le
tter from a supervisor and/or publications in international journals; very str
ong letters of recommendation that indicate exceptional talent and motivation,
or a strong recommendation from someone known to the committee; finally, if y
ou are a graduate of one of the top universities in China that is a big plus.
It also helps to show that you know something specifically about the program h
ere at ××, that you are not just randomly applying to programs throughout th
e US.

huangjin_suzhou 发表于 2003-10-2 13:35:20


chum 发表于 2003-10-2 13:39:04


dorisly 发表于 2003-10-2 17:53:03

试问 满足上述条件其中一个的申请者 全中国有多少

申请时间紧迫 所以仔细研究学校 ps resume rl 作成一个整体 突出自己的potential是最重要的

还有ps一定不要故做高深 语言就simple but elegant就好

starkid 发表于 2003-10-2 22:26:02


Gcanada 发表于 2003-10-2 22:58:32


iloveki 发表于 2003-10-2 23:05:50



Kali 发表于 2003-10-3 06:45:13

最初由 starkid 发布

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