xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-1 00:23:34

[a习作temp] 【GRE作文互助组】小白的作业帖---argument提纲

1. maybe the river is not as deep and broad as before, so that they don't need to use boat to get the other side of the river.
2. although the river is exist, they may have other ways to get to the other side of the river.
3. although they can never go accorss the river, people in other places can go to P and maybe they can get this baskets by treat.
1.the condition of the monkey maybe not the same as that of human.
2.the reason of higher hormone in the first money maybe the age and other environment factors.
3.it is meaningless to compare the first mother and mothers have several offsprings. maybe first time monkey eat more.
1.the decreasing of shoppers maynot have any relationship with the popularity of skatebroading. the reason must be various, like the inflation.
2.the dramatic increase in the amount of litter and vandalism throughout the plaza doesn't mean it is due to the skatebroading.
3.whether prohibiting the skatebroading can surely recover the condition of the shopping mall is not sure.

xiesisiminerva 发表于 2012-8-1 12:02:47


xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-2 00:25:14

1. although Adams has more real estate agents, we cannot say F is not as goog as Adams. maybe F has greater efficiency.
2. revenue last year cannot represent that Adams consistently runs in that good condition, or perhaps F sells cheaper that Adams, and the area of F is not as good as Adams, so that Adams has greater revenue.
3. the issues between last year and ten years ago are not the same.

1. does the increasing population indicates that there are more accidents?
2. We don't know the main reason of causing the accident, so whether limiting the usage of M takes any action is doubted.
3. Situations in S and B are not the same, so the way used in S may have no effect on B.

1. although the global warming may have some negative effect on ice, maybe this area is not affacted.
2. although the area is affected, the food in their original area maybe sufficient.
3. whether the reason of declined population of deer is because of the melted ice.

xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-2 13:34:31

1.Mornach Books has a great advantage of running book stores doesn’t mean he will run the café store in such a success.
2.The declination of the children doesn’t mean the sell volume of children’s books will decline also. Parents now pay more and more attention on the growth of children, so maybe the sell volume will increase.
3.Although the sell volume will indeed decrease and run a café instead of it will surely make a great success, it doesn’t mean that Monarch will be better than the Regal Books.

1.The number of students in Buckingham College is increasing doesn’t indicate it will consistently increasing in the coming 50 years.
2.The average rent of house in this area may not be the same in the future with the recent years. It perhaps some other factors like inflation does some effect on the increasing renting fee.
3.Students may take many aspects like the reputation and the distinguished professor into consideration about whether they will come to this college, not just for the dormitory.

1.The sales volume of exercising clothes and shoes in P is high cannot indicate that Nature’s way will also have a great profit since they may have no interested in the food, and maybe exercising clothes and shoes in P are in fashion in the recent years, or perhaps other kinds of clothes are not as good quality as this one.
2.The number of members in health club cannot represent that people nowadays fancy of the sports. They should give a percentage of people in P of joining the club. Or the comparison is meaningless. Also, they have more desire of joining the club doesn’t mean they will buy these things in Nature’s way.
3.Children are required to take part in the program doesn’t mean they need to buy these things, they may wear the daily clothes to climb mountains to do the exercise, and there are many facilities the government established which can meet their needs.

xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-3 21:57:22

1.The sample of the group maybe to small so that it cannot represent the whole situation in this area.
2.it is unpersuasive to conduct the interview with children. It is entirely possible that they cannot represent the true condition of this area.
3.Spending more time talking to parents does not indicate that children are reared by the biological parents.

1.the situation in the C does not the same with the Maple.
2.the issue of P does not the same with the Maple. Also, perhaps it is not the policy make the increasing price in housing. The surrounding now is different with that before 15 years.
3.whether preventing over-development of the city will have the negative effects on housing price is hardly to predict.

1.We are not sure it is because of the evaluation policy make the students’ grade higher.
2.The reasons of students in O University cannot successfully get great job maybe various.
3.maybe Alpha University more access to the society. We cannot make the comparison between two universities.

xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-5 00:04:45

1.It is entirely possible that not the high speed leads to this result. And the accuracy of the highway patrol is open to doubt, or perhaps many drivers do not know this changing, so the investigation should keep in longer time.
2.whether the condition of B and P are the same is open to doubt.
3.maybe other factors lead to the decreasing of the number of accidents in this area like fewer cars come to this highway.

1.Take a sample just has 300 people may not represent the actual relationship.
2.It is entirely possible that other factors lead to the high profit of the company. Whether executives tell the truth is open to doubt.
3.Although all of these are no doubt, hiring only people with less hours’ sleep may not be sagacious.

1.We don’t know the total number of people who complained about the product, so it cannot represent seldom of people complain about it.
2.Maybe other people also not satisfied with this changing but they didn’t complain about it.
3.They don’t complain when the get margrain doesn’t mean they really accept this kind of new product. All these do not mean they don’t distinguish the two kinds of butter.

xianyejiayu 发表于 2012-8-7 19:58:43

1.Residents who are favor of the water recreation cannot represent that they will really do these reports.
2.Perhaps it is because of the bad quality of the water, people do not have the desire to do the sports. And whether the condition of M can satisfy the condition of water recreation is open to doubt.(水太深)
3.Does the increasing of the function of water recreation indicate that the budget for the facilities in the riverside will also increase?

1.the manager should take great account into the considerations about the main reason lead to the declining of the listeners.
2.the declined sale volume of the record cannot indicate the limited interest to the music. Perhaps there is a serious inflation lead to this result.
3.does changing to news and talk can really make the result of increased population?

1.We do not know whether the less time for local news and weather reports lead to this result, perhaps the decreased quality of these things make this result.
2.Whether the complain from the people make the result of canceling the advertisement contract is open to doubt3.recovering the programs once reported and keep it for longer time may not be sure to rescue the lowered audience and win the contract of the advertisements.

1.It is hardly to think that whether the success of the W station is based on the call-in advice program. Perhaps the more diverse and higher quality of the programs made this result.
2.Through nationwide survey, we do not know the total number of the respondents and whether this survey has any reference points to K station, perhaps K station is a local station, which is quite different with that of nationwide.
3.whether H station may also make a great success if they follow the step W did is open to doubt.

1.It is entirely possible that it is not the honor code policy makes the result of decreased cheating case, and we also wonder whether the real cases are dropping.
2.Whether the students can reflect the true condition is open to doubt. Maybe they only want to keep this policy so that it is easier for them to cheat.
3.Although all the above are correct, it is hardly to say that all the colleges can get such a success.

1.Although S and A are the same kind of medicine, it cannot indicate that they have the same function.
2.the decreased rate of headache may attribute to other factors like doing more outside exercise. Does there is the possibility of other factors do some impact on the result?
3.although the 2 is correct, whether the food with S can be accepted by consumers is open to doubt. And we don’t know if there are some side-effect of the S

1.the nationwide survey may not represent the condition of this place. So whether the jazz fan will spend so much money is open to doubt.
2.the famous jazz players live in this place doesn’t indicate jazz is popular in this area. And maybe other factors lead jazz to be the to the highest-rated radio program.
3.so many people participate the concert cannot indicate the high passion of jazz in this place. Perhaps most of the audiences are from other places.(原A6)
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