cakeluv 发表于 2012-8-3 17:05:36


(用时42.56 字数592)
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather thanunquestioningly carry out the will of the people whom they serve.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

1、        一些人认为政府官员多是由各行业或不同专业领域的组成,所以能够凭个人判断办事。但不参考民众意见,很可能会使得计划变味。例如,某国家正经历快速发展,如果仅凭官员办事,很可能专注GDP增长,而大设工厂,导致环境污染,老百姓抗议。
2、        无条件执行民众意愿是有危险的,不提倡。但从政府官员的定义看,他们应该是一个负责收集意见,组织民众建设社会,并让更多人参与分享和创造大众文化的人。所以他们应该做好信息收集者的工作。
3、        国会的存在以及其作用就是一个很好的佐证。官员收集民众意见,整合后提交国会,经过专家、议员、民众代表的共同讨论,达成一致后,官员才能决定实施。
4、        另外一方面,政府不能孤立民众意见,这会导致独裁。希特勒就是一个典型例子。
5、        就我而言,政府官员的确不能无条件实现民众意见,但在执行政策时,必须以民众意见为基础。

For some people, they may advocates that government officials should conduct plans based on their own judgment, while it may be true that in most countries, government is composed by elites from various fields, these people would do better choices and conduct more reasonable and efficiently, common citizen’s opinions are crucial for a country as well. Without the ideas from people who the government served for, the outcomes of a plan or project may divert to a negative direction which would be defied by people. It is very likely that some countries or regions is undergoing a fast developing in economy so that they might focus on the growth of GDP, thus, if the government did not take resident’s opinions into account, then it may dedicate to build many factories to boost the economy increasing. However, perhaps, this action might cause seriously polluted on local environment and lead to residents’ complaints even the demonstration.

It is possible dangerous for government officials that unquestioningly carry out the will of people they serve, cause people’s will may stems from selfish desire which can only benefit some individuals or small group of people, hence, the cost of government would beyond their ability and would not increase the life quality of the whole nation. But the definition of a government official is who collects people’s ideas and organizes them to build a common society to protect each other and shares the materials and establishes the culture which can be accepted by most people. According to this definition, the officials in government should clearly understand what role they are playing, they are the collector and organizer of a society, as a result, their job is not equal to a king during the past ancient time, they cannot decide which plan should be conducted only by their judgment, instead of it, they should collect people’s will and organize some experts to discuss together if this or other will was available for most people in a country.

For example, the existing of congress and the function of it would be a convincingly instance to prove this assumption. When the government officials want to implement a project, like the health care system, they have to question people’s suggestions and opinions toward this project, if they can afford the cost of it or is there any parts of it could be improved? Then officials deliver a rigorous plan to the congress, only after debating in congress, combined assorted views from experts, senators, and some other officials or representative from common people, and reach an agreement can the officials make a decision to conduct this project.

On the other hand, government official cannot isolate people’s will, no matter, when they design or carry out plans, or it may result in dictatorship. Hitler is a very typical example for this assumption, just because of his own evil stand point, he launched the WWII and spread it to every corners of the world. He dismissed people’s will for peace but insist on preclude all the dissents that have different colors, thoughts and ideology. That period of human being history would never be forgotten by the world, because no one on the planet wants to go through the hell-like experience again. Since, most governments now all accentuate democracy and respect people’s will.

As far as I am concerned, government officials can definitely not unquestioningly achieve any wills people cry for, but they should apply policies mainly based on people’s will, since government is people’s government, only people is the master of the country and government.

自我总结:文章和题目要求有些不搭,没有体现describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous!例子不够多,句子用词不准确。没有明确的开头段,没有开门见山。
已经没多少时间了,速度没有,质量不高。阅读头疼,数学也还没怎么看!9.21G!555555 我明年一定要走啊!
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