paisley 发表于 2003-10-8 16:33:24

some tips about 套词

发信人: blhuang (Pascal de chine), 信区: goabroad
标  题: some tips about TAOCI
发信站: 饮水思源 (2003年10月04日01:03:45 星期六)

TAOCI BIBLE -- by blhuang

1. NEVER tao 2 profs in one dept.
2. UNLESS you are very familiar with his research, don't tao.
3. THINK OVER before you tao -- if you finally go to the school, you will be kinda fixed to him.
4. TECHNICAL discussion is the only effective way to tao.
5. DO THOROUGH SURVEY of his group and department before you tao. (familiar with other faculty in the dept, at least in the group, and his students)
6. DON'T expect everybody replies your email. actually 1 of 10 is a great success. BUT WAIT at least 2 weeks to send another email.
7. TAO is highly recommended if your GPA is low but research is strong.
8. DON'T TAO if your GPA is high but research is weak.
9. TRY to talk to him face2face, or at least over phone -- that's much more effective than email.
10.TAO is NOT VERY USEFUL if the dept offers TA as financial aid. TAO is HIGHLY useful when the dept offers RA. so RA/TA distinction is REALLY the first thing to consider.

huangjin_suzhou 发表于 2003-10-9 09:46:45


auteur 发表于 2003-10-9 12:00:13


lze 发表于 2003-10-10 10:40:20


josie-liu 发表于 2003-10-10 11:43:26


笑语 发表于 2003-10-12 02:42:48

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