loveJenny0717 发表于 2012-8-7 22:35:13

8.6 issue 54

本帖最后由 loveJenny0717 于 2012-8-7 22:38 编辑

54 In order tobecome well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required totake courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types ofimaginative literature.
Write a response inwhich you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with therecommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. Indeveloping and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances inwhich adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous andexplain how these examples shape your position.

There are no same leaves on the earth,neither are human beings. Every individual is different and special comparedwith anyone else. That’s what makes the world diversified and colorful, isn'tit? We can never make an Einstein out of everyone, neither should we force allstudents to be interested in literature, though it is undoubtedly the mostprecious gifts of human beings. So why not let everyone follows his own heartin the way of growing up. By the way, what's the specifications of “well-roundedindividuals”? Does it refers to people who know everything about something? Generally,however, the most outstanding people in history are those knowing everythingabout something instead of the other way around.

The importance of imagination iswidely acknowledged throughout history, and literature, the highest level ofman’s mental creativity, should be appreciated as much as it can be. Life islike a journey, the most excellent part of which is the scenery it provides uswith. To some extent, every piece of great and classic literary output is theessence of the author’s life scenery, thus reading it will natrually add moreexciting and incredible life experiences and explorations to us. You neverunderstand what love really is before you read Romeo and Juliet; you never know how intense the desire of freedomcan be until you get to know Tess of thed’Drbervilles; neither will you realize the power of will if you does nothave the opportunity to meet Helen Keller. All those people exposed to us theirmost distinguished minds and most gorgeous imagination in their stories. Readingthem will definitely benefitial to both mind and heart. But is it really indispensableto require every college student deeply analyse and study it throughtheoratical methods in revelent courses?  

I could notagree. As long as we have fully emphasied the significance of all these worksto the development of both mind and spirit of human beings, it should up to thestudents themselves to decide whether they want to take such courses or not andwhat kind of books they would like to enjoy. Without a good sense ofappreciating literary works, many talented people still have made astonishingachievements in various fields like mathematics, physics and so on in theworld. We should think no less of Chen Jingrun (a well-known Chinesemathematian) if he does not know Cao Xueqin (the author of A Dream in Red Mansions, the most important and popular classicwork in Chinese history), just like never would we blame Jane Austen when she hadnot heard about the Pythagorean theorem.

All in all, though no one can deny the great role ofliterature in fostering people’s innovation and aesthetics, it is not necessaryto involve every students in systematically studying great works. There is nodefinite and direct relationship between the well-roundedness of individuals and theformal study of literature, as far as I can see.

问号200080 发表于 2012-8-8 14:50:11


loveJenny0717 发表于 2012-8-8 19:15:23

问号200080 发表于 2012-8-8 14:50 static/image/common/back.gif

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