landroverlh 发表于 2012-8-4 19:55:21

landroverlh 的习作

8.18 上场

landroverlh 发表于 2012-8-5 18:43:44

8月4日 issue 习作  ————17

According the statement above, formal education tends to restrain our mind and spirit. I think that this statement is too extreme; it ignores the important value of educations to every person, and overlooks the circumstances under which formal education liberate people's mind. In my opinion, in most cases, formal education plays a role to liberate people's spirit, but inappropriate formal education may constrain our mind and spirit.

To begin with, formal education can emancipate people from the backward thoughts. Backward thoughts often seriously constrain people's mind, especially in those emote area. It is the formal education that brings advanced knowledge and thoughts to those people and thus helps them give up these backward ideas which severely limit people's development. Consider, for example, in my hometown, a remote village in northeast China, people once persisted in the backward idea that women were weaker and less intelligent than men. This idea brought very bad effluence to my village. Parents kept girls at home to do farm work, instead of sending them to school, because they thought that girls could not get success, even if they learned a lot of knowledge. However, with more and more people in my home town had a chance to obtain formal education, circumstance got better and better. People began to realize the backward thought was totally false. Now, women in my village have the same chances with men; it was impossible 10 years ago, when people had not chance to get formal education.

Moreover, the formal education is able to stimulate mind and spirit to further palace. Formal education provides every one knowledge and thoughts which is the great products of all the human being and thus can widen people's horizon. With these knowledge and thoughts people is able to think more deeply and freely, and thus make greater accomplishments. For example, only after obtaining the knowledge about economy, people can have a deep thought about how to do business, then, they can establish some new theory in this field. Only after obtaining the skills of computer from school, software engineers are able to design program inventively through their wide knowledge about software. Only after mastering the advanced knowledge about mechanics, the architects are capable to design a building creatively.

However, in some cases, the rigid and inappropriate formal education also might constrain people’s minds and thoughts. Rigid education always sets a unique answer for every question and rejects any other possible solutions. This kind of education will make students lost interests and ability to create. Too often, we can observe, in some area where the education is backward, these students, who are outstanding in study, lack basic creative ability, because they get used to thinking and behaving as the teacher’s requirement rather than following their own ideas.

To conclude, like all the things in the world, the formal education have two sides. On one hand, in most cases, formal education bring people advanced knowledge and thus help people think more creatively and deeply. On the other hand, in some cases, rigid and inappropriate formal education place restrictions on people's mind and spirit.
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